I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend. I am not letting go of the thought that summer is over yet, because I have had one of the most fun summers I can ever remember. We have visited so many wonderful small towns and visited so many great new flea markets and antique stores that we've never been to before. I honestly didn't know my state of Missouri was as beautiful as it really is! I think we are so lucky to be from this part of the country!
I like to play in my sunroom. I put together this little vignette on the table in the sunroom. The fun thing about it is that most everything cost between $2 and $4!
I so love the simple country look. I think because it takes me back to weeks spent with my grandparents on the farm.
There's a part of me that never grew up. I love old children's toys and though I don't have a big collection, I love this little washer and washboard. Want to come play with me?

Holly made this wreath for me as a hostess gift for the Wizard of Oz Gala. It was so sweet of her. I'm sure Dorothy Gale would have loved it! In case you hadn't noticed, Lindsey moved the participants list to the bottom of our sidebar.

My friend, from the blog Sparkle Farkle, sent me this little surprise gift. I think it is so sweet that she knows me well enough from our blog to know that these things would thrill me! What could be sweeter than vintage cards, stickers, and postcard?!

I must tell you that Lindsey and I are doing a major renovation of our craft room. The room was an utter nightmare! We had only a small area to craft and the rest was used for storage. Lindsey is working very hard to clear this room and I am working at sorting and disposing of everything we can and don't need. It is a challenge and I am not making any promises on how long it will take until there is an 'after' picture, but stay tuned! If I am brave I will show you the before:)
I want you to know that I am still walking to Deb's house, too! I have now walked 205 miles and made it to Chillicothe, MO! Just a little more of Missouri to go and I'll be in Iowa! I think walking everyday is a simple thing you can do for your health and you can make it fun, too!
Holly made this wreath for me as a hostess gift for the Wizard of Oz Gala. It was so sweet of her. I'm sure Dorothy Gale would have loved it! In case you hadn't noticed, Lindsey moved the participants list to the bottom of our sidebar.
My friend, from the blog Sparkle Farkle, sent me this little surprise gift. I think it is so sweet that she knows me well enough from our blog to know that these things would thrill me! What could be sweeter than vintage cards, stickers, and postcard?!
I must tell you that Lindsey and I are doing a major renovation of our craft room. The room was an utter nightmare! We had only a small area to craft and the rest was used for storage. Lindsey is working very hard to clear this room and I am working at sorting and disposing of everything we can and don't need. It is a challenge and I am not making any promises on how long it will take until there is an 'after' picture, but stay tuned! If I am brave I will show you the before:)
I want you to know that I am still walking to Deb's house, too! I have now walked 205 miles and made it to Chillicothe, MO! Just a little more of Missouri to go and I'll be in Iowa! I think walking everyday is a simple thing you can do for your health and you can make it fun, too!
I hope you all know how much I care about you and appreciate you stopping by for a visit today!
Have a wonderful week!
Oh I do like before and after photos Twyla...please do take piccies of your craft room...it's fun!!
Hi Twyla...
Your SunRoom is so Pretty and welcoming... I'd Love to be able to come over for a Play Date sometime... Wouldn't that be Fun?!
I'm so glad that your Summer has been a Beautiful one for you. No doubt that you've created some special memories to treasure. Like yourself, I have alot of fond memories of childhood Summers on my Grandparents farm... I'd love to have a chance for one more week like those...
That was so thoughtful of Holly to make such a Lovely wreath for you in thanks for your Awesome Oz Gala. It's a Precious gift. You've certainly got alot of Wonderful blogging friends, Twyla, and I always enjoy seeing photos of the Beautiful Treasures that are sent your way... you're so very deserving of all of them...
I hope you're doing well and that you have a Terrific week...
What a sweet post Twyla...Loved all your vingettes...some very sweet things...Love visiting this happy blog, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings,,,
Hi Twyla. Thank you so much for leaving a message on my blog. That was so sweet of you and it makes me happy that people are actually reading what I post and enjoying it!! :) Your blog is WONDERFUL and I've been catching up with you and your daughter over coffee this morning. I LOVE the planter that you found with the pumpkins!!!!!! I want one!!!!! : ) Take care and have a wonderful day.
~ Wendy
Hi Twyla,
It is good to hear about your fantastic summer :-) I think we would all like it to last a little bit longer!
I am very much looking forward to seeing you "after" picture when your craft room is done... good luck!
Rose XXX
Oh, Twyla! I love your sun room! You're one lucky girl to have one! Can I just come over and sit instead of play? I'm tired. ☺
It's funny the UK weather seeemed to have turned very autumnal and then today we have bright sunshine!
Good luck with the craft room!
Victoria xx
Everything looks so sweet. Just love your sunroom too.
I'm so proud of you for continuing to walk. My next door neighbor and I are still walking too. It's so invigorating to go out on these cool mornings. :)
Everything is beautiful! Love all the crocheted items and the wreath is so cute!
Yes, I do want to come over to play. I want to bring my little red iron and my little wooden ironing board. We could play house, and wash clothes. My mama always told me to use "Mrs. Stewarts Blueing" I'll bring my painted pink polka dot clothes pins too. What a fun idea, I think I'll show the bloggin world in Oct. my clothes pin collection...yes, I really do have a fondness for them...Big Smile!
Morning Tywla,
Your sunroom looks so inviting and a nice place to sit and relax :)
Glad to hear that in are almost in Iowa...can't wait for you get here!!
Be Brave...and please show us the before!!!
That is so sweet that Holly sent you the wreath and that you also rec'd another sweet gift from another blogger :)
Deb :)
The sweet little crocheted doll dress and scrub board...and all those pretty things really catch my eye! Enjoy your day and that beautiful sunshine!
Hi Twyla
Your sun room looks a lovely place to relax. I loved seeing your great country look pictures. You received some great gifts from your friends. The wreath is gorgeous. Good luck with the craft room renovation. I hope you share pictures when it's finished.
Hi Twyla and Lindsey! Your little treasures are displayed so beautifully! I really wish I could come over and sit in your sunroom and go hunting through antique stores with you guys. Sounds like so much fun... you always find such good stuff! I loved the checkered wreath and those adorable goodies from Sparkle too! Such nice girls!!!...Have a wonderful day girls!!! Hugs, Paulette =D
Hi Girls,
Thanks for the lovely comment, concerning Jenny, tho I never met her, she was a wonderful creative spirit... Her blog was fun to see, and looking at yours, I think she would have loved it too.
Barb C.
Your sun room looks so warm and cozy. I like the pink-and-white cloth-- is it knit with a crochet edging? It's very pretty.
I never grew up, either, Twyla - nor do I intend to. And I DO want to come over and play!!
Hi Twyla,
I can relate to the craft room cleaning- I am always doing it and never getting anywhere??? Another thing I need to do is walk- good for you !!
Sounds like you had such a lovely summer Twyla! How fun to get a chance to visit so many different towns and especially flea markets, huh?!
Looking forward to hearing all about your craft room redo! I need to do mine too! It needs painting first so it will be down the road a bit.
Good job on the walking! I need to get walking again - my back has hurt so much this past year, that I've pooped out.
Wishing you a pleasant week enjoying your sunroom!
Your little vignettes are darling. Originally being from MO myself, I would have to agree with you that it is a beautiful place. It may be the most beautiful state in the country! Blessings to you.
I am so happy you and your family have had such a good summer filled with memories! I can't wait to see your craft room. I want the before picture, you got to see my pretty craft room with all Matthew's army things all over, LOL.
I love your vignettes!Wish I had the motivation to do some of those.
Maybe I will now that it is getting cooler. I remember Mama using a rub board and a wringer washer.I love the little crocheted dress - did you make that? I have a blue crocheted heart like your red one. hope your renovation goes well. I know how stuff can accumulate before you know it! Congrats on your beautiful gifts
and your walking accomplishments!
Blessings, Sarita
Hi! Finally have you on my sidebar, now I can visit more!! Oh you had me sold when I seen the adorable little washboard, crocheted dress and all the cuties, wonderful idea together! Happy decorating,Lori
Take before, during and after :) It will be wonderful to see the transition!
I LOVE that little washboard set! How cute are those? I love the simple country things too. My grandparents were farmers - hogs and corn! I grew up with homemade pancakes, freshly picked corn, and summers of canning and preserves. I keep telling my husband I want to find some old farmhouse, grow a garden, and can some fruit...
Of course, that is all hard work, and the idea is probably a lot more romantic than the actual doing, but still...
It's so fun seeing all of your treasures...I love that wicker chair, that I spy in the background of your pretty vignette too! I wish I had a sun room...sigh...yours is so pretty!
Big Hugs,
What a sweet post.
I love your sun room!
Good luck on your craft room renovation! I just love reorganizing my creative space. And I do it a lot since I'm always adding new vintage finds to the mix. It's so much fun! Enjoy!!! (Good for you...walking!)
Hi Twyla,
What a gorgeous sunroom you have and I love all of the country treasures you have displayed! You and your sweet daughter have such a beautiful and special blog!!
Thank you so very much for stopping by my blog and leaving your very sweet & lovely comment. It is so nice to meet you and I’m happy to know that you are enjoying the images! Thanks for joining in on the Giveaway. Good Luck!
Hugs, Carol Anne
Eek! That tiny washer and washboard is so cute!
I love the vignettes in your sunroom. I have happy childhood memories of time spent on my Aunt Stella's farm, as well. I had the best of both worlds.....lived in the city, but spent weekends on the farm.
I'm also redoing my workspace. B-I-G job! My problem is not being able to let go of anything. I just re configure what's there.
Best Wishes,
I love the vignettes in your sunroom. I have happy childhood memories of time spent on my Aunt Stella's farm, as well. I had the best of both worlds.....lived in the city, but spent weekends on the farm.
I'm also redoing my workspace. B-I-G job! My problem is not being able to let go of anything. I just re configure what's there.
Best Wishes,
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