Sunday, October 4, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

Isn't that what it looks like he's saying? I think he is!
Elizabeth of Creative Breathing has inspired me to start collecting these sweet wooden Nursery items by Irmi.

I showed a post recently of the two switch plates I have by Irmi.

The most popular item made by Irmi though, was their lamps.

So sweet Elizabeth sent me this gorgeous pink Irmi lamp to add to my collection! She also sent me a bag of Irmi pieces!

Some of the dolls were in separate pieces so I had a puzzle to put together when they arrived! Hopefully, I have put them together right!

My favorite are the two clowns. They are so cute!

My Mom found this lamp at a flea market just right after I received my package from Elizabeth.

So now I have a collection of these sweet pieces! This lamp is a train and has a night light behind the caboose and the little dog winds up to play music!

I hope you have had a wonderful weekend!



Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Lindsey!!! These are just the cuteset things! I don't recall ever seeing any in person and yet they seem so, so familar... I want to collect them,toooooo! ☺

Simply Shelley said...

I love this pieces...they have always been a favorite thing of mine...had a couple of the lamps over the years but alas,no more....hope you Lord's day is blessed....


Hi Lindsey,
Those are so cute and how fun to start collecting them. The lamp is darling.
Deb :)

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I don't blame you for collecting these they're so cute.

Victoria xx

Unknown said...

Those little wooden nursery rhyme characters are so darling! They make my heart sing! ♥♩♪♫♩♯♬♬♪♩♪♫♪ Hee hee! What cuteness! I don't think I could resist them either! ☺ You're a doll!

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

I just adore Irmi!! Aren't they just the sweetest pieces?!!? I have seen lots of adorable lamps on Etsy and eBay. We just found out we're having another baby next May and I've been thinking about decorating the nursery with a few Irmi creations. : )

~ Wendy

Diane Mars said...

What a darling collection, I'm sure you will enjoy creating with them! How fun (:
Hugs, Diane

Madison said...

I looove all of it! I am so proud of me for finding vintage finds for bargains! You both inspire me!

Dogwood said...

How absolutely adorable, adorable! So sweet. The lamp is so great. I love all the little figurines. They actually remind me of things when my adult children were babies and toddlers.

Bearly Sane said...

They are cute Lindsay but I must admit the lamps are the ones I like the best...especially the ones in the last photo.

parasols and maryjanes said...

These are so sweet - thanks for sharing. I love seeing them. What a nice collection you have now.

Deborah said...

Those are so sweet. I have never heard of them before. I have seen Christmas ornaments. Are they related to these? That yellow train-lamp is fantastic.

barbara said...

Hi, Lindsey! I have the same train lamp, but in primary colors. (I think I like yours better! Doesn't that revolving dog just make you want to laugh?) I thought mine was Imri but it's got a Nursery Plastics sticker on the bottom - do you know anything about the company? Just wondering.

Happy@Home said...

I remember those lamps from my childhood. I never had one, but remember them in friends bedrooms. I never knew they were Irmi, however. So I have learned something here today. They are all so cute ~ you can't help but smile when you see them.

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

those are super cute!! sorry i haven't been by lately to visit:( not enough time in my days lately!!

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Twyla
They are gorgeous and make a really cute collection.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How sweet! I love them ALL! I would like to start a collection, too! They are just the cutest! Enjoy everything and this beautiful day!

Chandra said...

How fun!!! I love the whimsy in your collection. I have never heard of them before...but now my curiousity has been picqued! :)

Sally Annie Magundy said...

You lucky! Those are the absolute cutest things!

Stacy said...

Hi Lindsey,

Those Irmi pieces are adorable! I really like that lamp. Have you ever been to Disneyland? The Irmi dolls remind me of the dolls you see from different countries on the "It's a Small World" ride.

Have a great week!

My name is Riet said...

THose little figurines are gorgeous. How lovely to collect them. Thank you for visiting.
Have a nice day

Protector of Vintage said...

I do not think I have ever come across any Irmi pieces. What a lovely collection to have!!


Oh how sweet these are and they will make an adorable collection.
Have fun!

Blessings to you,

Unknown said...

Lindsey! You have made my day. Tell you what, did I send you the little people on a pink candy cane? They go to each of the little animals. They can easily be glued right back on. I had over 20 of these lamps I took apart for the figurines on my pincushions. Really though, what could you do with so many lamps! I think they can be crafted into the cutest things. Can't wait to see what you do with them! E

Betty said...

Me too! Me too! I wonder how many I passed by at the thrift store before I saw them on E's blog. I love the irmi lamp I bought for $6 at the thrift store. It always makes me smile and has me on the hunt for more!

Pieceful Bits said...

I love Irmi since Elizabeth introduced us all to it!
I have purchased one light switch with the tin soldier. I love it.
You now have such a great collection.

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Such a sweet post! I love the enamel tea set! Adorable!


Beedeebabee said...

Hi Sweetie! These are just the cutest little things! I love that little train... too precious! What a great line to collect! Hugs, =D