Saturday, January 16, 2010

Apron Love

Today we offer you Valentines featuring aprons!

These little girls are working so hard to earn their Valentine's heart.

I love this poem on the inside.

The colors on this card is great. Love her little stove.

I hope you've enjoyed this selection today. Feel free to use them any way you wish!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Twyla and Lindsey


KatCollects said...

I just wanted to stop by and say Hi, I love all of your valentine decorations. I hope life is good for you both.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Twyla and Lyndsey...
Thank you both for sharing today. I so love it when you do. These Valentines are just precious. You always have just the most precious items and crafts to share. I don't know how a person can visit here and not be inspired to create. I thank you both for the inspiration that you give me everytime I knock on your blog door. It is always an adventure.

Have a beautiful Saturday ladies.

Country hugs and so much love, Sherry

Hearts Turned said...

I love these sweet vintage Valentines, ladies! They're just adorable--thanks for sharing them! Hope you're having a wonderful night!

Nan said...

Such sweet old Valentines, thanks for sharing. Nan

Diane Mars said...

What darling graphics, I love the old valentines. Hugs, Diane

LiLi M. said...

Thanks again lovely ladies! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

"So when you're tired of boarding..." Hee-hee-hee! I chased after Bobby but not that hard! ☺

Thanks for sharing, sweeties! ♥

Raggedy Ann said...

What sweet cards. I love aprons! C:

~Tonja~ said...

Hi Girls...Oh my what adorable sweets
you are sharing today....Love them..
Thank you...Have a great day....
Sweet Blessings...

Mrs Twins said...

Hello to both of you!
What beautiful cards!
I really think they are all cute! I do wish they would make cards like this nowadays!
Hope you both okay.
Have a good crafty weekend both of you!
Hugs and LOve Suex

mimi said...

Good Morning girls :)
These images are so sweet. I love aprons. My mom made me an adorable ruffley one for Christmas. It makes cooking so much more fun when I wear it :)
Once again THANK YOU for sharing!!!

Jennifer D said...

So sweet. Thanks for sharing!

Auntie Cake said...

My grandma used to always be in an apron if she was at home. If I was a very good little girl, she used to give me one too, and I just thought I was so special when that happened. Ever since then, I have always loved aprons, your Valentine's with the aprons are just so sweet. Love them!

Heidi Ann said...

Those are all so adorable and special! Thanks so much for sharing them with us !

Cora said...

I love cute indeed.
They would be perfect additions to a cookbook I want to print one day with my daughter. (not to sell) We want to use our favorite recipes, my photos, and cute stuff.
Thanks for sharing!

HAppy Saturday!

koralee said...

So lovely...I adore Valentines day..these cards are so sweet. Thank you for sharing. Happy weekend..and thank you for visiting me the other day! xo

Julie said...

Love the poem but mine would say "I can't sing but I can sew"!!!

GardenOfDaisies said...

What sweet valentines! I love the aprons! When I was just a wee girl (probably about 4) my mother made me a tiny apron from scraps left over from a dress she made me. (she made almost all my clothes) I still have the apron. I should post a picture of it... My list of things that I need to post on my blog keeps getting longer and longer..

Lyneen said...

What lovelies... thanks for sharing.

Beansieleigh said...

Aww.. these are so SWEET! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you're enjoying the weekend! ~tina

Anonymous said...

So cute,thanks for sharing!

Dogwood said...

More darling vintage Valentines! Thanks. Love all the aprons. I always wear an apron when I cook since I am so messy.

I will probably use some of your pictures for my Valentin cards this year.

Thanks and have a fun and silly weekend.

Brenda Pruitt said...

So cute! Where on earth do you find all these?

Free Pretty Things For You said...

OMG girls have the cutest blog!!!
i just opened up my blog a few weeks ago.. hope you stop by!
Your new follower and fan

Celestial Charms said...

Such sweet Valentine's cards. Thanks for sharing them with us. You always have the cutest cards to post!

Shirley said...

I loved the valentine decoration. It really makes me think of some I received a long time ago. There is that age thing HeHe. We did have some really darling Valentines back then.

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