Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Twyla Tuesday

Hello! I have had a weekend adventure that is different than the kind I normally have. For my son's birthday we took a trip to Murfreesboro, Arkansas. What is there, you might ask?

A whole park that is full of diamonds. All you have to do is find them. This is what they look like when you find them. Did we see any? No, we didn't see any pretty rocks like these.

This is what the field looks like. Can you imagine finding a diamond in all that dirt?! It had been rainy the week before we went so this field was muddy. Good for finding diamonds we were told. We searched and dug and searched some more. We are treasure hunters by nature, as you well know. It was fun and the thrill of the hunt kept us going. We look forward to going back and trying again some day.

We were sore and tired and decided that hunting for diamonds is not for wienies, but we had a nice bed at our hotel and a wonderful little local resturant named Buddies that had the best chicken fried steak we ever ate. The trip was a blast, but it is always good to be home again.

I look forward to catching up with all my dear friends and I'll be back to share more with you next Tuesday!
Have a wonderful week! Twyla


Anonymous said...

Hi Twyla...
I'm so glad that you 'n Jordan had a nice vacation...
Sad to learn that there were no Diamonds for you, this trip...
Next time you'll strike it BIG!
I totally agree about the good feeling you get when returning home after being away...
It's truly where the ♥ is!
Hope your day is filled with many sweet blessings...
~ hugs ~

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Hunting for diamonds... now that is fun!

Victoria x

Unknown said...

Wow, diamond hunting! You do all these fun little trips. That is so sweet. I love things like that...nothing fancy...just diggin' through the mud for diamonds! I ♥ it!

☺ Hope you have a good week!


Anonymous said...

So it *was* a pleasure trip! Yay! Is this the same diamond place that you went to before? ♥

Sherry said...

Happy Birthday to Jordan!! Your trip looks like fun and chicken fried steak sounds really good!

Glad you all had fun!

★Carol★ said...

Sounds like even though you didn't find any diamonds, your weekend was a real gem! Haha! I'm sure the best part was getting to spend time with your son. Lots of time to just TALK. While you were sifting through the mud!


Hi Twyla,
I was hoping you would find a HUGE diamond and become rich and famous!
It's fun to get away and it's always great to be back home.
Deb :)

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Twyla:
Diamond hunting sounds like fun, but you know...YOU were the gem in the field that day!
Always wonderful stopping by to visit. And, I always appreciate reading your comments over at Brynwood.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

How fun is that a day hunting for diamonds.Thats for me,LOL.Thanks for sharing your lovely adventure Twyla.

Happy@Home said...

That sounds like a fun adventure. Sorry to hear there were no diamonds to be found. Glad to hear you had fun anyway. Love your little Home card.

Beansieleigh said...

You know?.. a friend of mine had my daughter and her grandaughter together in Arkansas as her guests for a week, when they were just "peanuts", and I'm pretty sure this MUST be the place she went to that year. I remember hearing about it, and I still have the little stone, what SHE thought was a REAL diamond, that she brought home to me! I'll have to show her this post, and ask her if it looks familiar! ~tina

Protector of Vintage said...

What a fun trip!!

Heidi Ann said...

Sounds like fun, Twyla! But I do know what you mean about the coming back home part.

queen-of-nostalgia said...

What fun! Digging for diamonds, indeed! :) And what a unique trip - the food sounds good, too :)


Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Twyla
Glad to hear you enjoyed your weekend away. Sorry you didn't find any diamonds. I would love to have gone there and helped you look. I love doing that panning for gold that they have in some theme parks for kids. I used to pretend I was helping Jessica but I think I was having more fun than her!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What fun! I wish I had been with you! I've been there a few times! I grew up in Arkadelphia and we always camped in that area! I'm homesick right now!

Unknown said...

Okay Twyla, I know what was missing. You should have taken one of the 7 dwarfs with you, they are very good miners for sure! Diamonds are their best friend.
What a field trip, unique and out of the box...glad you had fun!

Stacy said...

What an interesting park! Sounds like a wonderful trip. Arkansas is one place I have never visited. Hope you have a great week, Twyla.

Kathy said...


SparkleFarkel said...

Puppet's been wanting to do this sparkling adventure for decades-- well, maybe not decades: she's only 17. Sharing your visit there was THE water the diamond-seed she planted in my head needed. Thanks!

Simply Shelley said...

My Dad would love this sore of thing...more so if it were gold he was digging for...glad you had a good time together...so sorry you didn't finds some rocks....maybe next time...smile...blessings

M.E. Greene said...

I've always wanted to go mining for gems! What a fun thing to do. :)

Unknown said...

Twyla, I love your diamond hunting adventure! It reminds me of a story I will have to share. It always brings a smile to my heart to visit you on Tuesdays and Lindsey on Wednesdays. Have a great rest of week! E

KatCollects said...

Hi Twyla,
That looks like a fun place to visit! I hope you are doing well.