Friday, January 9, 2009

Giveaway Winner

All right the winner for our 1 year blogaversary using a random number generator in a random number assigned commenter is:

#27 Barbara of Oodles and Oodles!

Congratulations Barbara!

Have a great weekend, Lindsey and Twyla


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Barbara! She won some Awesome Treasures!

Hope the weekend is off to a great start for you Ladies... I'm sick, again, so my plans are to stay in bed as much as possible and try to keep warm... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Anonymous said...

Good game Barbara! :>

"SUGAR, you BOWL me over"
Ha-ha-ha-ha! Could someone please pass the corn? :>

Barbara said...

Not to repeat my e-mail too much, but WOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy@Home said...

Congratulations to Barbara for being the winner of your giveaway.
Wonderful treasures to be sure.

Have a great weekend.


Lindsay-ann said...

Congratulations to Barbara, she is one lucky girl!
Have a lovely weekend Twyla & Lindsey
Best Wishes

Unknown said...

Congrats to the winner! :)

Kathy said...


Protector of Vintage said...

Congratulations to Barbara! What a lovely give-away!!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Congratulations to Barbara! Such neat things to win! Have a blessed weekend. blessings, Kathleen

Anonymous said...

Boo-hoo! Twyla didn't come see me today! :< :< :<