I want to thank everyone for leaving comments wishing me a happy birthday. You are all so kind to take the time to do that. I appreciated each and every one of them!
My children always make me feel so special on my birthday. It is as much fun for them watching me open my presents as it is for me opening them!
My children always make me feel so special on my birthday. It is as much fun for them watching me open my presents as it is for me opening them!
Here is a picture of some of my gifts spread out on the table. As the theme would suggest, I had several pieces of my beloved Folk Art Pfaltzgraff.
This picture of me is so funny, but it captures the excitement of the moment.
At long last I have the hard to find dough bowl! It is hard to describe how big this bowl is. It measures 13" across the top. It is huge! Jordan says he asked me some time ago what I wanted for my birthday and I said the Folk Art dough bowl. I didn't even remember telling him. Probably because I didn't expect to ever get it.
I love this sweet little milk can that Lindsey bought me.
She also bought me this vintage wall pocket.
Jordan added to my enamel collection with these two tea pots. He bought the red one on ebay and it came all the way from Normandy, France.
I have wanted this set of Daisy D's paper for a long time and Lindsey surprised me with it! Also the Crafty Secrets stamp set that I have been secretly wishing for:)

Lindsey bought me this beautiful Cinderella cookie jar. She is just so charming and I love her! I don't know who the maker is and I am curious about her. If anyone knows anything about this piece, I'd love to learn more about her.

I so appreciated the comments I received that I wanted to give back to my sweet readers. I gave a pair of house shoes to the first commenter who was Tatting Chic!
Lindsey bought me this beautiful Cinderella cookie jar. She is just so charming and I love her! I don't know who the maker is and I am curious about her. If anyone knows anything about this piece, I'd love to learn more about her.
I so appreciated the comments I received that I wanted to give back to my sweet readers. I gave a pair of house shoes to the first commenter who was Tatting Chic!
The other winners were:
Holly at Girls at Heart
Jennifer at For the Love of a Teddy Bear
Lindsay Ann at The Cross Stitch House
And Sparkle Farkle
Sunday we took one of our daycations. There is a town in Missouri named Frankenstein. It is the only one in the United States. We discovered it on the internet and learned there is a beautiful old church there. It was so beautiful Sunday that we decided to go see if we could find it.

We enjoyed driving through the beautiful Missouri countryside and was so excited when we finally found this sign! We weren't disappointed. The church was beautiful!
Don't forget about the Wizard of Oz Gala. There is still plenty of time to sign up for it! If you'd like to participate just let us know and we'll add your name to our participants list. Lindsey is busily creating some wonderful things for the event. We can't wait!
Have a wonderful week! Twyla
Hi Twyla,
I am so happy that you had a good birthday and got spoiled, you deserve it! Daycations are so fun, love the beatufiul church. I hope you all have a good week.
That cookie jar looks like it needs to come to Texas & live with me! Goodness, you took in the loot! Your big bowl is so nice and I love the teapots. In fact, i loved it all!
Happy Birthday again - Sarita
Happy belated birthday! It sounds like it was a great one. Love the enamel tea pot!
I would love to join your Oz Gala, so please put me down for it.
I have added the button and link to my Playing Dishes blog and also to Memes for Me blog.
Hi Twyla! Your children are the best! I love the dough bowl! and the cinderella cookie jar the tea pots.....I know you had a wonderful Birthday!! That little daycation church is pretty, it's always nice to get away even if it's only for the day...Thank you for stopping by my blog, My husband came and read everything all of you said about him, he turned red as the dishes!!!LOL! I already crafted something using the clothes pins but you'll have to wait to see!!! have a great day! hugs, Jennifer : )
Such delightful and thoughtfully selected birthday presents! (What a loving family you have to treasure AND treasuring you!) As if Fairy Godmother wishes have been granted-- I’m so happy for you!
Hmm. Cinderella? Cinderella cookie jar? That could only mean one thing: A Fairy Godmother is still hidden somewhere in this post-birthday picture! Quick! QUICK! Make another wish! ***waits for cookie jar to fill*** You wish again; I’ll go get some milk for dunking.
P.S. Thank you over and again for including me in the Birthday Party favor receiver roundup! My excited tootsies haven’t been able to keep their socks on ever since the word got out!
P.P.S. You were very brave to post the opening-the-dough-bowl shot of The Birthday Girl! Throwing caution to the wind – I like that in a person! I bet you’re simply wicked with pizza pie dough! LOL!
Your little surprised look is so cute, Twyla! ☺ How cool of Jordan to have such a good and thoughtful memory! I bet that bowl is heavy! So will you make bread in it or put yarn in it?
Surely that Cinderella cookie jar must be very old! I've never seen one like it! Do you know Jazze Junk in Chicago? She might know the cookie jar.
Glad you had a great birthday! ♥
Morning Twyla,
I'm so happy that your birthday was wonderful. Love the bowl and the cookie jar and all of your gifts. Try looking her up on ebay.Another nice town that you visited. Love the name :)
Have a great day.
Deb :)
What fantastic gifts you lucky thing
Victoria xx
Sweet, sweet, sweet! Your gifts are all so neat but I'm always so amazed at how sweet your kids are. You've raised them well. :)
Oh what a wonderful birthday! I love the Cinderella cookie jar! It's delightful! You were sweet to share in the fun and give to others...you are one of a kind, dear friend! Love the beautiful old church! We love to travel and find places special like that! If you come here, you can visit Transylvania! heehee!
Oh Twyla, that dough bowl is so gorgeous. I can see why you have been wanting it. Oh my I love it. That is a beautiful pattern. The little Cinderella cookie jar is just exquisite. Her little face, oh my. I just love that, and the little wall pocket. How precious. What a wonderful birthday. Now the daycation was wonderful. Oh Twyla that church with the rounded architecture to it was so beautiful. Everything so green and lush. Beautiful scenery just beautiful. Oh I love these trips. Twyla thank you so much for sharing. It was wonderful. Country hugs honey, Love, Sherry
How nice that you had such a wonderful birthday. You deserve it. I always enjoy reading about the close relationship you share with both of your children. They are just the sweetest, most thoughtful kids a mom could ever hope to have. I also loved to hear about your daycation to Frankenstein. Of course I also adore your birthday angel.
What fun pieces! That pattern was my mom's wedding china and I remember growing up eating off of the plates :) So glad you had a good weekend!
Oh Twyla,your gifts are wonderful.What sweet children you have. I love the expression on your face,that says it all....you were very pleased indeed. Thanks so much for sharing your birthday with us.
The red and white polka dot teapot is my favorite.Bet you could have guess that....
You received some great gifts for your birthday. I am glad you had such a wonderful day. The church was beautiful.
Boy, you made out like a bandit....so glad to see all of the love lavished on you by your family!
Have a lovely day!☼
Hi Twyla - I really enjoyed seeing your gifts and hearing about your very special day! Sounds just right for a special person like you. And that Cinderella cookie jar is truly wonderful!
Hi Twyla and Lindsey,
What a fun blog you have and how special to share it with each other, now that's what I call a "GREAT" Mother and Daughter team!.
Happy Birthday Twyla.I have enjoyed my visit today and I'm going to add you to my favorites so I can keep up with your postings.
Enjoy your day,
What nice gifts you received!! Love the enamel tea pot from France and the vintage wall pocket. Your children took very good care of you! That dough bowl is amazing.
Looks like the birthday was loads of fun Twyla...I am surprised to see the red tea pot still there, I thought Jennifer might have taken it home with her!! LOL!!!
Your kids know just what to get you, don't they!? That dough bowl is totally Awesome! I would LOVE something like that!
Hi Twyla!
I was so hoping you were going to share some of what was in those lovely looking birthday packages...and I'm so happy you did! Boy, did you ever make out!!! I love everything, especially Cinderella, and the aqua teapot! Beautiful gifts for sure! ... and thank you for all your sweet comments! Big happy smiles!
<3 Paulette :o)
Hey Twyla!
Your birthday party looks like so much fun! Your surprised look is so cute ....tell them youngin's they did good getting that one of you...I think I've got one similar to that of my mama on one of her B'days! LOL! The gifts that your children gave to you are so special and pretty...I especially love the Cinderella and the wall pocket...I have never seen anything like those. They are such unique treasures. All of your gifts are so nice! By the way... thanks for telling me that my little utensil holder is a called a biscuit jar...I love to know the proper name for things....I had a funny feeling it was called something besides a canister. LOL! Thanks for the sweet comments on my kitchen too...I hope you have a great week!
Big Hugs,
Hi Twyla! Happy Belated Birthday! I see you received so many nice treats! Thanks so much for you sweet visit! I really enjoyed viewing both of your crazy crafters creations & blog! Happy Wednesday!
Lisa :)
Twyla, Happy Birthday to you! I think we are all as excited FOR you to have had such a wonderful day with your children and receive such special gifts. I had a friend long ago that also collected your pattern. I couldn't believe how beautiful they were all clustered together. I hope with your new paper products you will participate in a project I have posted about. Perhaps after your celebration party is finished. Oh, these busy summer days! Elizabeth
Hi Twyla
I am catching up today as we have been away at the beach for a few days. I loved seeing the pictures of you opening your lovely birthday gifts. Everything is beautiful but my favorite was the cute red teapot and the folk art pieces. I am glad you had a great birthday and lots of wonderful surprises. I was thrilled to hear I was a winner. Thanks so much.
Sorry I forgot to say that the town of Frankenstein looked so pretty. It looks like it could be in Europe somewhere, Germany or France maybe. It that typical of Missouri?
Thanks for the kind comments left on my blog. I enjoyed my visit here. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday. I love your treasures. I have a love of tea pots and plan to show mine sometime.
Oh :o( Sorry I missed your birthday! Well, belated Happy Birthday Twyla! It looks like you were properly spoiled, for sure! What beautiful and thoughtful gifts.
Birthday HUGS!
You received some wonderful gifts and I'm glad you had a great day!
Finally, I've posted the fabulous pink slippers you sent me for winning this giveaway! They fit perfectly and I can't wait to wear them around the house once the weather is cooler! :)
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