Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Barbie Wednesday

Hello Friends, today I want to share with you a really sweet gift I received from our blog friend, Jacqueline from Once Upon a FairyLand.
This is a Salt and Pepper Shaker set! Isn't it so cute?! I love Ken's Chow Time apron!

I got the Edward Twilight doll for Christmas!! I think he is so cool! Mattel also created a Bella Barbie which I will get soon and in the Spring, Mattel will release a Jacob doll!

Next to Edward is a reproduction Brunette Ponytail Barbie and Reproduction Malibu Barbie in the box behind her.

This is a close up of Edward's face. Can you see the sparkles? I love that Mattel took the time to add this detail to the doll!

I recently spotted this pretty new gift set coming out this year! It is a reproduction Platinum Blonde Swirl Ponytail Barbie. She comes with a reproduction outfit and booklet.
I love the blue box! I think this is such a great set!

I hope you're having a great week! We're expecting more snow today! Yippee!



Bearly Sane said...

Happy new year to you two crazy crafters!! I am never surprised at what Jackie comes up with anymore, she's got a real nose for choosing just the right gifts!
Warmest hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane

Sandy said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, leaving a comment and becoming a follower! I just joined your blog as a follower too. Your blog is so cute and I can't wait to take a closer look at it. I think it is great mom and daughter enjoy blogging and crafting together. I think my mom would have liked it too but she passed away many years ago just when computers were starting up (i.e. Commandore 64)

Teacup Lane (Sandy)

Vivian said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. After school today, I'll visit more and check out your archives. Isn't this weather absolutely "crazy". I want school canceled just so I don't have to go out in this frigid weather. I don't do well in the cold, cold weather.

Anonymous said...

Go team Edward! ☺ I love how Rob jokes about his "little bouffant". Hee-hee! I'm reading Twilight for the second time right now. ♥

Anonymous said...

I so-o-o-o love Barbie!! I can remember wishin' & hopin' for different Barbie outfits over the years I played with my Barbie!!
Love your Barbie Posts!!

Beansieleigh said...

Oh my gosh! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the salt and pepper shakers!! ~tina

Dixie said...

I had the original platinum ponytail Barbie in 1964... got her for Christmas... she was killed that same year by Little Brothers GI Joe...

Maybe I'll get the new repro version... Little Brother is living 500 miles away... she should be safe...

parasols and maryjanes said...

Thanks for your sweet visit to our blog. I wish I had specific info at my fingertips when writing about that little church.Glad you knew an interesting fact about it.
Sisters are special, Yes?

Julie said...

What cute salt and pepper shakers!I love how they are bring back some of the old vintage looking Barbies. I gave my daughter The vintage Barbie tags for her new suitcase we gave her for Christmas, she so loved them!

Anonymous said...

Love the Edward doll...he looks dashingly handsome! Go team Edward!! Looking forward to seeing what the Jacob doll looks like xx

Melinda said...

Still loving these Barbie Wednesday's. They are sooo much fun and bring back great memories of many hours "playing Barbie" with my friends.

Enjoy the snow that's coming our way!


Margaret Cloud said...

I hope you girl's had a great Holiday and blessings for the coming year. I never got into Barbie, reason I had boys, but my sister had four girls and they each had Barbies. Because the clothes were so expensive she made the dolls clothes and she did such a good job you would swear they were store boughten Loved the salt and pepper shakers, thank you girls for coming by, have a great week.

Kathleen said...

My very favorite is the original Barbie. Just like the one I had when I was just a little girl. I remember how the outfits would come packaged with the accesories, and the shoes. They sold for $1.25 each then. I miss those days. Hugs, Kathleen

Kelly said...

Loving Edward!! I want him!!!
The 1964 Barbie looks lovely too I have all the others in the series so wouls totally want to add that one to the collection!

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Lindsey
WOW The Edward doll really sparkles? That's great. I hope you get a Bella for him soon.
So you have snow too? We have had 9 inches in the last 24 hours. It's the worst snowfall here for 20 years. Everything is closed schools, businesses, airports. It's chaos.

Nancy Jo said...

Oh how exciting for you! I just ordered that issue. I will be looking for you in there. I love all their magazines.
Nancy Jo

Unknown said...

I love those salt and pepper shakers! those are so cool :) My mom would freak over those! The Edward doll is too cool!! Of course they would have to have Twilight Barbies :):) You have the best Barbie stuff I have ever seen!

Jenny said...

I want the dress for me!!! Wow!!!

Unknown said...

It always feels weird when you see something that has been in your hands on someone elses blog. I waved to Barbie and Ken and blew them a kiss...tee hee. There's nothing like your Barbie doll days. It's so fun for me! I can't even look at a Barbie now without thinking of you. I'm glad you liked the shakers. I just knew they belonged with you.

Beedeebabee said...

EDWARD! still my heart! xoxo

Heidi Ann said...

Barbie Wednesdays always make me dream about finding more vintage Barbies to add to my small collection. I LOVE seeing all of your Barbie stuff, Lindsey!

Diane Mars said...

Oh I love that new set that is coming out it sure reminds me of our Barbies. Cute shakers what a surprise that must of been. Have a great week girls. Hugs, Diane

Anonymous said...

The salt & pepper shakers are so sweet. My daughters' Barbies were beheaded by her little brother's tyrannosaurus rex. You should have heard the howling and screaming. Rosie

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Happy 2010! Your gifts are so adorable! Love the Edward doll! He really sparkles! :)

Unknown said...

Oh don't you get me wanting Barbie again! LOL I just love the reproduction vintage ones! As a little girl I had the dark haired bubble cut, so I do have that one and she is going to sit in my new craft room!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Those salt and pepper shakers are a fantastic addition to your collection!

Victoria x

Unknown said...

Lindsey, How can I thank you enough for the beautiful pages you have sent me for Christmas! Oh my gosh, I could not make these in a million years - I can't think big. I just look at those 15x15's and look some more. I am going to post them after all my gnome goings on! Thank you again for the postcard and the little tags. One very talented young woman, you are! Elizabeth

Elyse said...

no one does celebrity dolls better than barbie/mattel. awesome. the new set looks fabulous!!!
