Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I’m just a country girl at heart. I love the country style and would love to ‘country’ up my house more than it is.

Here are a few of the little country treasures I have found at the flea markets lately.

I am still drawn to these wall pockets. I found this one Saturday and just couldn’t resist the cheery sentiment – enjoy yourself.

It is always exciting to find a new piece of my Folk Art Pfaltzgraff and I found this canister Saturday. It is just very rare to run into this pattern.

Spring is popping up like mushrooms around my house.
These adorable mushrooms came in the mail today. They sure are cute! Thanks Deb!

I had an order for some of my crocheted mushrooms and I would like to show a sneak peak of how they are coming along.

Here they are on a small Christmas tree.

I thought I would show you a picture of my little red rocking chair. My grandpa had it made for me when I was one year old. There was family who were furniture builders. I always loved my chair and I sat in it until I did’nt fit in it anymore. I still remember the last time I sat in it and was scared that I wouldn’t be able to get out of it! I have kept it all these years.

How dear to this heart are the scenes of my childhood, When fond recollection presents them to view. – Samuel Woodworth

Lindsey has been making the Best banana bread lately. I thought I would share her recipe with you.
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 c. butter
3/4 c. brown sugar
2 eggs, beaten
2 1/3 cups mashed overripe bananas
Preheat oven to 350. Lightly grease 9x5 loaf pan.
In a large bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt. In a seperate bowl, cream together butter and brown sugar. Stir in eggs and mashed bananas until well blended. Stir banana mixture into flour mixture; stir just to moisten. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan.
Bake for 60 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Let bread cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto wire rack.

Wishing you all much happiness! Twyla


Anonymous said...

Hi Twyla... You sure do have some pretty Country decor pieces. I've got some like yours that were passed down to me from my Grandma, Mom, and MIL. I Love your "new" wall pocket clock ~ how perfect for you! I'm glad you were able to find a canister for your Folk Art set you're collecting... it's always exciting when you stumble upon a piece that is hard-to-find.

Are you dreaming about Mushrooms lately with all of the teeny one's you're making? They are simply Adorable on the tree! And it was so sweet of Deb to send you some as a surprise... aren't blogging friends the best?!!

Thank you for sharing the Banana Bread recipe. I'll be sure to pass it along to my Husband. Hope 'n pray that you've been doing well... I really enjoy my Tuesday's with you ♥
God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Anonymous said...

Good morning, Twyla! What a treasure to have that rocker! I don't even have one single memory of a gift from a Grampa or a Grampa speaking to me. :<

It blesses me so to see how Bobby loves our grandkids- it sort of makes up for it. Our 3 year old grandson Joseph was visiting his mother's (huge)family in Michigan recently but he called to talk to Bobby and said he was almost crying because he missed grampa! That sure warmed our hearts!

The colors in that wall pocket clock are so sweet! I don't guess I've ever seen a wall pocket in person. You've introduced me to something new!

Love that red and white enamel ware bowl. My mother must have had some because those sure speak to me.

I'll have to try Lindsey's recipi. Mine usually turns out too gummy in the middle.

I was wondering if you took that big mushroom order. They look cute on that tree.

Well, have a great day Twyla! It's always good to see you post!

~ ♥ ♥ ~

KatCollects said...

Hi Twyla,
Guess what, I had a little red rocking chair almost identical to that when I was little. The seat was broken and before my Dad passed away he was using rope to make a new one, it never got finished. I still have it though : ) I love the mushrooms that you make, they look cute on the tree. I hope you have a beautiful week filled with sunshine.

Stacey said...

You always find the neatest things Twyla. My questions is..where on earth do you put it? I have a policy that when something comes in something goes out. Terrible huh?


Hi Twyla,

That rocking chair is just so sweet:) Wall pockets are so much fun:) I love the sweet blue crock bowl that you have.
Keeping good thoughts for Lindsey and maybe she could sell banana bread for a little extra $$ :) Looks very yummy..

Unknown said...

EEEK Twyla! How cute are all those mushrooms! You are just so wonderful to make them for me! Besides Christmas I am going to display them all year in a glass canister for all to enjoy! Lindsey has been reading my mind! I have been looking everywhere for a good banana bread recipe and will be sure to give hers a try. I love to visit you on Tuesdays! You are a blessing to my life! Elizabeth

Unknown said...

Oh, that rocking chair is just a treasure! What a sweet thing that your grandfather made it for you when you were 1 years old! How sweet is that! That story is too cute how you sat in it the last time thinking you wouldn't be able to get out of it, LOL! I think I would've done the same thing when I was a little girl! :)

Happy@Home said...

Oh what a sweet little rocking chair with such nice memories attached.

I love the country decor too and you have found some nice pieces. Also, the little mushrooms on the tree are adorable.

Thanks for the banana bread recipe. It seems like I can always find some overripe bananas that need to be used.

Anonymous said...

The banana bread looks yummy! I like collecting recipes from different places so Im going to put yours with all the rest of my collection. I just found a recipe for scones from another blogger the other day that I can't wait to try as well. Looks like I'll be baking on sunday morning! Have a great day!

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Twyla
Lindsey's banana bread looks delicious. I love your little red rocking chair it's gorgeous. Your knitted mushrooms are so sweet and I love the pottery ones your friend sent you.
Best Wishes

Lisa & Alfie said...

Just a quick note to say have a great weekend girls! Alfie and I miss you.
Lisa & Alfie

Sherry said...

I love your new wall pocket! It's very pretty, as are all of your other wonderful country things. I love your little red rocker and I think it is so neat that you still have it.

Have a wonderful evening!