Saturday, January 31, 2009

Our Saturday Finds

As many of you all know we love to spend our Saturdays at flea markets and yesterday was no different. We had such a wonderful time yesterday and found many goodies to show for it!

This was from a bag full of vintage ric rac. As we were checking out we had many women around us looking at our arm fulls of stuff and the lady in front of us saw this and exclaimed "What a treasure!" That always makes me feel good when someone else thinks I've found a treasure too!

Oh, I thought the dress pattern is one of the most prettiest ones I've ever seen.

We hit the vintage card jackpot yesterday!

Here is one of the many sweet cards we found.

I spotted this box filled with vintage cards!

Here are the cards that was inside the box. A lovely collection of them with glitter detail.

This poodle planter will look lovely with Mom's (Twyla's) collection of planters.

I am slowly building a collection of vintage linens and this is one I had to have for my collection.

Isn't this fabric gorgeous?!

It's from this beautiful vintage apron I found yesterday!

There is something so appealing about a box filled with ribbon. Don't you think?

I found a bag filled with these little bits of cut outs to make these little cups.

Also in the bag were these vintage Easter cards!

I saw the name of this book and knew it was coming home with me. How funny!

The ladies checking us out at the flea market and the women in the steadily growing lines behind us were not real thrilled with having to wait while every one of these cards were added up separately but we just kept finding more and more of these around the flea market in different booths.

I hope you enjoyed seeing our Saturday finds!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Lindsey and Twyla


Anonymous said...

Hi Ladies... I must tell you that with each passing photo of your AWESOME finds, I gasped and oooooo'd louder 'n louder! I ♥ every single thing you showed... Lindsey, I totally agree with your thoughts about the Vintage Dress Pattern... beautiful. And, I collect Vintage Embroidered pieces as well... such a lovely piece you found. Now, ALL of those Vintage cards are just amazing! I have a real "thing" for lil Yellow Chicks, so I really sighed over the sweet Easter ones! And I think that Pink Puppy with the white flowers is just way too cute! But Ohhh My Goodness... those Valentine's! What a Haul... LOL ... My absolute favorite of the bunch is the Lemon Girl in the blue dress, wanting to know if her Valentine can squeeze her into his Heart! And with a Juice Reamer, no less! ~swoons~ Ohhhh... those folding Nut Cups are so neat... and, just ♥ Twyla's Poodle Planter... Precious!

YIKES! I've really rambled on... but I'm just so excited about seeing all of your goodies! When I grow up, I want to be your neighbor and go "Thrifting" with y'all... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Those Easter cards brought tears to my eyes! And a BOX full of ribbon?! I think I'd faint. Some day, I'm going to the Flea Market too and I hope I'll be in line behind someone just like you! ♥

I'm happy for you, girls!!!!

Georgia Peachez said...

I'm so jealous, a flea market in January! Great finds!! xo, suzy

Happy@Home said...

That looks like one awesome flea market you gals go to. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful finds this week. So much fun to see. I adore the Valentine's & Easter cards.

Pieceful Bits said...

What great saturday finds. That Fuss Bunny book is adorable. You really did find some great treasures and I would have been green with envy watching you purchase them;)

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

You really did hit the jackpot yesterday!

Victoria xx


Wow weee You guys had a SUPER day at the flea market:) Too much fun and such nice treasures:) Of course the cards are my favorite and the sweet Easter cards..YES!!
Have fun with your new tresures.Can't wait to see what you will be making with them.
Happy Sunday.

Cami said...

The yellow chickies were my favorite too. What a fabulously successful Saturday. We're 3 of a kind on that front. I think I found a 1965 turquoise ford truck on our Sunday drive that I may have to drag home. :SIGH:

Lindsay-ann said...

Oh how I wish I could go to the flea market with you both. You always find such treasures. I love the ric rac and the ribbons. The vintage cards are all wonderful.
Thanks for sharing your finds.
Best Wishes

Heidi Ann said...

WOW - I wish we had a flea market like that around here!
Such fabulous finds!

Protector of Vintage said...

I love everything you found!!!

Peggy said...

You gals certainly found some great stuff! I think the two of you should go shopping with my daughter and me we all seem to have the same taste.

Anonymous said...

All of this stuff is just beautiful and I wish it were MINE! Of course, I know I am not supposed to covet....You must have access to a wonderful flea market!Thanks for sharing.
Sarita in Texas

Anonymous said...

Great finds! I like every item you posted. Glad you had fun shopping.

Can I ask you, Where do you store your vintage cards? I have a small collection, and I am looking for the best way to keep them.


Unknown said...

Awww...look at all that sweet vintage stuff! The poodle planter and the apron and the vintage sweet! Thanks for sharing! :)

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Oh my goodness--you guys really found some wonderful treasures!! I would have bought every single one the things you got had I been there! lol I drooled over that lovely rickrack--especially that hard-to-find aqua in the front. sigh. AND I Love those little cards with the glitter accent too--how sweet are those?!! Well, congrats on the sweet finds and thanks for sharing them with us!
Smiles, Karen

Stacey said...

What a haul! You did great.

I love the old dress patterns. The styles were so feminine and pretty. Now don't laugh, do you ever look at the covers of OLD Harlequin Romances? They were pretty to with the old dresses and men in suits.

Sherry said...

Wow! You guys did hit the jackpot! I love the vintage ric rac and the patterns the most!! I would just sit and start at it everytime I walked into my craft room!

Have a wonderful day!

Christie said...

What wonderful many goodies I can hardly pick out a favorite....I love the apron and the vintage fabric and cards...they're all great finds.
I was just stopping over to tell you that I've scheduled a Thursday Post that shows off my cute tags that I recieved from you. I hope that is okay. If it's not please just let me know. It just shows the tags and links to your etsy shop in case anyone is interested in getting some for themselves. Thanks again girls....have a great week!

Dawn said...

Your treasures are so wonderfully soothing in this hectic world.

It's just like Holly said --'tears to my eyes.'

Thanks for keeping the nostalgia alive.

Barbara said...

You DID hit the jackpot! I kept liking each picture better and better!

Barbara said...

You DID hit the jackpot! I kept liking each picture better and better!

KatCollects said...

You both find the sweetest things. I am in love with the bunny book, as you knew I would be : ) I also love the rick rack and the pattersn. You girls know how to shop!