Hello and welcome to another Barbie Wednesday!
I don't have many pictures today so I have shared some interesting facts I found about Barbie!
During the first year of her introduction in 1959, 351,000 Barbie dolls were sold.
This was my Mom's wallet! I love that it has her name on the front. Too cute!
It even has a little card on the inside with her name and childhood address on it.
If you placed head to toe, Barbie dolls and family members sold since 1959 would circle the earth more than seven times. This Barbie is one I am sure some of you will remember. A Ballerina Barbie. She I believe came out in the early to mid seventies. I love the face mold Mattel was using at this time. I think she kinda looks like a pixie!
Barbie is from Willows, Wisconsin and went to Willows High School.
I see these World of Barbie cases every time I go to a flea market. They made so many of them in different colors and sizes.
More than 105 million yards of fabric have gone into making Barbie dolls and her friends' fashions, making Mattel one the largest apparel manufacturers in the world.
I hope you have enjoyed learning a little more about Barbie!
hey sweeties.
i love it here.
just love all the barbie love.
Hi Girlfriends :)
Ohhh I remember a Barbie wallet..that is so sweet that you still have yours Twyal :) That was a fun memory for me..thanks for sharing Lindsey. Where did you get the Holiday Somerset Mag..I can't find it at Michael's of Joann's..guess they are slow up here in the northlands...
Take to you soon..Hugs :)
I have that World of Barbie case! And Malibu Barbie is somewhere inside it.
Loved your barbie post. I had that last pic as a carry case many years ago!!! Wish I still had it!
OMG, I've got the dress in the first picture, the pink with the eyelet lace inset!! Too cute!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Funny how some of those dresses on Barbie are now dress patterns that my teen daughter and I are looking at making for her for homecoming.
Great post Lindsey! It was fun!
Fabulous treasures, gotta love Barbie! I have that little dancing ballerina too! And yours in in beautiful condition!
Sandra Evertson
How sweet to have your Mom's Barbie wallet.
Loved this post.
Good ol' Barbie she sure has had some great clothes over the years... very fashionable! Love the second photo dress and the black fitted gown! She's always had the perfect body to look fab in all she wears too!
Thank you for stopping by my site for visit... pop in again!
Love this Barbie post and so many interesting facts I never knew :)
I will NEVER tire of reading about Barbie nor of seeing your pictures!
Oh my goodness! I had that ballerina barbie when I was a girl!!!
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