Welcome to Barbie Wednesday!
I found a 1966 Francie doll last week when I found the Twiggy! It was my lucky day! She is the first Francie in my collection. She has rooted eyelashes!
Included were some Francie fashions!
Mattel has started featuring new Barbie's for the Spring 2010 line! From the popular "Dolls of the Worlds" series, is Russian Barbie. Isn't she gorgeous?!! I love her long blue coat!
I hope you enjoyed looking at these Barbie goodies!!!
I love visiting for Barbie Wednesday!
What a beautiful doll you have!
And, I want Barbie Sheets! Do you think my husband would notice??
Lucky you great find I Love the Francie dolls the real eyelashes are very cool, those Barbie sheets are perfect for any girls bed!
Hugs, Diane
Good morning, lindsey! Happy Barbie Wednesday!
Well of course a doll from 66 would have to have GREAT eye lashes! How fun! ☺
Oh my! What a SWEET little girls room with Barbies on the wall! That would have been a dream come true room for me when I was little.
Ok that bedding is just to die for!!!!
Victoria xx
I want those Barbie sheets!!.. or at LEAST the throw pillow! As for Francie.. I always liked her, because she was "built" a little more like ME, and not Dolly Parton! (0;
Congrats on finding Francie! She is so pretty. I like that flowered tank top. Russian Barbie is absolutley gorgeous.
The sheets and pillows are dreamy!
pretty barbie bedding! that would have been a dream as a little girl to have that on my bed:)
i don't remember ever having a francie doll....she's really cute and i'm so glad you found one!! and that "i love lucy" episode is one of my favorites, too.....these dolls are so fun!! thanks for sharing your wonderful finds! :)
Hi Lindsay
Thanks for introducing me to the Francie doll. She is gorgeous. The Russian Barbie is lovely too and she looks just like somebody out of a James Bond movie. The bed linen is adorable.
Pottery Barn and Barbie - now that is a great combination! E
We are going to get along just dandy in the world of Barbie. I love Francie and I'll be showing my two this month on one of my doll days. I have the bathing suit in the second picture, but my Francie has the dark hair. What a great find! I'll make sure to post a couple of my Barbie stories too, you'll enjoy.
I Love the Francie dolls.
The sheets and pillows are dreamy!
A warm welcome to your new Francie doll! What a lovely addition to your collection! And Mattel does such a bang-up job when it comes to replicating Lucy. Even in these young, Martiany funny-pixies, one can't mistake it: that's a twinkle directly channeling Miss Ball's eye!
I was at Tuesday Morning, yesterday, where I nabbed a little something special for Puppet's Christmas stocking: "Lucy Gets a Paris Gown": a miniature Lucy and Ethel-- SEE IMAGE HERE! Smitch of a Lucy's hilarious horse feedbag hat is to die for! LOL! I was thrilled to come across this "stuffer"-- God, how I love that store! There's always treasure to be had!
P.S> Oops! Channeling Ethel's eye, too! Poor Ethel, she always seems to get short-changed! (Shhh! Don't tell anyone, but sometimes I like her more than Lucy! LOL!)
I love Barbie Wednesday! I had a Francie doll too - wonder if I still do??? (One of these days I'm going to have to sort through all of my stuff I found at my parents!)
bwahahahahhahhaha! Love the Lucy and Ethel dolls, too funny!
Hi Lindsey! I was going to e-mail you to tell you about the Pottery Barn Kids Barbie stuff! Of COURSE, you know already!
Darling Barbies. I do enjoy your Barbie posts! :D
Sweet Barbies. I love the pink Barbie sheets and etc from Pottery Barn. What will KidsPB come up with next? I do remember that I Love Lucy episode. Have a great weekend.
I always look forward to your Barbie Wednesdays! It fills my heart with such good childhood memories!
Love the Francie doll and those Lucy dolls...oh my gosh ... are they ever cute!
Thnaks for sharing and also thank you for stopping by my blog and entering the contest.
Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend,
I have never even heard of a Francie doll, I learned something new : )
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