Hello friends,
Sanrio is the company that created the extremely popular Hello Kitty line. In 2007 Mattel came out with this Hello Kitty Barbie. She has a fabulous faux leather jacket and striped shirt which reminds me of Barbie's original bathing suit. She is cute but very modern in style.
A year late Mattel release this ultra cute Hello Kitty Barbie! She is so awesome! I love her hair style and makeup! She has a retro 50's and vintage Barbie feel to her that I love! Even the open toe heels are reminiscent of a vintage doll.

Mattel also released a My Melody Barbie. My Melody is cute bunny created by Sanrio and is one of Hello Kitty's Friends. I was very lucky in finding this doll at Tuesday Morning for only ten dollars! I don't visit Tuesday Morning very often and I forget they get in Barbies every now and then. I stopped in the other day hoping to find the Little Red Riding Hood Barbie and instead found this lovely doll. If you have a Tuesday Morning store in you area you should go look around unless of course you live in my area which then save the Barbies for me please!!!!!!!!
I love the Hello Kitty Barbie's and have been thinking about buying one recently!
Victoria x
I can't believe you've posted about the Hello Kity Barbie. My daughter discovered her the other night and has asked for her for christmas. Her words were 'I don't mind if I don't get anything else Mum, I really really want her'!
Yes, she's a huge Hello Kitty fan aswell as Barbie. I love that at 11 years old she sees Barbie as being cool (to collect not play with), most of her friends think they're far too grown up, they'll understand one day.
I won't tell her about My Melody and if I can get one that will be a great surprise.
Have a great day
Beki xxx
p.s Not sure what a tuesday morning store is but you're obviously very lucky to have it xxx
adore the aqua and red 2008 model! I think you may turn me into a Barbie collector yet! :)
I had no idea there was a Hello Kitty Barbie! LOL! That is too funny! :)
Hi Lindsey,I enjoyed your post.You are so informed on Barbies.I am learning much about them from visiting your "Barbie Wednesday's".
We do have a Tuesday Morning in a near by town and I planed to visit soon. As of yet,I don't have a Barbie but,I am looking for a vintage or reproduction that I can afford. Our Walmart has a TNT repro. like the one I remember for my childhood. I would love to purchase her but she is so high.I am hoping she will go on clearance soon and I will have the money at the time to buy her.
Thanks for sharing all about yours...
I've been enjoying this blog so much, as I ( at age 57 ) have started being interested in Barbies again! :)
I was wondering how you store or display all your dolls, if you ever have a moment I'd appreciate some tips! :)
Hi Lindsey
The Hello Kitty Barbies are lovely. That's interesting about the poor Midge dolls in Japan. I think Midge is really cute and pixie like. I hope you find some more great Barbie's in the Tuesday store to add to your collection.
Hi Lindsey! Once again, you have shown me some Barbies I've never seen - always a pleasure!
We do hav e a Tuesday Morning about 15 miles away. I've only been one time and spent hours in there...great prices...I need to go back!!☺
I love the retro style of the Hello Kitty Barbie. She is a cutie!
I look forward to your Barbie posts on Wednedays, Lindsey. They are so fun and take me back to my childhood.
I remember Midge! I don't think she was nearly as pretty as Barbie
I used to buy a lot of Barbie things for my niece and later on for my daughters. I wish we had saved them.
My Melody is really cute. I had never heard about her before.
Those are the Sportiest (is that even a word?) Barbies I've seen yet...too cute! I always love seeing the different barbies you post!
Big Hugs,
Now I want to go to Tuesday Morning! I would love to find a Barbie there! Yours are so amazing!
Wow -- I never knew so much about these Barbies! I love visiting and getting such a glam trip down Barbie Lane with you, Lindsey!!
What pretty Barbie dolls!! Adorable faces, and beautiful outfits! Thanks for sharing them! Hugs, Paulette
Eeeek! ☺
Hey, Guess what?! After talking with you about the Little Red Riding Hood Barbie (and her rabid looking Wolfie cohort-- Sorry!) in your July 29th blog, I went back to Tuesday Morning and bought them! Yeah, I couldn't get my mind off the idea that they should find a place in our home to live, and then, a MAJOR light bulb came on above my Farkled head! My daughter, Puppet, at about three years old, lived and breathed Little Red Riding Hood. Here's the light bulb part: When she turned three, I threw a Little Red Riding Hood-themed birthday party for her. (It was a wonderful happening, if I don't say so myself!) She'll be turning 17 on September 5th and I'm going to surprise her with a repeat of the theme she loved so much, wayback! I've started to secretly cut out GIANT fall leaves that will filament-dangle from the ceiling, turning our livingroom (the party room) into a forest, when the time comes. P.S. I'm open to any other Red hooded suggestions you might have to offer. Thanks!
those hello kitty barbies are fabulous! i wish i still had my midge doll.....looking at yours bring back some great memories! :)
Loved your post. The Barbie in jeans and a red shirt is my favorite, I think. She does look retro, doesn't she? Tuesday Morning is one of my favorite places to shop. I got most of my Madame Alexander dolls there, for rock bottom prices. Thanks for another great Barbie Wednesday!
Blessings, Sarita
Hi Lindsey,
I found the cutest card for you when I went to the Lavender Festival with both Barbie and Hello Kitty on it. I will mail it with your next tag : )
how do I sign up for the Wizard of Oz Gala? Im lost in all the amazing stuff on your blog!
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