Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Barbie Wednesday

Happy Barbie Wednesday!

I love looking at the amazing pictures of Barbies on the internet. You can find some amazing photos and I wanted to show you this one. A close up of a Brunette Ponytail Barbie.

I really liked this ad too! It says, Mommy, in the olden days, did you have a Barbie doll?
Mommy, how do you make a pin curl?

Mommy, do blue shoes go with a green dress?

This ad features two American Girl Barbies.

This is a new ad this year for the 50th anniversary celebration for Barbie!

I love this picture of Barbies going down a runway. Isn't she beautiful?!

In 1976 Barbie was named the Doll of the Decade and was placed in a time capsule to be opened in 2076. I wonder if I will still be around for that? Hmm...

The first Barbie doll convention was held in New York City in 1980 and value's of the older doll's went up!

Blue Rhapsody Barbie was released in 1986 and was the first limited edition doll designed to appeal to collectors.

Thank you for stopping by! Enjoy the rest of your week!


Anonymous said...

What amazing photos! I loved the old ad with the mom and daughter. I ordered myself a Barbie calendar for Christmas for my hubby to give to me (that's the way I do it around here!) and it came today.It has lovely art print drawings. I left it in the cellophane wrapper and will be a good girl and put it up until Christmas. Thanks for sharing!
Blessings, Sarita

Beansieleigh said...

Love the little salon set! I had a more modern one when I was a girl, and LOVED it! I had more fun with barbies than anything else, back then. It was never hard to guess what I'd like for birthdays and Christmas! ~tina

Anonymous said...

Oh how fun! Is that a teddy bear under the hair dryer? ♥

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

My friend collects the collectible Barbies but I prefer the pink label ones from the 80s - they remind me of childhood!

Victoria xx

Madison said...

Pretty! The only vintage barbie I have is the Brunette Ponytail Barbie. I love her!

Unknown said...

Barbie Wednesday Hello! I will be mailing out your lamp soon. It never had a shade, but I think you could create a very cute one! Would you be interested in creating two Christmas pages for me with the CC paper similar to the Dutch ones you sent me. I am helpless at layouts. $20.00 for two? Let me know. Talented girl you are! E

SparkleFarkel said...

Happy BW! I love the American Girl Barbies ad! Olden days' Barbie's purses were the best-- I could see myself collecting those in a minute! By the by, I forgot to tell you, when we celebrated Puppet's birthday #17 on September 5th, THIS was her cake-- my second piece was eaten on your behalf!

lori vliegen said...

i just love barbie's my favorite day of the week! wonderful photos....that super close-up is fabulous! :))

JANN said...

hi sweetie, I still have my original Bubble hair cut Barbie from when I was once around 7ish ? Her poor skin is turning a strange color but she is still intact on her doll stand.
Dressed in a mini skirt, white fishnet stockings, white boots and white sunglasses - yes really :)
On my shelf in my art room. I have a pic of her, I should post it for you to see. LOve your Barbie post- have another good day.

Melinda said...

Another great Barbie Wednesday!
I'm going to have to get my Barbies
from storage. :)


Elyse said...

i love barbie wednesday!


Dogwood said...

I never played with Barbie but sure did enjoy the photos. Some of them are so beautiful. I like the American Girl Barbies.

Unknown said...

I simply must get with it and get into my Barbie Box and see what I can find to post for a look and see. I love Barbies too...I even played with them in the Fairyland. I had a blue Barbie jeep...I always wanted the pink car and never had one but the jeep got Barbie, Midge and Alan and Skipper all over the trails in the Fairyland.

Rebecca said...

Had many Barbies! Grandma made all the clothes for my Barbie so needless to say my dolls had quite the wardrobe! Thanks for stopping by my blog. It does seem we have much in common. Other than the love of thrifting, I am from Missouri. I was born and raised in Branson before moving to Seattle. Your puppies are adorable! Even cuter in the after photos!!!!

Sue McPeak said...

Hi Ya'll....Neat to see Mom and Daughter sharing such fun things together. My GrandGal is still into Barbie, and I've made lots and lots of Barbie clothes over the years. Enjoyed your blog and will come again to see some of your KaBillion Blogs listed. Thanks for visiting and following CollectInTexas Gal....Sue

M.E. Greene said...

I don't know what it is about the old Barbies that just makes me feel so nostalgic! Barbie was one of the very few toys I had as a little girl, and my grandmother always knit little clothes for me. At the time I thought they weren't as cool as the store-bought Barbie clothes, but I look back and realize that I was blessed with the finest Barbie clothing EVER! My Barbie had matching handknit cardigans/skirts, coats, dresses, and even shorts & tops! :)

Have a great weekend, girls!

Winchester Manor said...

Fabulous post! I still have many of my Barbie's, clothes, cases and a cardboard house from the 60's. I just loved my Barbies as a little girl and could never bear to part with any of them. I'm so glad I didn't! I really enjoyed this post and the close up photo of Barbie is divine!


❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Cool pics , I got my first Barbie around 1963, but she's long gone. Every girl in my neighborhood had a Barbie. We loved to have them get married. There were not many Ken dolls that we had ,so some Barbies were always dressed as Ken to even things out. I think that is funny when
I reflect back on it.8-)

Anonymous said...

Great Barbie post!
Love that first close-up photo ... but I have to say that it made me cringe a lil bit ~ those earrings just look soooo painful!! How does that "old" saying go? ... You have to suffer to be beautiful ?!?
Hope you 'n your Mom are doing well, and that the weekend is wonderful for you both!


The Pink Birdhouse said...

Hi! I was thrilled to see that you had become a new follower on my blog. Thank you so much for the nice comment, and for your visit there recently. Always nice to "meet" new people. What an amazing post this is. I recently was able to bring my old Barbie and Skipper dolls home from my mother's house, where they have been living ever since I got married almost 30 years ago. I was going to blog about them, my dear beloved dolls, and this post has definitely inspired me to do just that. Such good memories, playing Barbies with my sister. Have a good evening, Debby

Shirl said...

Hello, thank you so much for stopping by! Love your post on Barbie's. WIsh I still had mine. Gave them all away, when I started high school. Bummer!!!! Your new banner is soooo cute!
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Lynn said...

Hi ladies, don't you just love the vintage Barbies, I too love them walking down the runway :) I grew up in England in the 60's and we didn't have Barbies, that I know of, we had Cindy's.
Great post :)

Dawn said...

SO sweet of you to drop by, thanks for your kind comment! I appreciate it.
What a wonderful idea, sharing a blog. I hope one day, when I am a mother, I will have such a close and harmonious relationship with my children as the two of you have.
Lovely blog! I love the banner.
Come by again some time!
xo country girl

Marina Capano said...

Lovely post!
