Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Barbie Wednesday

Hello Friends!

I love collecting Barbies! I enjoy sharing them with you and reading your sweet comments, stories of your own and questions about them.

I was three years old when I received my first Barbie. She was a special doll to me. My Mom let me know when I was old enough to understand that she was my first and so I made sure she always was my most well played with doll.

I used to dress my dolls up and try to comb their hair (never cut) pretty. I would then make Mom be the pagent judge and judge which doll was the best looking.

Because of the era that I grew up in, some of my favorite dolls were my Disney Princess dolls.

When I was young we would go to a flea market that had a Barbie room. Although I don't remember it, I am told that I would just love the Disney Cinderella Barbie and all her accessories.

iv>For my fourth birthday I received the entire set! I am lucky enough to remember this occassion. I also have photos and a home video of this Birthday. I will look for them soon to share.

I will always remember that Birthday as one of the best!


I remember having two or three Beauty and the Beast, Belle Barbies. I also had Snow White, Jasmine and Mulan.

I loved spending my days playing on the floor, setting up my little house for Barbie and only worrying about how I could get Skipper's cute outfit on Barbie!

Although I know that I never ever pulled on my dolls heads, I had when I was little, several Barbies and all of my Kens Heads fall off. I don't know why but I know I didn't pull them off!

I hope you have enjoyed seeing pictures of a Barbie puzzle I put together! I found this cute puzzle at a flea market.

Happy Wednesday, Lindsey


Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey ...

That's a pretty puzzle! I enjoy "doing" them, but don't attempt it too often since our cats end up knocking pieces off the table, hiding them, 'n chewing on them ...

I really enjoyed reading about your sweet memories with Barbie! How very blessed you are to have such a kindhearted Mom that has loved you and encouraged your dreams ... weaving precious memories for you to treasure for a lifetime ♥

Hope all's going well for you at work and with your new adventure! You're in my thoughts ...

~ hugs ~

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I was only looking at jigsaw puzzles the other day and wouldn't a Barbie one be perfect!

Victoria xx

Anonymous said...

Hi, Lindsey! I loved seeing your puzzle come together! All that Pink! ♥

Beansieleigh said...

REALLY CUTE post, Lindsey! LOVE this puzzle! I have only one so far, a Christmas one!.. I was thinking I might post about one of my Barbies tomorrow, but maybe I'll include it today.. we'll see what kind of time I have to play with.. I'd love to participate FINALLY! ~tina

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

A Barbie puzzle! I've never seen one before but this is just great! Perfect for your Wednesday Barbie post and you know how I love puzzles. Love this one too!'s my one-year BLOGOVERSARY today and I'm having a GIVEAWAY! Please come on over and enter and I'd love it if you would help spread the word! Everyone is welcome!

Simply Shelley said...

I always love reading your Barbie stories....thanks so much for sharing them...I had a Barbie puzzle once..not sure if I still do. I will have to look for it no(smile)...

Much blessings dear...

Simply Shelley said...

Whoopsy....NOW not no

Beansieleigh said...

O.K... It's not "vintage", but I posted! Hope you'll visit when you can! ~tina

SparkleFarkel said...

What a delightful way to "piece" together your Barbie story for us! Thank you!

Heidi Ann said...

Hi Lindsey! Yes - I DID enjoy seeing your puzzle, and reading your "Barbie History"!

Anonymous said...

What a nice blog Lindsey.My girls adored their Barbies as well.I have so many of them still in good shape.How nice your mom sounds.You are lucky to have a caring mother as that.Take Care, enjoy the day!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

I like the puzzle, very Pink! It is nice to hear about your memories of your Barbies. My niece loved Barbies, but my three girls were never too interested. They were into baby dolls. In recent years one of my granddaughters liked Barbies so I haven't been deprived in having the fun of shopping for Barbie and her clothes.


Sherry said...

Love the puzzle Lindsey! What a great find!

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Lindsey
Great puzzle. I always enjoy hearing about your love of Barbies and your wonderful collection.

Anne Fannie said...

I love your puzzle! I bet your heart went crazy when you saw it at a flea market!

Jorgelina said...

That's a pretty puzzle!

Unknown said...

Oh how cute! I like that. Puzzles can be fun. I would probably love a Barbie puzzle, LOL!

I love all your Barbie goodies!

~TattingChic ♥

Protector of Vintage said...

Love the fashion styles featured on your puzzle!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey!!! I wanted to stop in and say hi, I hope your job at the scrapbooking store is going well & I read you are on a scrapbooking team too !!! how neat and exciting is that...Love the puzzle,my mom likes puzzles too. Tell your mom I said hi and I hope to be back blogging on a regular basis real soon...Hugs and love, Jennifer

Unknown said...

The cutest couple ever! I didn't know that Ken and Barbie actually did get married! E

Unknown said...

I felt like I was doing the puzzle with you! The end result made my heart swoon. I have loved Barbie all my life too. She was my doll of choice, until Liddle Kiddles came along. I enjoy your Wed. post. It keeps Barbie alive and kickin in all of our lives.

Beedeebabee said...

Morning Sweetie! I loved reading your sweet post as I watched you complete your puzzle! Hugs, Paulette =D

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