Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hello Friends

We are having a very wet and dreary weekend here.
Since we're not able to get any good photos we thought we would share a vintage card to perk up your weekend!
Feel free to print this image! Enjoy!
Lindsey and Twyla


Protector of Vintage said...

We could use some of that rain, too! It's very warm though, and I'm liking that!! I love the card. I could look through vintage cards and postcards for hours. Take care~

Dogwood said...

Darling. I love vintage cards and postcards. Rain! Or, I am soooo ready for fall and rain and cold, cloudy days.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this sweet image! Twyla, what is this I hear you have never been camping! Oh this needs to be a project! Maybe we could find a campsite near an Antique Mall for you! E

Sue McPeak said...

We've had some very welcome rain and a couple of dreary days, and today is still overcast. Thanks for the 'PickUsUp' card. We all need one every once in awhile. Thanks for visiting on Pink Saturday. If you'd like to see the Red Formal I mentioned on Saturday, I got it posted today. See ya there...Sue

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, a Sunday post from the two crazy crafters! Thanks for the image! It's rainy here too but so much cooler and brezzy! Nice! ♥

Anonymous said...

How cute, it looks like they are floating along in a thimble!

We have had cloudy skies and wind but no rain...I do wish it would though! Maybe tomorrow!

queen-of-nostalgia said...

Hello gals! Have I mentioned lately how cute the two of you are? :) You always brighten my day :)

The Tattered Cottage said...

Hi Twyla & Lindsey -
I think I can bring some sunshine to your wet and dreary day.....You are the WINNERS in my Giveaway!!! Send me an email with your address and I will get your prizes right out to you.
Congratulations and thanks for playing,

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I always enjoy seeing vintage images from you ladies!

Have a great week,

Victoria xx

Stacey said...

That's a cutie. :) It finally stopped raining here today. We are totally water logged. Mushrooms are growing everywhere. Hopefully it will dry out a little now.

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Thanks for sharing your vintage card image. It's so sweet!
Have a great week. I'll be back to visit again soon.

Heidi Ann said...

Sorry your weekend is dreary, ours is just hot, but I do have a cold, and your sweet little card you shared gave me a little pick-me-up! Thanks!

Bearly Sane said...
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Bearly Sane said...

Pretty! Pretty! AND PINK!! Well her dress is and so is the bow!Thanks Twyla.

Happy@Home said...

What a darling little card. Thank you for sharing it with us. I hope the sun shines on you this week.

parasols and maryjanes said...

Love this sweet image. Thanks
Hope you get your sunshine this week.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the vintage image. Hope you are feeling lots better!
Blessings, Sarita

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

I love this vintage post card! Thanks so much for sharing.8-)

Anonymous said...

Wet 'n
doesn't sound good, at all ...

If I had a Magic Wand I'd wave it over your house and make the sun shine all the time ♥

Thank you for sharing one of your adorable Vintage cards ... you know I'll "snag" that one, for sure! I do hope that your weather improves greatly, and soon, too!

~ hugs ~

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Well, you know love with vintage cards! This one is soooo sweet! Thanks for sharing this today!

Christie said...

Hey Twyla and Lindsey!
It's been a soggy one in the south too. It's raining alot here lately, but it's also been cooling down our 90 degree days to around 85 degrees! It's still so humid here though. Oh, I'm still so wishing for fall, for a real fall...I also am wishing I could live some place that has 4 real seasons...we get summer and winter here in Northwest Florida. We are seriously thinking of moving sometime in the next couple of years. I think I'm so ready!

I sure do love that vintage card! You always find the cutest ones...I love your hang tags too!

As always...I enjoy the Barbie posts ...I love that beauty shop...what I would have given, to have had that when I was little!

I hope you have a great day!
Big Hugs,

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I saw Barbies on this blog today and thought you would enjoy it!

Sherry said...

I hope you get some sunshine soon!


Christy said...

hello twyla and lindsey! thanks for that sweet vintage image! have a beautiful day! xx

Unknown said...

I started singing Up, up and away, in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon...up up and away....The vintage card is a sparkle in the day. Thumbs up to vintage everyday times. Thanks for coming to visit my Barbie post today...I'll haul out my other friends very soon...and snap away for blogland.