Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another Saturday of flea market adventures! The weather here was beautiful and such fun to get out and enjoy the day treasure hunting.
In the first flea market booth we went into there was this cute little lamb. It matches another one I found a couple months ago but it's about half the size.

I would love to have a collection of these glasses! The colors are so me!!!!!

This is my favorite find of the day. This adorable set of snowmen candle holders. Aren't they precious? I love the pink and blue colors and shiny glitter.

I found this vintage pink ornament in the same booth as the snowmen. I am starting to see a pattern here with all of my pink finds today!

I couldn't pass up this fuuny little book. I think I will have to take time and read this story. It sounds like it will be funny.

Hello! Twyla here. These are the treasures I chose and just like Lindsey, I seem to have had my pink radar on.

We stopped by the thrift store first where I found the pink vase above. I am always looking for things that will come in handy to hold craft supplies in our craft room. We have a room designated for crafts, but unfortunately it also is storage area. It is not good when three members of this family are collectors who don't like to get rid of anything. We have big dreams and ideas of what we want our craft room to look like. Hopefully, we'll be able to show some pictures soon.

I got a package in the mail today! Always exciting and especially when I seen who it was from! None other than Suzie Button, one of my Halloween swap partners.

It felt like Christmas, I had so many goodies to open!

Thank you so much, Suzie, for making this such a pleasurable swap experience. I truely appreciated everything that you sent.

Isn't this wreath gorgeous?! She did a wonderful job.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone! Twyla and Lindsey



Hi My Friends,
Nice treasures :) I wish I could have gone "hunting", but I was trying to sell stuff:)
Very Nice Halloween swap treasures you rec'd. WOW. What is that with your name on it??Like a table topper??I'm going to post tonight about some treasures that I rec'd :) from my special FRIENDS !!
Talk to you soon..
Warmly, Deb

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Fantastic treasures today. i have a cute lamb just like yours.

What a fantastic swap package, I'm Suzies partner in another swap and can't wait for my package to arrive!

Victoria x

Unknown said...

My mom had a cute little lamb just like that! How sweet. Your flea find are fabulous! Wow, I just had to say that...LOL! Your swap partner looks like she spoiled you! Were those chocolate chip cookies I spied? YUMMMMMMMMMY!!!

KatCollects said...

You both found great things. My favorite is the vintage pink ornament. And you got great things in your Halloween swap, so crafty and fun! I hope you both had a great weekend, I am still tired : )

Suzie Button said...

I'm so glad you loved everything, Twyla! The one item isn't a table runner, but a kitchen towel. I am lucky I have a Husqvarna embroidery machine, I just love to use it! Your pics were great, Twyla! I can't wait to see what I get from you too! Suzie

Suzie Button said...

Oh, Twyla, did you open up the container? There's more goodies in there too!

Suzie Button said...

Oh, never mind! I see now you did open it! I'm tired, but I have to caption a news program in 15 minutes to 11:30 p.m. central, so I can't go to bed! UGH!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

What wonderful finds this weekend! I'm so loving pinks (& a little blues mixed in) right now!! Twyla got some terrific swap items for Halloween, toO! Lindsey, your Halloween memory album is adorable! You do excellent work!

BTW, I NEED that French Provincial Hutch!! I've even got the same little Madame Alexander Swedish doll you have!!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Knot Garden said...

All that Halloween stuff is amazing!
I really like all the pink themed treasures you found. Those snowmen are so cute.

queen-of-nostalgia said...

Love Suzie's treasures! Isn't getting a box in the mail the absolute best? I loved getting mail as a kid... still do!

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Your Halloween swap goodies look great. I wish Halloween was big here in Australia - I could have so much fun making bits and pieces for it. Actually, who am I kiddding....I would do over the whole house!!!

Lindsay-ann said...

I loved seeing your great flea market bargains especially the snowmen candle holders, they are gorgeous.
You will have a fantastic halloween with all that wonderful stuff from your halloween swap.

Kali said...

well done girls, your treasures are all so sweet!
and your swap package looks like so much fun!
take care & hugs, xo k.

MaryEllen said...

Hi Girlies,
... First.. one more big Thank you to Twyla for my wonderful, cuddly Halloween house shoes... ooohh how I love them!

When I saw that glass... how I flashed back to the 60's!!! they were sold back then filled with Jelly in the grocery stores. My mom, who was big in to "Early American" style decorating, LOVED those glasses, and we ate a lot of Jelly, so she could have a whole set of glasses! Of course they disappeared over the years. Thanks for taking me "back" What a great find!

Sweet Sage said...

SWEET Saturday Finds!!
Lucky You!

Sherry said...

I love the stuff that Suzie sent to you! She makes the cutest things!
