Saturday, January 24, 2009


Anonymous said...

Ooh! I'll have to show this one to Bobby! :>

KatCollects said...

Hey, this could be a pick up line at a bar, LOL. Loving all these Valentine's, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I just discovered you today (not sure how I arrived here...) but I'm loving it! I've sewn for years, have added knitting and scrapbooking over the last couple of years...looks like you'll be providing me with lots of inspiration! Thanks so much for sharing!

Protector of Vintage said...

This valentine is my favorite so far!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this one. Such a sweet pick up line!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh... My!

I wonder if they can get any sweeter than this one! What a total HOOT!!

xoxo... Pearl

Anonymous said...

Twyla and Lindsey...oh do these bring back memories! I was almost always in charge of making the class Valentine mailbox and these are just what you'd find inside back in the day!

Mike said...

Cutest thing I've seen in a long time.