Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A couple of weeks ago I showed you quilts that my grandma Opal had made, out of necessity to keep her family warm. This week I wanted to introduce you to my other grandmother, my dad’s mom.

She was a tall woman with red hair piled high on her head. When you went to visit her she could tell you the last time you stepped foot in her house. She liked to drink RC cola. She had a thing for white cats. She went through a succession of white cats over the years and I don’t think I ever knew when one was gone and the next came along because she named each one Fluffy. Her favorite colors were purple and yellow – together. I still cannot see that color combination without thinking of her.

We lost Grandma Ruth in 1985. One day a few years later I was looking through a magazine article showing cookie jars. One jar in particular stabbed at my heart. I thought why is that one so familiar? It dawned on me, after thinking and talking with my mom, that it was one that my Grandma had. It was just there on a shelf. Never saw her use it. If I hadn’t been an observant child, I wouldn’t have even noticed it.

That cookie jar became a symbol for me as a reminder of my grandmother. I don’t know what ever happened to hers, but I longed to have one. It pulled at my heartstrings.

For my birthday a couple of years ago, Lindsey found me one on ebay and surprised me with it. It is now one of my favorite possessions.

The pretty plates that are decorating this post are my tea trivet collection that I wanted to show. My cousin collected tea trivets and I was always looking in the flea markets for them and I would surprise her with one when she came for a visit. When she decided she had enough, (yes, we’re related) I couldn’t stop looking for them. So now, I get the prettiest ones I can find and have started my own collection.

We are getting a terrible ice storm right now so please wish us luck!

Wishing you much happiness! Twyla


KatCollects said...

This was such a sweet post. I just smiled while reading about your Grandma, and loved that she named all of her cats Fluffy. Family memories are so imortant. I am having a weepy day today about family, I needed this smile, thank you : * )

Anonymous said...

Hi Twyla... Thank you for introducing us to your Grandmother Ruth. What a fascinating Lady! I love the sweet Pink cookie jar... a white cat, of course! I had to chuckle at her naming all of her kitties Fluffy!

Your tea trivets are an interesting collection... I do not see many of them when I get a chance to go thrifting.

There isn't much in this world that brings me more pleasure than a good walk down memory lane... Sending up extra prayers for your safety 'n warmth during the ice storm and bad weather... Do take special care... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Georgia Peachez said...

I love that sweet cookie jar. The trivets are gorgeous, especially the first one. xo, suzy

Anonymous said...

I like purple and yellow together too, Twyla! Pansy colors!

What a sweet cookie jar and what a sweet Lindsey girl! ♥ What a blessing.

We've been known to occasionally pass down cat names but not evey cat the same name. ;> I just love studying people. Your grandma sounds like such a hoot!

I think we're supposed to get that ice storm, too. be careful if you have to drive to work!

Knot Garden said...

I loved reading about your memories of your Grandma Ruth. She sounds like an interesting lady. The cookie jar is just gorgeous.

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Twyla
I enjoyed hearing about your grandmother and her cats. I am glad the cookie jar Lindsey found for you reminds you of her. Thanks for showing it and your lovely trivet collection.
I hope the ice storm misses you out. Take care.

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Good luck with the ice storm, I hope it doesn't affect you too much

Victoria x

Anonymous said...

Oh I see you got your cascading hearts! Too fun, huh?

Kathy said...


Unknown said...

Twyla, You get your Pink Girl tag honestly! A pink cookie jar - so you! Thanks for telling us about the tea trivets. I always wondered what those plates were. Have a great week! Elizabeth

Happy@Home said...

What nice memories you have of your sweet grandmother. That is so cute how she named each cat Fluffy. The cookie jar is adorable and very special that Lindsey found it for you and you can look at it and have happy memories.

I hope you stay safe in the ice storm. They can be so dangerous.

Stacey said...

I remember my grandmother having neat big ol' cookie jars too. It seems like she had several. Maybe that's my mind playing tricks on me.

Love your painted china pieces. They are always so delicate and pretty.

Michele said...

Hi Twyla ~ good luck with the ice. Right now all we have is sun and brrr cold! But it's supposed to warm up to 30 this weekend..whooo hooo!

Love the cookie jar...too cute!


Protector of Vintage said...

Hope that storm passes quickly!! Ice is so dangerous.

I enjoyed reading about your grandmother and the cookie jar is so cute. Take care!


Hi Girls:)
Grandma's are awesome and I know that I din't really appreciate mine. I think back to all the memories and that makes me smile. Very NICE cookie jar. You have great kids:) Are there any cookies in your jar???
Very sweet Valentine..puppy and chocolate..perfect!
Take care.

Linda Lou said...

It is so nice that you share these memories of your grandparents. Your daughter is pretty awesome-always getting you just the gift that she knows you would love! Please drive careful in that ice storm, we hit black ice one time about 15 years ago and lost control of our red Isuzu Trooper-very scary!!

Unknown said...

I am loving that pink cookie jar and the pretty pink plate...sigh...!

Suzie Button said...

Hi Twyla, I love your replica of your Grandma's cookie jar, how wonderful Lindsey found it for you! I love the trivet too, it's so pretty! Suzie

Christie said...

These tea trivets are gorgeous...what wonderful finds...and that cookie jar is precious and more precious are the memories it holds for you.

leslie said...

That was such a sweet story about your grandmother. I also remember things about my grandmother that I should write about in my blog. I hope you and Lindsey are doing well!