Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fall has come to our house except that it looks like Halloween. Our entire living room has been transformed into a haunted house. We have been thinking about Halloween for weeks now because of the swaps we have been involved in.

Also been busy crocheting pretty pumpkins to decorate with. I make these in a trio of colors – winter white, rust and orange. They make a pretty grouping.

These are my son’s, he loves pumpkins and was the inspiration for my making them to begin with. I add stems from fallen branches in the yard and a swirl of gold wire for a touch of whimsy.

Spencer had his appointment with the groomer and he came home so cute. He still does some naughty stuff, but it is easier to forgive him, ha. Actually, he is getting better behaved every day and we wouldn’t trade him for anything.

This is what I came home to the other day (the day Before he went to the groomer). He looked at me like ‘Hi Mom, what’s wrong?’

‘What did I do?’

He was so cute that I couldn’t get mad at him. He had that yarn wrapped all around him and he couldn’t get out of it. I’m sure he wished he could before I got home. Of course, Muffin, Mr. Never Does Anything Wrong dog was sitting on the couch watching, saying, ‘I told him he shouldn’t do that.’

I was looking at some blog lists the other day and noticed one called Nancy Jo. I started looking at her last few posts and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. There were pictures of Her Folk Art Pfaltzgraff collection! I had to leave her a comment and have her check out my collection. Isn’t blogging great when you can meet people with similar interests as yours? She has a beautiful blog and you should go for a visit, I know you will enjoy it.

I will leave you with this little poem.
Back on it’s golden hinges
The Gate of Memory swings,
And my heart goes into the garden
And walks with the olden things.

Wishing you much happiness! Twyla


Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Your crocheted pumpkins are fantastic.

We have loads of Halloween things all over the house in preparation for my sister in law's baby shower.

Victoria x

Lindsay-ann said...

Spencer is soooo C-U-T-E.

Those crocheted pumpkins are gorgeous. Where can I get the pattern? They look fantastic.


leslie said...

Spencer is so adorable.. I also just had my three poodles clipped... they were such a mess! Now they are beautiful and probably feel a lot better! Also.. I love your crocheted pumpkins... do you have a pattern for sale? I would love to make up a bunch of them!


First, I must place an order for the crocheted pumpkins...they are so sweet, I'll email you :)
Looks like some fun Halloween treasures :) Spencer look like he really enjoyed his "craft time" :)
Jackson Brown decided to eat my mini pumpkins that I just bought and made a mess of them under the dining room table...He is too busy when I don't give him enough attention. I'm taking him to the Vet..I think he has allergies...his paws look awful.
Warmly, Deb

KatCollects said...

Spencer is absolutly the cutest! Him wrapped in the yarn is priceless : ) The pumpkins are beautiful, you are very talented! I hope you had a great Tuesday Twyla.

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Twyla!
Oh Little Spencer is so adorable!! He looks just like our Misty before she's groomed, a big white fluff ball! Our Misty is getting up there in years now and doesn't get into much except DO NOT leave a napkin or tissue in her reach, it will be shredded to bits. The Doxies are a total irritation to her and she ignores them most of the time.
Spencer looks quite young and "full" of it! The yarn is so funny.
I'm so glad to meet you! and will be back to see what you're up to.

Sherry said...

I love your pumpkins! I haven't got any of my fall stuff out yet. Maybe next weekend. Spencer looks so cute and innocent, of course! How could he resist that yarn?

^ ^