One of the main misconceptions I see with Barbies is when trying to identify a doll's age. Some people believe that the date on the back of the doll (usually on the bottom) is the date the doll was made. It actually is the date that the mold was made, not the doll. The best way to tell your doll's age is by the face. Here is a picture of dolls from the late 50's to 90's showing their different head molds and how their looks have changed throughout the decades.
I received the newest Barbie collector catalog in the mail today. I highly recommend getting one of these catalogs! They're free, and the images of the dolls are great for altered art!
I found lots of new exciting items in to want! Like this set of mini Barbies. Aren't they cute!!!!!! They are only 2.5 inches tall! They are too cute! I think I will need two sets. One for displaying and one to stay in the package.

Happy Midweek, Lindsey
Wow! Lots of cuties to see today :) The jar that says peroxide is cracking me up! :)
Hi! I love Barbie! My daughters have a lot of Barbies´dolls!
Are so cute!
Love your Barbie Wednesdays - cuteness, great info and Barbie beauty!
Thank you for the comment you left on my blog. I was so glad to meet another 'Barbie' lover. I got my first in 1960; wish I still had her. She wore a red bathing suit and had a black 'bubble' hairdo. I've always loved the Barbie pictured on your post with the black and white striped suit and ponytail. When the reproduction came out over a decade ago, I purchased her and the 'bubble' Barbie in red/white evening dress with red velvet coat.
I'm still in love with Barbie.
Cute stuff, Lindsey! A canister for eyelashes- too fun! ♥
I was on the Barbie Collectors website only last night eye up all these goodies.
Sadly we don't get this sort of thing in the UK!
Victoria xx
Wow that last Barbie dress is amazing! E
I got a Barbie mag the other day...growing to love her more and more and wish my Hubby would win the lottery...LOL!
How fun to see the progression of Barbie's face through the decades. I played with Barbie during those times. I remember thinking that Barbie was so much prettier during the 70's-80's, (yes, I secretly got Barbie's into my teens, LOL!) and now that I'm older I appreciate the 50's-60's Barbie!
~TattingChic ♥
So much good stuff in this post, Lindsey! I love the mini-Barbies, and I like your tip about getting the Barbie collector catalog. The home decor is fabulous, and the zippered totes look really cute. Thank you for another fun Barbie post.
Hi Lindsey
I love that picture of that bag in that catalog. Where could I find a catalog?
That canister set is fantastic! I want the dolls one too!
Oh wow! You know what those mini Barbies reminded me of? Little Kiddles dolls. Remember those? They came in a little purfume bottle and smelled yummy. I had the violet (She came in a purple purfume bottle, so I think she was violet!) and my sister had the rose. Thanks for bringing back a good memory! Great post! Hugs, Paulette :o)
i just love barbie wednesday.....it's such a great trip down memory lane!! :)
Wow - who knew there was so much in Barbie collectibles. I had that 60's Barbie when I was a little girl and my mother would make her clothes. I sure wish I had kept all of that now. BTW, I just noticed your dog babies on your sidebar and they are so cute.
Great information! And I would love to get a catalog! How neat!
Hi, I'd like to join your Oz festival..one) cause it sounds fun and two) I am selling Oz merchandise in my ebay store. I also sell Barbies and collect them. I'll never outgrow being a Barbie girl.
Hi Lindsey,
Lots of Barbie cuteness : )
Wow~ what a fun post to read!
If only I still had my 1950 and 1960's Barbie's. Maybe I could retire. LOL
Barbie has always been a fun doll.
Take care and enjoy your day,
hey sweets! Loved the barbie post, as usual. Looking forward to the Wizard of Oz Gala on Saturday!!
I missed you guys!
Btw...how much do you know about Kittles? I was inspired to research those when I saw the Mini-B's you posted on. :)
They are called Kittle dolls. (minus the "s") They were miniature dolls designed to be worn as lockets around the neck or found in "perfume" bottles. The cologne bottle Liddle Kittle dolls were scented, almost a precursor to Strawberry Shortcake. They were manufactured in the mid-1960's. I own two. The Lucky Liddle Kittle and the Rose Bottle Kittle. They were my mom's and aunt's. You can find them on Ebay, I was just there. Have a great day!
I LOVE all the Barbie's. I had a 1060's Barbie plus many afterward. Great post. Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog and come back soon for another chit-chat.
His blog is wonderful!
I love Barbie!
My daughter has many dolls Barbies.
In mi blog I have post interesting on the house of Barbie in Buenos Aires Argentina.
In my blog is translator.
Fantastic " the wondelrful wizard of Oz Gala" I am in time to participate??
That funny!
Saturday 22 of August I participate in the gala of "Wizard Of Oz "
what pretties! I love the look of the older dolls, so vintage and lovely and done-up :)
thanks for your visit Twyla!~
That catalog is great fun for any Barbie collector! What a great idea. Love all the pics! Thanks for sharing them today!
Lindsey, I just checked out the Christmas Cricket! Oh my goodness! It makes October Afternoon look dreary by comparison! I can't wait, can't wait! Thanks for the heads up! E
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