Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Barbie Wednesday

Hello friends!
Today is a special Twilight edition of Barbie Wednesday!

Today is the release of the Eclipse movie and I have tickets to see this movie tonight!!! Yippee skippee!!

The original 2009 release of the Edward Ken (he really sparkles!) and Bella Barbie dolls.

Then early this year Mattel released the Jacob doll. I must admit that I am on Team Edward and really struggled with whether I even wanted a Jacob doll but I wanted to be able to have the whole collection!

I was thrilled to see Mattel are releasing this August, 2 more dolls in the Twilight series! First, this gorgeous Alice Barbie!

And also this lovely Victoria doll!

If you haven't seen these dolls yet you can find Edward, Bella and Jacob available at Wal Mart and both the Alice and Victoria dolls will be released August 23rd.

Wishing you all a wonderful day, Lindsey


Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Another great collection of Barbie dolls being released.

Have you seen Barbie & Ken from Toy Story? They're obviously not collecters series but I'm sure they'll be popular.

Victoria x

Anonymous said...

Poor Jacob! You really "struggled" about if you even wanted him??? :) Sad, sad, sad!

I don't get to go until Sat. ♥

Debby said...

I have an original Barbie and Ken. I am old, hah.
Thanks for following me, I will you as well. What a pleasure, you have a beautiful blog.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Those new dolls sound truly exciting...of course, you must have the whole collection!!!
Have fun!

Beansieleigh said...

Oh, I LOVE the Twilight stories.. I am still reading the 4th book, and hope to see the Eclipse movie this weekend!! I haven't seen the dolls at Walmart yet, but will have to look and see! Hmmm... Gee, maybe I shouldn't go looking for them though.. I'll want them ALL I'm sure!.. Oh well, have fun at the movies, and have a very happy 4th of July weekend! ~tina

The Old Parsonage said...

I'm a huge fan! I'm going to wait for vacation to see the movie.

Love these dolls!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Lindsey:
I haven't seen any of the Twilight movies, but I think the dolls are beautiful! I might just have to go and check them out.