Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Very Vintaage Halloween swap packages and Barbie Wednesday

Heidi Ann of Foxgloves, Fabric, and Folly Hosted a Very Vintage Halloween swap.

Mom's (Twyla's) partner was Kathy of Kat Collects.

Isn't this little bird precious?

Kathy was very careful to wrap everything pretty.

Kathy spoiled me with lots of goodies.

We are enjoying this beautiful wall hanging above our fireplace mantle.

This little box just took my breath away. When I opened it and saw the little bird inside I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen!

Thank you so much Kathy, for making this such a rewarding swap. Not only because of the sweet things you sent, but because of your friendship!


My partner was Stacey of Flotsam and Jetsam. I had such an amazing swap package. I opened up my package to find this gorgeous Paper Relics Halloween card! WOW!

Inside it was filled with lucious vintage ric rac and ribbon. Beautiful velvety purple flowers made me jump for joy!

Vintage paper ephemera and cute little pumpkins were wrapped in lovely black and white tissue paper.

Isn't this little cheetah girl is so cute! Don't you just love her tag?

She also gave me some cute vintage goodies from her flea market booth.

I love the pink cars!

These vintage Halloween images are so precious!

Now I want to show you what else Stacey gave me! A VINTAGE BARBIE AND VINTAGE CLOTHES! I could not believe it!

Look at all the cute clothes! I can't even begin to thank her enough for all that she gave me!

She gave me a Bubble Cut Barbie! Here are just some of my favorite outfits and shoes that I got!

Stacey also gave me a couple other really awesome gifts that I am going to save for tha Halloween party that Vanessa of A Fanciful Twist is hosting on October 18th.
Thank you for visiting us today, Lindsey and Twyla


Sherry said...

You guys made out good on your swap packages!! I love the little cheetah girl Lindsey. She's so cute!!

Have a great day!

Michele said...

Hi girls ~ you two really made out great in the swap. I wanted to post pictures today too, but I haven't received anything from my partner. Oh well!

Have a great day!

Unknown said...

What fabulous scrappy swappy giftees you got! I love Barbie! Thanks for sharin'!

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

I love all those goodies..I adore the vintage Barbie :)

Heidi Ann said...

What a fabulous post full of wonderment! So many great things - I especially love Barbie in her heart dress with her apron!

Lindsay-ann said...

Thanks for showing all your exciting swap goodies.
Twyla, I love the adorable glittery bird. Our Birdybelle would love him, he would think he had found a friend!
Lindsey, Your cheetah girl is so cute and the halloween images are beautiful. The vintage Barbie is lovely and all those vintage outfits are wonderful.


That was a great swap:)
Also so cool that you rec'd some vintage Barbie clothes..lucky girl.
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

You guys got such wonderful things. I have had such a good time today visiting and seeing all the goodies. All such generous and talented ladies. ~ Lynn

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

How beautiful are all your Halloween swap gifts?

I want Halloween too [insert lots of foot stamping here]. I think I will have to come to the US for a holiday at Halloween so I can participate in all the fun.
Enjoy this magical time.

Susan Hickam said...

You both got great stuff. Hope your Halloween is just as great.

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

What a great post and where do i start with what i loved most?!

Can I say all of it!?!

Great swap goodies too.

Victoria xx

Mad Red Hare said...

Way cool Halloween swap goodies! I too am a "Barbie" girl. I have all of my Barbies from when I was a child. Still in the boxes. I played with them, I just put them back in the boxes when I was done.

Free Art Printables said...

ooohhh. you got some great stuff!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Twyla, I was just over at Kathy's blog and saw the precious "best witches" hat you made...I adore it!

You got some really neat stuff there!!

Queen of Dreamsz

Anonymous said...

Hi guys-
Had a great time with this swap:) So glad you enjoyed your gifts:) I love mine so much! Thanks for being a fabulous partner ...

Anonymous said...

Hello Ladies... I keep seeing your names in different comments on my blog travels, but have never visited you... so glad I stopped by! Your Halloween goodies are simply wonderful... I esp. enjoyed seeing Barbie and her clothes... I have an original Skipper, Barbie's lil sister. I have her box and alot of outfits... I really did love playing with her!

Thanks very much for visiting me and leaving a comment... Hopefully we will run into each other many more times, now! God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Robyn said...

Ladies you received some wonderful goodies in your swaps! Thanks for sharing! Lindsey, wanted to let you know my little Barbie post dedicated to you is up on my blog now, sorry for it being a day late. Have a nice day girls!

Louise said...

So much fun! I checked out what you both gave your swap partners, and looks like everyone did well! Have to say that I love the pictures of your favorite Barbie outfits, Lindsey. Your excitement screams through this screen!

Chanda said...

I loved seeing the vintage barbie clothes, that was fun.

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Twyla and Lindsey, you girls had a great swap. Lindsey your Barbies remind me of all of mine growing up. Thanks for sharing.

Lilli Blue said...

Oh my. I picked your blog for a random visit and there was Barbie. I was just thinking today I might use the food from my Barbie kitchen on some tags I'm making. That was a great score. Nice to see ladies all over having some fun. blessings, Lilli

Iowa Sunshine said...

That sure sounds like fun!You both made out really good. I love your barbie. I wish i had mine. I really would love to get a Dolly parton barbie but know that's impossible. I love little dolls. Have a great weekend. HUGS