Saturday, October 18, 2008

Halloween Blog Party!


Come right in and make yourself at home!

Welcome to the Blog party that Vanessa is hosting!

Can I offer you a drink? No, I don't think I have any of that kind of drink.
I guess were fresh out.

A chocolate chip cookie or cupcake maybe?

How are you?
You look kinda thirsty to me.

Maybe some candy would be good.

No, well surely we have something here that you would like.

What a beautiful necklace you have. A gift from your sweet Brother you say. How nice!

And what exactly is it you say you do?

Queen of the Vampires?
Well, that must be a full time job!

And I see you brought you friend.
What, what did you say her name was
Pat? Oh sounded like you said "snack" to me.

Do you like the table?

You like the Barbie? Yes she's a real vintage bubble cut given to me by Stacey from Flotsam and Jetsam.

She even bought me the beautiful Halloween dress! Isn't it lovely?

Yes, Yes the spoon really is magnificent! Can you believe that Stacey made that for me? I know, I was so lucky to get such a fabulous swap partner!

May I introduce you too Polly Pumpkin? She is really a very sweet girl.

She's just going through a very tough time right now with an evil witch that's turned her Father into a pumpkin.

She's trying to find a prince. Unfortunately she got stuck with this guy.

He's no Ken but he'll do!

Oh well look at the time. I guess you need to be going.
I hope you enjoyed visiting our Halloween party today!
To see the other Halloween party participants
visit Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist!
Lindsey and Twyla


artbrat said...

Happy Halloween!

Salinda said...

Happy Halloween! I don't know what I loved more: the spider pendant or the Barbie. How fun!

Kathryn Costa said...

Oh thanks for the yummy sweet treats. That spider necklace is by far the coolest I've seen.

I have something for those heads swimming from all of the bewitching spells as we jump from party to party. Be sure to swing by my place for I have some brain tonic and three witches brew for you! Vincent Price is waiting patiently for you to arrive to begin his story. I do hope to see you soon!

Happy early Halloween.

Ana Balbinot said...

What a delightful food and drinks you have! Thanks so much for your invitation and for your comment at my blog. Happy Halloween from Brazil!!

AwtemNymf said...

Blog Hopping from Vanessa's "A Fanciful Twist" Party <{:O)
I love that pumpkin stagecoach! Tee Hee! And that spider necklace is charming! I'm not much of a spider fan (except for the movie), but I like the ones that are not alive! I enjoyed my visit!
*winks* Have a bootiful day!
Be Enchanted!

Betty said...

What a fun post! Happy Hallow E'en!


Hi! surely Samantha (the Bewitched
Barbie doll) should have made an
appearance by popping out of her box?
haha?! Very cute party post!
Happy Halloween!

cinnibonbon said...

Love the shoes of course!!!
Great party thanks for the sweet treats and and drinks!
Happy Halloween...

KatCollects said...

Twyla and Lindsey, what a great post! I'm loving the spider necklace and the shoes, I want to see your entire costumes : ) Thank you for the smiles.

Anonymous said...

Barbie's dress is my favorite!

Happy Halloween!

Sleepy Hollow Craft Company said...

we had a SPOOKTACULAR time!
what a fabulous bunch of BOOTIFUL creations...
stop over at our party too!
Sleepy Hollow Craft Company

Unknown said...

I love that skeleton holding the candy! happy Halloween!

Theresa Rohrer said...

Cupcakes and cookies? I don't mind if I do. And you have some lovely shoes there.

Dawn said...

Thank you for the invite and all of your Halloween festivities! You have done such an incredible job w/ all of your decorating. Enjoy your trick-or-treating in that true Barbie-fashion way!

Lindsay-ann said...

I enjoyed your fun halloween blog party post. The necklace is fantastic. Thanks so much. Happy Halloween.

ArtSparker said...

I'm glad Polly escaped from the pumpkin anyway.

Holly Loves Art said...

Very cute post!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!


Sherry said...

I love the shoes and striped leggings!! The spider necklace is cool but way to realistic for me to ever wear! Thanks for the great time at the party!!


Tumble Fish Studio said...

I popped in after seeing you at my party - just to say thank you for stopping by and I have thoroughly enjoyed your party and your blog. Though I live in Los Angeles, I am very familiar with Springfield. My dad lives in Mountain Grove as did my grandparents - I have visited there all my life though I have never lived there. We just visited last July. Lots and lots of great cheap antiques and junk treasures - oh my, loaded the truck. Lucky you to have such shopping heaven nearby. So, say hi and boo to Missouri for me! Thanks again!

{Daydreamer} said...

Hello ladies,

It's been fun! Have a happy Halloween!

Happy nightmares,
Daydreamer :)

Chris said...

Are these photos awesome, or what? I love this wackiness! But I must have that dress. Teh black and orange one Barbie has on. I would wear that all halloween.

Tara said...

Thank you for the yummy treats and I love Barbie's dress! Happy Halloween Party Day!

Shell said...

Lovely Halloween party. I had fun.

gma said...

Is his name Bruce?
He looks familiar.

Cindy said...

LOL! He's no Ken! LOL. Well, I guess they can't all be Kens. Great party and loved the spider necklace...kinda creepy cool! : D


Anonymous said...

What a lovely post and I love all your shoes. Barbie really looks wonderful. Happy, Happy Halloween !!!

Mel said...

I had a lovely time! Thanks!

Sherri said...

Glad to meet you at the party!

inge said...

I like the black and white drawing on the picture of the drink... also like the striped socks ànd the necklace !

greetings from Belgium

PS: you're also welcome on my party on my website !!

Happy@Home said...

Oh, what fun I had at your spooktacular Halloween party. You girls really know how to entertain. Love your shoes and the necklace is truly scary.

Happy Halloween,
Kim said...

oor Polly, stuck with that guy???? HAHAHAH!!! Mister and I are both giggling about that!

OO, look at your table setting and all your treats.. Did you say that striped girl was a snack? Witches love plump fingers ;)

Tooo fun!!! Love the spider neck jewel!! Cackle Cackle!! said...

ps: Although, I don't think the striped leg girl had plump fingers.. I will test her finger everyday, until she is ready, bwahahahaa!! was that the Hansel and Gretel witch? Oh yes, it was!!

Robyn said...

Love your skeleton and the spiderweb necklace!! NIcely done girls!!!

Unknown said...

love the shoes and barbie gown!
Happy Halloween.
come see mine!
katrina in az

Robyn said...

Hey girls, back again, just had to let you know my party is finally up and in full swing, stop by for a 'nightcap'!

Ms. Tee said...

Thank you so much for visiting and for your sweet comments - what a nice surprise today! Your decorations are so cute - I really like the strappy black shoes. :)

Sandra Evertson said...

Fabulous lace up shoes!
Happy Halloween!

Linda Lou said...

How fun-you really party up girls for Halloween! Can I come to your party?? Of course, I don't have all those wonderful party items like you, I have to Christmas, that's another story. Fun Fun Fun!

julietk said...

I enjoyed my visit,great pumps and boots, Hugs Juliet

Stacey said...


Melissa said...

Love the shoes.

Happy Halloween!

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

I loved your party...Happy Halloween!

Suzie Button said...

Hi Lindsey and Twyla, Nice party you have going there, Ken and Barbie seemed to enjoy it too! Hope you're doing well! Suzie

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Too fun!
I really enjoyed myself!


WOW, look at all your comments :)
I forgot my Trick or Treat bag to bring home all the goodies:)
How fun...see you tomorrow.

LiLi M. said...

Hello Ladies! Well, can it be more suitable than arriving here tonight??? I love your blog. I'm a Barbie collector too, but those days on a quite low level. But one will never be cured completely from that disease I guess. And of course I love anything vintage and crafting too! Have a great Halloween night. Over here nobody celebrates Halloween so I can sit quietly behind my computer and enjoy all Halloween posts! Have a great weekend too. Hope you have more fab finds!