Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween, Everyone!

Good character, like good soup, is usually homemade.
Stacey at Poofing the Pillows is having a favorite soup & Chili recipe exchange today. I have many favorite soup recipes because I love soup. I chose this recipe for Taco Soup because it’s so easy and because it was always one of my kid’s favorites. Remember the best way to serve a meal is with a smile!

Taco Soup

1 ½ lb. Lean hamburger
½ c. chopped onion
1 can (28oz.) tomatoes w/ juice
1 can (14oz.) kidney beans w/juice
1 can (17 oz.) corn w/juice
1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce
1 pkg. taco seasoning
1 to 2 cups water

Brown beef in a large pot with onions, cook till onions are tender. Drain, add remaining ingredients, simmer 15 minutes. Serve with tortilla chips.

Something to be thankful for is that with today’s higher prices, at least when you don’t buy something, you save more money than you used to. And this is perplexing, why does food with half the calories or fat cost twice as much?

I certainly hope that you all have a lovely weekend! Twyla


Unknown said...

What a cute little image. I like the saying at the bottom of it. Have a lovely and safe weekend, yourself! :)

Stacey said...

Yummy soup! I like the picture too. :)

Thank you for participating in the recipe exchange. Have a great weekend.

bj said...

ummm, sounds so good. Taco soup is one of our favorites...

Amy said...

Yummy..taco soup!
Everyone loves a good taco, so I can't wait to try this delicious soup. Thanks for sharing, and have a happy Halloween! Amy :)

Jessi Nagy said...

Hey Ghouls!
Happy Halloween
have a spooktactular weekend!!

Carol said...

Hi girls, thanks so much for visiting my blog today! Your 'Taco Soup' recipe looks scrumptious, can't wait to try it! Have a super weekend!

Debra from Bungalow said...

Taco soup is yummy. I've never made it though but have eaten it a few times. Thanks for the recipe & stopping by my blog. Hope you come back often. It's great to 'know' you. Take care, Debrak

Bo said...

Hi ladies...thanks for posting a recipe for one I love to eat in restaurants...I'll be trying this soon! And I've asked myself the same question...why does food cost more when they leave stuff out???
Happy Halloween ;-) BO

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Loved your take on saving money. And guess what that soup that you posted the recipe for is also one of our favorites. Also, I have the same dishes. Have had them forever and just can't seem to part with them. Thanks for stopping by. Jackie


Hi Lindsey and Twyla,
Lindsey..your collection of Barbies just blows me away:) You have an awesome collection.
Twyla, Soup sound yummy and I will try it soon. Have FUN at your Halloween Party...boooo


I tagged you's a very fun one to do..

Cindy said...

Twyla, LOL...I have no's perplexing isn't it? And that is good soup...down here we add a packet of Ranch mix (dry) and some hominy! And have a Happy Halloween.


Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Happy Halloween-ie to you ~ Twyla & Lindsey! ~~

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

leslie said...

I love Pfaltzgraff! I love Taco soup! And both together... makes a beautiful meal! Great recipe. Also... thanks so much for your sweet comment about my little kitty Gracie. She is very much missed but is in a better place now. Have a fun evening tonight... I look forward to passing out treats to at least 200 kids! They just line up at the door!

Michelle Palmer said...

Hi Friends...
That soup sounds so yummy! I will have to try it~ I'll wait for our next cold it was 70 degrees here in Upstate New York! Only miles away they had 6" of snow~
I agree with the cost of 1/2 the calorie should cost 1/2 as much! Teehee...because it often tastes 1/2 as good!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

KatCollects said...

Hi Twyla,
Happy Halloween! Thank you for the soup recipe, it sounds really good. That is my favorite meal this time of year, home made soup and french bread. Now I am hungry : )

B. said...

Our recipe is very similar!! I make it a lot and freeze it too. And I love your quote... good soup and good character...

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween to you too !!! Thanks for the receipe - I am going to try this.

Sherry said...

I love soups when the weather is chilly! MMMmmm!!


Fran said...

We all love taco's so I am sure we will love your soup!

Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog!


Suzie Button said...

Thanks for the recipe, Twyla! I think this sounds perfect for lunch today! I'll make it! Suzie

Lisa & Alfie said...

This is exactly what I need right now. Easy and hearty recipes. I'll try this one this week Twyla. Hope you had a fun Halloween.
(you too Spencer and Muffin!)
Lisa & Alfie

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of the dog that looks like it holds a plant in the back were it is open i guess it is a poodle. Anyways my grandma had one of thoughs and when she passed someone took it, i wish you the best and you have a wonderful site.