This was Barbie's grooviest ride! Her Country Camper! It came out in 1971. This was out at the same time as the Malibu Barbie line.
I found this commercial for it on youtube:

And here is mine from a garage sale. It doesn't have any of the accessories anymore but with the tent stuffed inside there really isn't room for much!
The dash pulls up for me to fit the Barbie in. Oddly though Ken can't drive cause his legs doesn't bend to fit.
I really feel the hippie power! I really love the design on the side. I would like to have it blown up and on my wall!
Here's the tent. It's seen much happier days! I wonder what kind of Barbie use to lay in there in here little sleeping bag.
This is an original Malibu Barbie but without her signature bathing suit. Unfortunately it's previous owner glued her hips together so she can't walk or sit.
Thanks for visiting me! See you next time!
Happy Barbie Wednesday, Lindsey
I had a Barbie caravan when I was younger, a great long thing it was!
I've hunted on eBay and all over but never found it to come up.
Victoria x
Hi Lindsey!
Your Barbie Camper is so cute! I never had a Barbie (I was too old when they became popular... Yikes! That means I'm "old"!!) but I always admired all the darling accessories and "friends" she had.
It's so nice to meet you Lindsey!
Hugs, Sherry
Ahem. Yeah, I had that camper.
It's really funny that someone prized their Barbie enough to glue her together. I suppose it's amazing that her hair hasn't been hacked off, eh? Ugh, it was probably the previous owner's brother or something like that.
Really cool post! Thanks for sharing!
What a cool find! I had the Barbie Dream House and a jillion Barbies. My Mom and Aunt made tons of clothes for them. I sure miss them.
I found your blog after visiting Karen's (Misses Kwitty) Glad I found you.
A groovy ride, indeed! I have such fond memories of family camping in our old Corvair Greenbrier van. Daddy made a specially fitted platform inside for sleeping on, and for storage. I wish I had pictures of it! And later, Mother had two VW vans - she used to love to take her grandkids camping. Ah, the memories! But none of those were as cool as Barbie's ride! I love that owl, too. Pink and orange together - so fab, so 70's! I loved House Of Pies in the 70's because the whole place was pink and orange - oh, and the pie, of course!
Hi Lindsey
That campervan is wonderful. What a find. Your Barbie could go on a great camping holiday with our Sindys. We have Sindys caravan and tent from about the same year. Do you have somewhere to display all your Barbie stuff or is it all packed away like our Sindys?
Lindsay & Jessica
Hi Lindsey,
I have that exact camper packed in my garage. I LOVED playing with it as a child. You brought back great memories, thank you! I hope you are having a great Wednesday!
love it,
look how tan barbie used to be.
love it.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. The you tube video
was fun.
I always enjoy your Barbie posts.
Hello My Little Barbie aka Lindsey :)
It so fun to see your collection:)
Do you know how many Barbie & things you have??? What are you working on??I have taken a little break from making cards...
Have a good weekend.
Fun!! That van is so groovy! I love the pink and orange together and the swirls and rainbows and even an owl!
I would really like to know the story behind someone gluing Barbie's hips??? Oh, if only Barbie could talk! lol
Smiles, Karen
What a blast from the past! My sister got that very camper for Christmas one year. I think we have a photo of her with it somewhere.
I still have my Malibu Francie but I gave her a haircut at some point!
I had this exact camper, Twyla! It's in my closet downstairs, but it's not in as good shape as yours. I remember vividly playing with it! I loved it! Suzie
Totally groovy, Lindsey!
I wish I could remember all the Barbies I had. The only one I remember for sure was a skiing Brunette Barbie. I remember because I had 2 for Christmas. One from each Grandma. :>
~ Hearts ~
That's the camper my sister and I got for Xmas one year. I wish we still had it now. Thanks for the commercial, Lindsey. That was great! And, what is up with gluing poor Barbie's legs together??
Oh this brings back some childhood memories! I never had a caravan like that but I remember dreaming of all the cars and eventually made a car myself from a cardboard box. I made it like a convertible complete with front window,seat belts and round filmroll boxes for wheels! I had fun with it I remember.
Always love your Barbie posts!! I was already grown when the camper came out, so I don't have it. I had the same problem with Ken's legs not being able to fit in the first little blue car I had for my Barbie!! Someone should have thought of that!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
That is a fun ride for Barbie and Ken! I had a Barbie Beach Bus when I was a little girl, and BOY was it TONS o'fun!!! I LOVED that thing and so did all my friends!
Ha:) It's funny seeing all this Barbie stuff. When I was younger I would have fashion shows for all my barbies and make my mom judge. I would always hold to fashion shows on the same night as the miss America paegants. I think I just held it at an angle. There are some weird angles and pictures you can get in the car with all of the mirrors around :) You guys have a good weekend too!
I had never seen that before, I am simultaneously jealous and nostalgic.
I dreamed of a Barbie camper for months...If I learned my multiplication tables by Christmas my mom said I could get it. I didn't learn them by then...but still got the camper! I LOVED that thing! I still remember the smell.....35 years later!
I've stumbled upon your wonderful blog! I began to cry when I saw this Barbie Country Camper....Took me back in time...I was 9 years old, and it was the "FIRST" Toy that I ever recieved on my Birthday ( I only recieved clothing before that...) I LOVED it sooooo much! It reminds me of my dad...he died just 6 months later.
Thanks for the memories!
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