Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This is my mystery quilt. I’ve had it since 1987. I inherited it from my Aunt Pearl. When she passed away, I was allowed to pick anything in her house that I wanted and this was one thing I chose. I assumed she made it since she was a great seamstress, but her daughter says she didn’t. So, I have no idea who made it or where it came from.

I do love the colors and fabrics that were used. I think there are lovely examples of vintage fabric incorporated in this quilt.

My grandmother made quilts, but didn’t have beautiful fabrics and patterns. Her quilts are very artistic anyway because she used what she had and created something to keep her family warm.

I can remember sleeping under my grandma’s quilts since I was a very little girl. They kept me warm.

Those who sleep under a quilt, sleep under a blanket of love. – Author Unknown

Even though my grandma passed away in 1984, I still feel her love with me to this day. She had such an ability to love unconditionally.

I think of her a lot and feel that she is still a part of my family’s lives.

I have collected lots of fabric and love quilting magazines, I always think one of these days when I have lots of time, I am going to make a quilt. Why is it that time seems to be one thing there is never enough of?

I did try to make a doll quilt a few years ago. I got to the binding and never completed it.

I hope you are all having a wonderful January and enjoying a fresh start this year. There is so much we can do to enrich our own lives and the lives of others. May we each look away from the faults of others and just see love.

Wishing you much happiness,


MaryEllen said...

What a beautiful quilt!
how lucky you are to have it!
I always admire people who can sew!
It's such a creative talent.

I will be happy to send you as much snow as you'd like... we have plenty to share!

Stay warm in the Arctic blast!
Spring is out there somewhere right?

Anonymous said...

Hi Twyla... Your quilt collection is simply breathtaking... How blessed you are to have such sweet memories of the women from your past... I love your Aunt's name, "Pearl" ... of course! My Grandmother sounds alot like yours... she 'n my Mom, both, were like Angels walking on earth and I miss them, terribly... My Grandmother made alot of quilts, too, and I am fortunate enough to own 4 of them. In fact, today I took my nap underneath one, and I agree, it does feel like you're wrapped 'n covered in the love of the one who crafted it... Soooo comforting! Thanks very much for sharing your quilts... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Anonymous said...

Thanks for showing us your quilts, Twyla! You know I love your mystery one and your puppies look so sweet "modeling it' for you!

I think that any quilt is beautiful beacuse I know the time that goes into one. Even a crazy quilt takes work!

I helped to quilt my daughter in laws wedding quilt. She had a large quilting bee and then a smaller one to finish it up.

I hope you'll be able to finish the one you started. I know you will once the mood strikes you!

Thanks for being such a sweet friend, twyla and I hope you have a love filled day!

Stacey said...

I love the scallop edging on your aunt's quilt. What a neat family heirloom. We have a quilt that my hubby's great great grandmother made. It's very worn at this point but the colors are great!

Anonymous said...

So lovely! I want someone to make me a quilt so badly :) But alas....I'm always the one making them :)

Lindsay-ann said...

Hello Twyla
Your Aunt Pearl's quilt is beautiful. It is so intricate and the fabric is gorgeous. I once cross-stitched the quote "Those who sleep under a quilt sleep under a blanket of love". It was a picture of bears under a quilt, I still have it somewhere and had forgotten all about it until today. The other quilts are also beautiful. I would love to make a quilt too one day.

Linda Lou said...

i love quilts, you are so lucky to inherit this beauty from your Aunt. I was given one as a wedding gift that my husband's grandmother made...I hope you make one someday, I am sure it would be beautiful!!

Heidi Ann said...

Those are so pretty - I love the pale soft colors. The quilts I inherited are all very bright and vibrant colors - pretty, too - but sometimes pale seems so nice and cozy!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Ladies, thank you thank you i just received my wonderful handmade gifts from you and love the slippers and the tags, so very kind of you and I feel so bad as I still haven't got myself sorted during this January slump and posted your book off to you but I will def get that done this week.

Victoria xx

Sherry said...

I love your gorgeous quilts!! I treasure the couple that I have from my great grandma. I remember her having the huge "thing" in her dinig room that held the quilts while she hand quilted them. I can't believe all the work, time and love she put into them!

Thanks for sharing yours!

Unknown said...

I love your grandmother's quilts the best. I also love the New Year's quote you left us with. There's that word again, "love". Well, I guess I just love to visit here! E


Hi Twyla,
Sorry didn't get to the computer yesterday...
Love the quilts and the puppies look so sweet on the quilt. I have a couple of quilts that my Grandma made and one is 34 years old and is ripping a little:(. It's one she made me when I married the kid's dad in 1974...
It's too COLD here for ME...at least the sun is shining:)

Patty said...

What pretty quilts! You're so lucky to have them.

KatCollects said...

Beautiful quilts and memories Twyla : ) I love the picture of your dogs on the quilt, so cute. I also made a doll quilt years ago and never binded it either. My Grandma and Great Grandma quilted I would love to learn how some day.

Sarah and Jack said...

The star quilt is my favorite, it's really sweet.

Unknown said...

Hello Twyla,
What a sweet post. I love that you feel your grandmothers love still. How precious a gift she gave you...love. What a wonderful quote on quilts. It was perfect.
I have made only one quilt ever. It took me 2 yrs. to complete because it was for fun. I made it in velvet and crushed velvets, corduroys, moleskin and I backed it with a plaid flannel with the same colors. Maybe I will post on it and show the only pic I have of it. I made it in a Qn. size and gave it to my mom one Christmas. I was so proud of it, being my first (and only) quilt. The colors were burgundy, mauve and black.
Have a lovely weekend!

Lisa & Alfie said...

Love, love this posting Twyla! And don't Spencer and Muffin look adorable on that quilt! Sorry to have been a stranger but the store closure is absorbing my waking hours ( and sleeping hours!) I feel like the kid kept in at recess looking out the window at all the other kids playing outside. Soon, I'll be back to my funstuff like this!
Hope you two are doing great!
Lisa & Alfie

Mrs.Kwitty said...

What a lovely post! I love your quilts, so beautiful and full of heart!! Don't you just love checking out the little bits of fabrics, the lovely old patterns and colors, and all the tiny stitches--absolutely wonderful.

You've made me feel very nostalgic about my Mom and Grandma. I had one of those wonderful Grandma's too...she was so full of love for everyone and always had such a ready smile. I inherited a couple of my Mom's beautiful quilts and feel her close to me when I wrap up in them. I'm grateful to her for passing along the love of sewing and crafting to me, it is such an enriching part of my life.
Smiles, Karen

Christie said...

Your quilts are beautiful...my grandmother had some handmade quilts that her mother made....I always admired them....grandmother could always point out a piece of the fabric within the quilt and tell me what kind of clothing it used to be...I'm sure the old quilts she had held alot of sentimental value for her. Alot of hard work goes into these beautiful quilts...yours are lovely...