Life just couldn't be any more beautiful right now! Southern Missouri is experiencing unseasonably low temperatures and humidity. This is a picture of my sunroom where it feels very good to spend time in right now.
This beautiful vintage birdcage was a gift from my friend, Elizabeth. The birdcage was enchanting already, but she made the precious bluebird and lovely felt roses to embellish it.
Isn't it just beautiful?!
I love old things. I love collecting little items that I know have some real age to them. Especially if something is dated in the 1800's. I decided to group some of these items together in a jar.
I also like to think of my grandmother's before me. My son, Jordan, has done lots of research into our geneology. It is neat to me to know some of my grandmother's names. I had a grandmother named Hannah Finch and one named Charlotte Fairfield. I especially like that I have one named Charity, one named Freelove (that was her first name!) and a great grandfather who's first name was Pleasant.
I gathered the old thread spools that were aged and slightly stained, and started adding some elements that were sweet to me. This greeting card is very old.
I found the picture of this little girl in an antique store and just loved her. She looks so sweet. I added her to one side. I decided to add a special momento to each side of the jar.
I found these crochet hooks in a little antique store in a small town. They were definitely special enough to go in this jar.
I don't know if you can tell by the picture, but they were hand whittled! I like to think of some loving husband long ago patiently trying to shape the hook for his wife to crochet with. They were used, you can tell by the smoothness of the wood and the lovely patina. I can only imagine that maybe one time she needed to stir a little bottle of paint and used the end of her crochet hook. That is the only reason I can think of why the end of the large one is painted silver.
The blogging world is full of so many talented women. I am lucky to say that I have met many through our blogs and now call them friends.
This package arrived in the mail from one of these special ladies, Paulette of beedeebabee. She makes beautiful pins that she crafts from felt and needlebooks. This one is so beautiful and so sweet. Her workmanship is impecable. Thank you, Paulette!
Wouldn't my great great grandmother's be amazed at how we can connect with other women today? We are very fortunate to have this internet connection and know of other's who have similar interests and arts as ourselves. I cherish the connection that I have with so many of you and hope that you always feel warm and welcome when you stop in to visit with Lindsey and myself.
I hope that you all have a wonderful week! Twyla
Your sunroom looks so inviting, and I love the jar you have put together everything compliments each other.
Very nice stopping by today.
Hugs Diane
You are a lucky girl Twyla to receive such beautiful gifts. I adore that birdcage!
Thanks for giving us some peeks into your sun room, Twyla!
How sweet of Elizabeth and Paulette to send you goodies! I worked with felt as a teen and would like to try it again.
Your jar is very special. Those crotchet hooks are so great!
Sounds like you had some pilgrim ancestors! What lovely names! I only know the names of my grandparents but no further back. So sad. Researching my family tree is something I want to do too.
I feel so blessed to have the Internet connections that I have. Some people roll their eyes at the whole thing and accuse us of living in a fantasy world. Well, it's a nice fantasy! ♥
Ooooh.. I am FASCINATED with the crochet hooks! I wonder how old they are, and love that they are hand carved!!.. and then I wonder how many beautiful and cherished items were made by those hooks.. What a wonderful find! ~tina
What a delightful post! I love the bird cage...and the big jar is wonderful! I want to make something like that soon!
The felt roses on the top of that birdcage are just luscious.
I like your photos of the stuff in jars ... you've got a nice eye for composition.
Perhaps best of all I like that you are not embarassed about letting your romantic, old fashioned sensibilities shine through!
This is such a beautiful post...so are the treasures that have touched your heart. I hope you have a great day!
Big Hugs,
Oh Twyla!
I so love the sunroom honey. It is so open and airy. I also love the birdcage and the roses and blue bird are just precious. What a wonderful gift of love. I also love your little bluebird sent by your blogger friend. It is so delicately sewn. The stitches are just beautiful. Isn't ancestory wonderful? I have so many family members with such different names too. They were so original back then, and nobody worried about what others would think of your given name. It was carried with pride. Nobody ever thought of changing their given name to something else. Wouldn't our ancestors be shocked? Please stop by and say hi. I would so love to have you visit. Country hugs, Sherry
Hi Twyla,I enjoyed your post very much...those crochet hooks are wonderful. Wanted to let you know I received my slippers and I love them. Thank you so much for them....
A very blessed week to the both of you!
oh yes,that birdcage is very lovely....love it....
You are so right about how our grandmothers would be shocked. Imagine back in the day that a woman who lived in rural Oklahoma or Missouri may not talk to someone outside of the home for quite a period of time!
Your birdcage is sweet. I love the string all gathered up in the jar!
What a beautiful post! I love the jar and the things you filled it with. I think it's so special to remember people from days gone by. We all leave a legacy and it's so nice to see that when our time on earth is done, others remember our significance and share it with others. I feel very peaceful after reading this post. Thanks for a wonderful feeling!!
I love antiques and vintage things too. I love how you put those treasures in the glass jar. That birdcage is beautiful. What a wonderful idea to paint it white. What lovely gifts from your friends.
You're so lucky to be able to track your family so far back! What wonderful names too!
I think those old crochet hooks are the sweetest things I've ever seen! And you made that jar look so pretty!
The birdcage is just gorgeous too! I love those old cages with the glass feeders. Yes, I agree, the blogging world is a wonderful place. I've met so many amazing women here, like you and your sweet daughter Lindsey!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful treasures Twyla!
I, too love this blog connection with special people like Lindsey and you. You showed us such beautiful things today! Gorgeous bird cage with it's special trimmings, your jar full of vintage delights - and that felt stitched pin!! Oh, my gosh, it's simply beautiful!
Hope you are having a wonderful day.
Hi Twyla and Lindsey,
You have a sweet bird cage and love how you displayed the threads and photos in the jar. The felted pin is also very sweet! Love the little bird. How long before you arrive??
Deb :)
That was such a sweet post, Twyla. I really enjoyed reading it. I feel the way you do about how fortunate we are to have this connection to other creative women and how much I cherish that connection. Your blog is very warm and inviting and welcoming.
I love the jar that you put together-- the string and crochet needles are fantastic. And I love that pin from Paulette, it is beautiful.
Great gifts! I love all the stuff you have posted today! You both find the best stuff to post about! I love visiting your blog and I am so glad you found mine!
Love, Madison
What a lovely post. It's always so fun to research our family's tree. So nice to know something about the ladies who lived before us. Maybe that is where we get our likes for antiques!
Oh and your birdcage is so very pretty.
Thank you for the sweet post.
What wonderful names your family have! Obviously you know I love to hear about my family history and my blog is named after my grandmothers.
Victoria xx
Oh, I love that sweet white wire bird cage and blue bird living inside. Jars of string...so much fun especially the little girl's face on the photo. Nice gifts. Have a fun day. Dogwoos
Oops...the last post was from me DOGWOOD not Dogwoos!
I, too, love all things old. They just have so much character! I receive great joy and comfort when surrounded by my few antiques! I wish I had more! I especially wish that I had more that belonged to my family. Growing up military we moved around alot and acquiring belongings wasn't encouraged! What I wouldn't give to have something that belonged to my grandparents! It pains me every time I hear of people selling family heirlooms!
Sometimes I just think that I was born a few years to late!
By the way....I absolutely love your new look!!
Hi Girls,
I work with seniors everyday and I think that my favorite part of your post is the names of these wonderful old lives with wonderful names. They were all so unique. Don't tell, my I often name gnomes after old folks. I have one called Rudyard Lowes after my grandfather. Your post are always a journey to behold. Blessings on the first day of September.
Hi Twyla!
What a lovely post! I love your sunroom and that birdcage is just adorable! Your goodie filled jar is beautiful, everything works together so well. I liked hearing a bit about your family too...and then I saw the needlebook, oh goodness! Thank you sweetie. I'll be posting about a lovely pair of cozy slippers very soon too!
Hugs, Paulette :o)
Hi Twyla
The bird cage is gorgeous. You received some lovely gifts from your friends. Thanks for sharing. I agree it's so wonderful to be able to connect with friends through blogland.
Hi! It's so nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by for a visit. I love your jar full of threads and especially those crochet hooks! Those are wonderful. I'm going to have to keep my eyes open for some. I love your birdcage too with the cute bird and pretty felt roses. I would've been excited also. Thanks again for visiting AND commenting. Stay warm. I'm originally from KC so I'm a Midwesterner at heart. In fact, heading back to visit family in a few weeks.
Twyla, you are such a dear :) I love coming to your homey blog and visiting with you! I love that jar - what great finds, and what stories they could tell...
I've done some family digging too - I have a Charlotte too! But I love the name "Freelove" - how amazing is that? I would have been delighted to sit and have tea with Freelove and her mother... and with YOU if you lived closer :)
Oh what I have been missing while Alfie and I were AWOL. I adore your new banner girls! It is so representative of you both.And of course your sunroom is just what I would expect. Finally got my ETSY shop up and running so now I finally have time to get back to all my friends. Off to catch up on what you have been doing. Missed you.
Love Lisa & Alfie
Hi girls! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog :)And boy am I lucky because your blog is AMAZING!! and so FUN!! Love all the pretties you share, I love old timey things too and am having a blast reading about your adventures in finding treasures and hosting parties, LOVE Wizard of Oz, I have it on my Itouch and watch it just because :)
I'm going to be here awhile better go get some tea ;)
lots of love to you for sharing your world!
Have a great weekend!
xox ~ Madai
I love birdcages, they are so fun to decorate with. I am working on clipping alot of tags on to one right now, not sure how it will turn out. The needle book is very sweet, that would be something fun to collect. I hope you are having a good weekend.
I like how you have the crochet threads in the jar. Very pretty and I think I might have to "borrow" the idea with some vintage rolls that I have. Earl found some vintage rolls sitting next to the dumpster at his old job. Someone else trash, but they are definitely my treasure!
Have a great day!
We have something in common! Birdcages don't we? Thank you for visiting my blog. Your Birdcage from Elizabeth is Wonderful! Congratulations on your blog. Sue. (Mrs Twins).
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