Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I was very lucky as a child to grow up during a time that vintage Barbies were becoming more and more popular! Mattel started releasing reproductions of their most collected and enjoyed dolls.

Here is a reproduction of the 1960 - 1964 "Silken Flame" outfit.

I have been lucky to find several of my vintage reproduction dolls at flea markets.

This is a reproduction of the 1960 "Busy Gal" outfit.

One year for Christmas I received this reproduction of the 1963 Barbie Prom Game. Naturally, I was young and didn't take as good care of it as I should have so now it's not complete but still enjoy and display it with the rest of my collection.

A few years ago our friend Susan gave me this beautiful "Exotic Beauty" Barbie for my Birthday. She came out in 2002.

Here is an artist sketch of the Exotic Beauty Barbie.

Here is a 1970 commercial for the New Living Barbie featuring Maureen McCormick before she became famous as Marcia Brady!

Have a wonderful day, Lindsey


Anonymous said...

I am lucky enough to have some repros, too - Silken Flame,Enchanted Evening, Solo in the Spotlight, Original Barbie in the B&W swimsuit, Wedding Barbie,
& Barbie in a gold brocade suit - I can't remember her name right now. Loved your post and the video. That game is neat, too.
Blessings, Sarita

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey... Pretty Barbie dolls today... I really like the Busy Barbie ~ her outfit is Wonderful... Had to chuckle at M.M. in the Barbie commercial... Thanks for sharing, and I hope you 'n your Mom are doing well...
God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Anonymous said...

"Wow! she's real like me!" ☺ Love it! I probably saw that commercial during my Saturday morning cartoon time. ♥

Heidi Ann said...

I just love seeing your dolls and stuff- hooray once more for Barbie Wednesdays!!

Anonymous said...

Hi lindsey! I have the exotic barbie too....When she came out mattel had her also made as a "treasure hunt" a treasure hunt was a doll that had something different on her than the basic doll. On this particular doll the "treasure hunt" had I believe red or green crystals in her jewelry, that was what made her different. I don't know how many were made like that but.......I didn't get a treasure hunt. She is a very pretty barbie anyway. You inspire me to show some of my Barbie collection also......have a great day!! Jennifer

Patty said...

That commercial was hilarious!

Unknown said...

Edward and Bella! I read all of the books in one week! Loved your themed party. Please tell Twyla how thrilled I am to be receiving her mushrooms soon! Can't wait. Great post today Lindsey. E

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Hi Lindsey & Twyla! THought I would hop by & see what you 2 have been up to lately!

On my way to read some more of your blog now!

Angelic Accents

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsay,

Great collection of reproduction
barbies. I enjoyed watching the
video. It was cute & interesting
to see "Marsha".

You always have such great Barbie


Unknown said...

LOL! I remember those "natural living" Barbie! LOL! My friend got one and I didn't. I was so upset because I had to play with my older sister's hand-me-down that is actually quite valuable now, LOL! I have NO IDEA whre it is though.

Protector of Vintage said...

Wow, love the Barbies and the neat commerical! Where do you store/display your Barbie collection?

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I brought my friend a the Barbie game for her birthday a few years ago. The box alone is wonderful to display.

Victoria xx

Faye said...



Hi Lindsey,

CONGRAT'S ON YOUR NEW JOB at the Scrap Book Store:)
You have LOTS of talent and they are lucky to have YOU...

BOY are you going to have FUN on your Job!!!
Happy Easter too!