Saturday, December 12, 2009

Grandma's cards

Hello Friends! I am happy to share with you today some very special vintage cards. When my grandmother Opal passed away in 1984 I discovered her collection of cards. Apparently, she had saved every card she'd ever gotten.

I looked throught them in awe and knew even then that they were very special. I put them all in a shoebox marked: Grandma's cards. Later, of course, I realized how prized these vintage cards would become.

These are three from her collection. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Have a very Merry Saturday!

Twyla and Lindsey


Nan said...

How sweet you kept her cards they are very special then a real vintage treasurer. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

Oh how special! It's hard for me to pick a favorite! Hope you girls have a great week end! ♥

Diane said...

Thanks for posting these--I love the old Christmas cards, they bring back childhood memories for me.

Julie Ranae said...

When I finally leave this earth, my poor children are going to have a MOUNTAIN of greeting cards to go through as I have saved them for over 20 years! Of course, they aren't vintage yet....

Great collection and so glad you shared them with us.

Jorgelina said...


Celestial Charms said...

What lovely cards, even more meaningful since they were received by your grandmother. Thank you for sharing them. Precious all.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

How wonderful that she saved them and you are now the keeper of these lovely treasures. Such beautiful images! :) Blessings, Tammy

Trinity said...

Such a precious sentiment to have! Thanks for sharing!

Christie said...

Hey Girls,
These old cards are beautiful and extra special too...priceless to you I know!
The yarn garland is adorable too...looks so cute on the white tree, and how lucky that you found pink and red candy canes!
Hope you girls are having a great weekend!
Big Hugs,

Delchick42 said...

How wonderful to find such a treasure! This reminds me of my grandmom, who passed away in 1998. I miss her every day. Thank you for sharing these and bringing back the nice memories.

Hearts Turned said...

Ladies...these are wonderful! Thank heavens for dear Grandmothers who saved everything! Thank-you for sharing these with us! Hope you and your family are having a beautiful weekend!

Unknown said...

It is so special that you share these with us. They are just beautiful! Your yarn garland is just too cute! I love your pink and red Christmas themed party this year. It has been such fun! Elizabeth

Jenny said...

Oh WOW!! Not sure which one I like the most! Thank you for sharing with us!!

Melissa/Piney Rose said...

What pretty cards! How sweet of you to share them...

Dogwood said...

I love those sweet cards from your Grandma's collection. How very special for you to have them. And, thanks for sharing them with us.


Unknown said...

How heart warming to see these. She is smiling down from heaven I'm sure. I have an old card album my mom saved of all the love notes and cards my dad sent her. I do the same thing from my kids and the greeting card lines have changed over the years. I'd take the vintage ones any day!

Elyse said...

how awesome for you to not only have these cards but to appreciate them as you do! they're wonderful!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The one with the sleigh and reindeers really looks familiar! I love old cards....vintage like me! lol

Anonymous said...

These are so special!I love the older card that are flocked with a velvet like substance. i have some of them from my mom.
Blessings, Sarita

Unknown said...

I just love your vintage cards and the sweet memories behind them. It makes them all the more special!
Thanks for sharing them with us!


Lisa said...

HI! I am trying to catch up been off line a few days! I love these cards. It is fun when they are from your family!!
Hugs, Lisa