Wednesday, January 14, 2009

On this cold but lovely Wednesday I want to show you my newest addition in my vintage Barbie collection.
This is a sewing accessory pak. It came out in 1961 for homemade Barbie clothes.

I found this on etsy last week and was excited to add to my collection!

It always amazes me to find items like this that have stayed in their original packaging for so many years!

This is a watch my Mom bought me for Christmas a few years ago from JCPenny. I have never worn it preferring it to be another part of my collection.

I love how the case was made to look like a clutch purse.

I have been enjoying reading a new Barbie guide book that I received for Christmas. The most interesting chapter talks about how there are so many rare prototypes. Outfits that were made from different and left over materials. Collectors are discovering variations of styles and colors every day! How exciting it is to be a Barbie collector.

Like this photo I found showing a similar style dress using different materials.

I also found it interesting that Barbie dolls from the Seventies that weren't as highly sought after in past years are becoming so now that the women who had those dolls as girls are buying them now.

I leave you with this photo of a Barbie plate I found at a garage sale several years ago. It shows a ponytail Barbie in the outfit called " Solo in the Spotlight".

Have a great day,


Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey... I really enjoy reading your Barbie posts... and I love the watch, and the adorable clutch-purse case... sweet!! My MIL did a lil bit of doll collecting, and after she passed away, I got several of them already boxed up... sadly though, she wasn't too serious or careful with them and as I recall, the boxes were dirty... but the dolls, Barbie's, were still in the boxes and had not been played with... Hopefully this Spring I can get my husband to bring them down from the attic... when I get my hands on them, I'll do a post or at least send you some pics via email... I do know that one of them is a Coca-Cola Barbie... Hope your week is going well, and that you're enjoying your new Barbie Book... Take care... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Anonymous said...

Good morning, Lindsey! Happy Barbie wednesday!

I Love those skin tight dresses! Can't quite imagine walking in one, though! :>

Vintage items still in their packages amaze me! I can't help but wonder "why". Were they purposely left in? Were they simply forgotten in a closet? What?

Well, I'm getting excited about Valentines day! :>

Lindsay-ann said...

Hello Lindsey
I enjoyed seeing more of your collection today. The guide book sounds great and very interesting. I love the Barbie watch in the clutch purse and the sewing accessory packs.
Enjoy your week.

Dawn said...

My heart did a little dance when I saw those Barbie patterns still in the original packaging -- how cool!

And that black clutch-purse -- oh, my. Couldn't you just see that for going out? Love it!

You should do a Barbie Show-n-Tell Travel Show. Come to different places, set up and share your passion! I know my teen, tween (and myself..ahem) would love to see everything in person!

Barbara said...

The sewing pack brings back such great memories - my mom bought those to put tiny zippers and buttons on the clothes she made for my dolls. I know I still have a little packet of red buttons, but not the whole card - that's a great find!

Heartfelt living said...

I always enjoy your barbie post. I especailly love the plate. Don't ever remember seeing one like that before. Great find!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

You always find such wonderful Barbie treasures.

The watch inside the "clutch" is great.

Victoria xx

Protector of Vintage said...

Wow, what great Barbie collectibles! I played with Barbies during the 70s. My Barbies had bellbottoms and Ken had a leather jacket. Take care~

Heidi Ann said...

Wow, Lindsey - your fabulous collection of wonderful Barbie stuff seems to be never-ending! And I SO love seeing all of it! Thanks so much for sharing everything with us on Barbie Wednesdays!

Sherry said...

I love your vintage Valentine and your Barbies are always the best!

Have a great day Lindsay!

Unknown said...

Lindsey, My mother made me the brown coat on your pattern for my Barbie in 1962. She used red material and went to a furrier to purchase tiny pieces of mink to add a collar and cuffs. Thanks for the wonderful memory! Elizabeth

Unknown said...

Lindsey you are such a doll. Love the little sewing machine you bought. How fun! It reminded me that I bought one too awhile back for paper crafts. Not a Hello Kitty, just a sweet little white one.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Cool Barbie stuff! I had a Midge doll, but I thought her name was Madge, LOL! I had a gazillion barbies! I was in heaven when they came out with bendy arms and legs. I spent every bit of my babysitting money on them!