In 2000 Mattel came out with the Silkstone Barbie. She is very reminiscent of the vintage Ponytail Barbie. Every year Mattel comes out with a line of Silkstone Barbie's.
This one is called "Highland Fling" Barbie in red plaid lingerie.
Like the original Barbie's the Silkstone's come in the rectangle style boxes.
The makeup is amazing on these Barbie's. I would love to have the entire line of Silkstone's!
This one is called "Suite Retreat". She is ready for a day at the spa!
I think her eye makeup makes her look mad but that's just my opinion!
This one is my favorite! I got her for Christmas last year. She is called "The Waitress".
Her cute pink outfit and turquoise eyeshadow is so lovely! I can picture her in an old 50's diner!
One of my newest finds was this pink thermos. I wish I new what little girl carried this to school!
I also wanted to show you a photo of one of the rarest Barbie dresses. It's hard to take just one dress and declare it the rarest because of there being one of a kind dresses that were rejects and other popular dresses that they tryed making with other fabrics. But generouly when asked what the rarest dress is you will be told "Gala Abend". It sold for over $13,000 dollars in 2003.
Lastly here are a couple more vintage commercials for you to enjoy!
Have a wonderful day, Lindsey
eeekkk i love wed'd here!!
the first babrie is one of my favs!!
WOW Lindsey - I don't remember those particular Silkstone Barbies - they are beautiful!!!
Always love viewing the old commercials you put up! Thanks!!!
Hi Lindsey
Loved the Swell Mattel Commercials! Your collection is really beautiful. The Silkstones are gorgeous. We hope you get a Gala Abend dress one day to add to your collection.
Lindsay & Jessica
Those dolls are gorgeous - and I loved seeing the commercials. My absolute favorite is The Waitress in her pink uniform! I never got to wear a PINK uniform when I was waiting tables. She is beautiful. Happy Barbie Wednesday!!
Those are some beautiful Barbies. Pretty hair and make-up.
Wow! I just found your blog. So much fun! I used to play Barbies for HOURS every day with my neighbor. We had so much fun! The commercials were a little before my time, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching them!
Jenni B
Hi Lindsey,
I love the 50's diner Barbie, so cute. That Barbie thermos looks so familiar. I hope you are having a great week!
I love looking at your blog on Wednesdays. I had a Barbie house like the one in the commercial. I played with it for hours and hours. I also had the fashion shop. Thakns for sharing. Becca
YAY! I love barbie wednesday! So much fun; one little doll! Love it! I have hours and hours of happy memories of playing with my Barbie Doll when I was a little girl! :)
What a nice collection you have! Love that "rare" dress... stunning!
I love Barbie Wed! The Munsters are my favorite! Thanks so much, Lisamarie
I think I remember that lunch box!!
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I've had a nice time "peeking at your blog"~ I'll be visiting often~
I love your note about the neat people you have met (blogging)... I am amazed & thankful for the kind people who share neat craft ideas, collections, recipes etc. ~ encouraging notes like yours!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend~
Look forward to "chatting" again soon...
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