Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday Goodies

Well, my room isn't anywhere near finished with it's makeover, but I did get my EARLY birthday present Friday! My Brother bought me this beautiful french provincial hutch.

This is how it looked before

I adore french provincial furniture. I am always admiring the pieces I see at the flea markets.

I know that I will love and keep this piece the rest of my life.

Don't I just have the best Brother? He even did most of the arranging for me. I sadly lack the ability to come up with pretty vignette's.


I love Making Memories Halloween paper! I adored last year's but didn't discover it until it was mostly sold out. This year I have been stalking Target which is the only store around that carries it for weeks! So when I finally found it Saturday I got most of what they had.

Not only did I get these two sets but also six sheets of coorinating stickers, brads and clear stamp set!

I love Hello Kitty! I knew I had to have these when I saw the one dressed up as Dorothy!


Hello! Twyla here! I got a few goodies this weekend when we drove to Bolivar to go to their two very nice flea markets.

This Folk Art heart dish we picked up at the thrift store as we were leaving town. It was $1.17. Lindsey bought it for me, she's a sweetie. Bolivar flea markets are a 25 minute drive from Springfield. I got this very cute mushroom that, I discovered later when I did some research on ebay, is an Avon candle from 1972. In great shape for something 36 years old! I'm in to mushrooms lately and this one was too cute for $2.00.

This little blue kitten planter was right up my alley also. I am still in my children's planter period.

This set is so precious. It is signed on the bottom of all three pieces, Ruth 1956. It is special to me that someone made this before I was born and now I get to take care of it and love it. Believe it or not, all three pieces to this lovely set was a total of $2.00!

It is funny when I go flea marketing anymore because I take all of you with me. I see things and I think 'Oh, Heidi Ann collects those,' or 'Kim would like that.' 'Wish I could get that for Deb'. Yes, I think of all my friends as I go along. You all are so special and so thankful that I have met you.

Wishing you much happiness! Twyla and Lindsey


Free Art Printables said...

Oh! oh! OH! J'adore that hutch! I can't wait to see what you do with it!


Hi Grils :)
Lindsey, you do have one special brother :) that's a super birthday gift:) I love the child's book.
Twyla, very cute planter and signed creamer and sugar(?) and i also think..would Twyla like that and does Lindsey have that paper :)
I must go to target and find that Halloween paper!! Which section of target, dollar area or scrapbook?
Another week with lots going on. It's also husband's birthday and I have No idea of what to get him..we do have everything we need.
I also bought this very nice dresser at an estate sale on Saturday. It's in the garage until I move another piece of furniture. I should just email you...:)
Hugs, Deb :)

Barbara said...

and when I see puppies, kittens, cute baby planters and greeting cards I think of you guys! Happy birthday, Lindsey!

KatCollects said...

Hi Ladies,
Love all the sweet finds : ) The creamer pitcher set is adorable, what a great treasure to find. And I am thinking I will be hitting Target tomorrow : ) And Lyndsey, your Brother is the best!!! He does the sweetest things for you. I am glad you both had a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

I just love the Monday to Sunday Picture you have at the very beginning. Is it a book, or clip art? I have enjoyd reading your blog, and all the lovely pictures. What a great hutch, and a great brother to buy it! All the best to you both!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I just love, love your new hutch.

The Hello Kitty stickers are great too, I spotted a Halloween Hello Kitty balloon at the weekend that I think will have to make an appearance on 31st October!

Victoria xx

Patty said...

Happy Birthday, Lindsey! That was really nice of your brother to get you that hutch. Uh, my sister gave me Scotch tape for my birthday. :) That kitten planter is really cute, Twyla.

Michele said...

Hi Girls...Lindsey...what a great brother! That hutch is to die for!

Twyla, I do the same thing when I shop! I'm loving children's you can see on my blog because I've seen you pick up such cute ones!

Take care ladies...and have a great week!


LBP said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I had that very same mushroom when I was a kid. I had forgotten all about it. What a blast from the past.

Great hutch by the way, love the little kitties, and planters



Thriftin and Craftin said...

Thank you SO MUCH for the kind comments on my blog. I'm so pleased to know that my posts have inspired you-that's awesome! I love all the vintage goodies on your blog. Have a great day!

Holly said...

Your opening picture on this post is so cute! (Little girl ironing.)

Wow, I can't believe what good shape that candle is in! Seems like it would discolor. I made mushroom candles like that when I was about 11- only mine were not pink. They were realistic looking, which means UGLY! :>

Lindsay-ann said...

That hutch is amazing, I just love it. Great finds too at the flea markets. I really like the folk art you collect.
Thanks for showing your treasures.

leslie said...

I remember Ginny dolls when I was little! They were my favorite! Also... I got my winning package today! I'm going to post photos of everything on my blog so you can see... and you even wrapped everything in pattern peices! How clever! I love everything! I'll say more about it all in my blog! Thanks very much...

Heidi Ann said...

Twyla - I do the same thing when I am out shopping! And if I could afford to, I would probably buy the things and send them to my blog friends! I love the little blue kitty. When I was growing up, our doctor and his family were also dear friends. They had 3 girls, too. The middle daughter, Barbara, got a brand -new French Provincial bedroom set and I was so envious. I thought it was gorgeous. We had to make do with older furniture (no- not neat antiques!). My dream furniture was actually something altogether different that I will do a post on my blog about one of these days, but I did love Barb's bedroom! Your hutch is fabulous - you sure do have a nice brother!

Sherry said...

That hutch is to die for!! What a wonderful Brother! He is definitely going to make someone a great husband someday!

Isn't it funny how you take people, especially people that you've never actually met, shopping with you? I think Earl thinks I'm crazy sometimes the way I talk about all of you. It's a wonderful thing though!!
