Hello, my friends!
Have you ever gone to the beauty shop for a little trim and got more than you bargained for?
Well, sometimes it happens with groomers, too. This was the dog I left at the groomer. . .
. . . and this is the dog I picked up!
I honestly did not recognise my own dog! Where did his ears go? No groomer has ever cut him so short. To her credit, he was very matted and in need of a good clipping. He is extremely happy to be free of all the tangles and now he's not so hot.
After some getting used to and realizing he does have the same mannerisms as Muffin, the new look is growing on me! After all, who could resist this adorable face?!
Spencer was also a woolly little poodle. We were pleasantly surprised when we picked him up!
What a beauty! It is hard to believe that beautiful baby was under all that fur!
TOO CUTE! I know how good it feels when I get my hair cut, so I can imagine how they feel. Isn't it wonderful God gave us these little creatures to enrich our lives?
Blessings, Sarita
Oh my gosh, Muffin and Spencer are both adorable!!! I want to doggy sit for you : ) I love their new hair cuts, thank you for the smile : )
They both look very happy with their new hair cuts! I bet the feel better. But I must say it would have shocked me too! What a funny post.
Hugs, Diane
I think they are wonderful, but I am not sure you got the same dogs back. It is amazing how different they look.
What nummy, little doggypies! And they look like best friends, as well! If there is a stick, do they carry it together? I bet so! Thanks for this lovely bow-wow-alogue!
awww cute!
I hope he doesn't feel too cold now! lol he will need a little blanket, bless :-D
Rose XXX
Bless the cuties
Victoria xx
That is tooo funn! Looks like a completely different doggie :) They must be very loved - I can tell :)
Cute, Cute, Cute...xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Hi Twyla
You are right, Muffin looks so different. I expect he feels all cold now without his fur. You will have to knit him a coat! Both dogs look so smart.
Hope you are having a lovely Tuesday.
Good morning, Twyla! Oh! I wish I could pet them! ♥ I'm so glad you have such sweet puppies to fill your house with cuteness and love! I like the hair real short like that! I'm not sure i've ever actually seen a poodles ears before!
Isn't that funny how dogs know what's supposed to happen at certain times? Lexi is the same way. On the otherhand, our cats think it's time to eat 24 hours a day! ☺
Enjoy your Tuesday, sweet lady! ♥
Good Tuesday Morning! I had to smile, because we have a cocker spaniel, who looks more like the cottonelle puppy when HE gets done at the groomers!! Muffin and Spencer are both a couple of cutie-patooties, and I'm sure they are feeling just as good as they look now, bless their little hearts! ~tina
Ohmygoodnesss!!! They're both so adorable! They look so totally different with their haircuts! I can tell you are a proud Mama to these two fur-babies! I really miss having a dog. I always had one, as a kid, but our daughter is allergic and my husband doesn't really like dogs. Can you imagine?! So we have a fat cat instead!
Have a great day, Twyla!
I can't believe they cut Muffin so short - I'm sorry I giggled a little. We actually like to get our Katie cut like that. She's a lab and the shorter her hair is the less mess we have to clean up!
Ohhhh Sweet Heaven!!!
I cannot begin to tell you how awesome this post is, Twyla ... or how much it has made me smile ... You know I love those precious fur-babies to pieces ♥
The exact thing happened with Cocoa on her last visit with her Groomer, too ... it does take awhile to get used to the new look, but I'm betting both of your babies are just loving it now; especially with the warm days still upon us...
I must confess that I burst out laughing when I saw the "after" photo of Muffin ... he just had that adorable look in his eyes, and he also looks like a white version of Cocoa Puff, now!!! It just tickled me so much!! I really wish I were there for a visit with you ... we could just lounge around and sip Iced Coffee's and love on Spencer 'n Muffin ... Fun!
Hope you're feeling well, and enjoying your day...
They are adorable! I love dogs! My sister keeps saying isn't so weird how we just have these animals living in our house.LOL Have a great week!
Love, Madison
Oh, seeing your cute little dogs makes me wish we could have a dog in the family. (I'm allergic). Thanks for the charming post and have a great day!
I can imagine Muffin's new do was a bit of a shock. He is still a little cutie ~ just a littler cutie. All of your photos are adorable. Dogs sure do add a lot of fun & love to our lives.
Thanks so much for your recent comments. It was so sweet of you to say such nice things & really put a smile on my face.
Have a lovely Tuesday.
Two dogs in one! A shock for sure but oooh...SO CUTE! Love your sweet wonderful pups! Love the pics!
OMG...that is so adorable! Our little guy went to the groomers last week too and we had the same results. I keep saying his name just to make sure it was actually him. : )
Great post! Both your puppies are soooo sweet.
I am in love. They are too cute. I adore animals especially cats and dogs. Their unconditional love is too precious. Enjoy your day. Dogwood
Oh Twyla,
You're so cute. What fun before and after photos!
I bet you were rather taken aback with these newly primped and coifed poochies. Glad to hear Muffin has passed the interrogation process and found not to be an impostor! :)
My doggie knows when it's biscuit time too - I had started to give her a biscuit when I was making my smoothie in the blender and now she's in the kitchen like Pavlov's dog, every time I turn on the blender.
Happy week and delicious nummies to all!
Oh my gosh, your boys are so cute! What sweet little faces. Don't they seem extra chipper after getting clipped? I used to have a little terrier mutt who would get so happy after her fur was trimmed. Hmmm, I guess I kinda feel the same way after I get a haircut, too! Thanks for sharing those cute pics of your babies.
Too funny! They are adorable. (Please check my blog for a surprise!)
Soooo cute!!
That is to fun!They look so totally different .
:) that made me laugh
it looks like your dogs turned into puppies!
They look adorabale...just too cute with their new haircuts!!!
Deb :)
I love the haircuts, and think Muffin looks like a puppy again. They are both just precious. No wonder they are the light of your life.
I just loved this post.
They are a couple of lovey doveys. But that sure was a change for Muffin. He went from muffin past cupcake all the way to petifore. Hey that's funny...PETifore.
Enjoy nummie time!
Oh my Spencer is so darling and so clean! I had this happen to my sweet Kona dog too, they had clipped her so short I just had to laugh when I saw her.
I enjoyed your post today.
Take care,
Your little dogs are precious!!! They both look like puppies with their new short cuts! That reminds me the three little schnauzer girls are needing a bath and clip!
Hope you have a great Tuesday,
They really are the cutest and must deserve a treat after such a day! heehee!
Oh my gosh-if there was no "before" picture of muffin, I
wouldn't have recognise him. They both are sooooo cute!!!
I do LOVE the new look. Just think not more pulling with the brush. We keep Puddles hair short and he loves it, so do I. I would have never thought they were the same dogs.
Years ago I had a black Poodle and when I picked her up she had really short hair and was acting not like herself. When hubby got home I was telling him that they cut her to short and she was acting mad. He then went on to tell me I had the wrong dog. Oh no I don't have the wrong dog and OMG, I did have the wrong dog. Mine had one tiny white spot under her chin and I thought they had cut the white hair off, not thinking it was white all they way to the skin....duhhhh. Lucky me when I called, the other owners had not been there to pick up my dog. I never when back, they should done better than that with the kennel switch.
How surprised you must have been! They're so cute, either way. I bet the "kids" were feeling a bit different, too.
Thanks for sharing the experience with us. I love the amusing way you wrote about it.
See you again soon!
This was a fantastic post. I love your special fur-babies. I have my poodle cut this same way, it does take getting use to but they do seem to feel better freshly clipped. It is good they have each other to snuggle with when they get chilly :)
YOU are my type of person, crazy in love with their doggies and not ashamed to confess it - hehe.
So glad I found your blog, thank you for becoming a follower of both my blogs - very sweet. I am going to put a link on my blogs to yours :)
Thanks for sharing such a adorable post....happy day to all of you.
Just look at those two...I love dogs...I tend to give them all a kiss if I can. That started when I was about 3 and my mom was constantly telling me not to kiss dogs...I like their fat little noses. So, here's to your sweeties from Sadie Mae, Misha Mae and Jacqueline. Kisses goodnight and all is right in the world. I love the fact you visit my blog often. You and your big heart!
What precious little cutie pies!!! Cute with all the fur AND without! Give them each a kiss on the nose for me! Hugs, Paulette :o)
so cute!
April xx
They look so cute!!! Love the haircuts!
Twyla, This was the funniest post ever! I didn't even recognize Spencer! Sweet smiles for my day! Elizabeth
I like the new looks! You have two very sweet dogs! But I can see why you weren't sure the one was yours! Wow, nothing at all to go by.....:)
Oh! they are adorable but what a drastic cut! Eek!
Awwwww look how sweet they are :) Although I agree Muffin is kinda scalped I think his face is absolutely adorable right now without all that hair. I have never sent my Cooper to the groomers, I am afraid he will be traumatized so I got a kit and do it myself, too much work though I tell ya, I can now understand how groomers could end up cutting too much.
awww! poor doggie!! he looks like "where did all my fur go?" lol!!
They are adorable.I can remember I time I took my dog Eli to the groomers and i usualy get a puppy clip.but I told her this time its so hot leave a little fur dont shave down to far.I was shocked, he was comfy.but I noticed she didnt get all the old fur off and I brushed for a month trying to get that all out of his fur.What a mess.
Your poddle is funny I remeber a while back in high school i had a poodle and they do act funny after getting clipped.They seem to know they look good,ha.
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