I have always wanted to be a painter. I’ve dreamed of one day spending hours in a studio creating works of art that other people would love. I also wanted to be a muralist.
I buy painting magazines to inspire me.
One day at work, a friend of mine was saying she would like a mural on her wall. I said, “I could probably do that for you. Let me show you some pictures and you pick what you like.” I, for some reason, just knew that I could do it. I loaned her my painting magazines and she came back with a picture of a tree that she liked.
We set up a time for me to come to her home and get started. I used a projector to enlarge the image of the tree on the wall. I penciled it in. I had chosen some acrylic paints that I thought would be the right colors.
I think it took me about three sessions of painting to finish the tree. It was such fun because I was living my dream. I was a muralist.
I was so proud of how it turned out. When the light hit it just right it looked very real. We all were happy and when she asked how much she owed me, I said, ‘Nothing.’ It was really just the experience that I wanted.
A year ago tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of loosing our beloved poodle, Buffy.
It was one of the hardest things our family has ever gone through. He was my baby for almost 16 years. He was a good dog and we all loved him very much. He was a part of the family and the dog that my children grew up with. We still miss him everyday.
We still cannot thing about him or that experience without crying.
You think dogs will be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us. – Robert Louis Stevenson.
Wishing you all much happiness! Twyla
Hi Twyla... So nice to see another Tuesday with Twyla post. I love learning new things about you! What a joy for you to have your dream of being a Muralist come true! Your tree is simply beautiful, and your talents are just endless... it was so nice of you to do that painting for your friend, but that is just part of who you are... a sweet, kind, caring soul ♥
Your tribute to your beloved fur-baby is so precious... I know all too well the pain of having one of your pets go over the Rainbow Bridge... I'm so glad that you and your family had so many happy years with your baby ~hug~ ... I am a firm believer that Dogs and all pets go to Heaven... one day you'll be covered with his sweet lil poochie kisses again...
I hope that you continue to feel better with each day... I think of you so much...
God bless...
~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~
Hi Twyla
Your tree painting looks amazing. You have a real talent for this. I have always wanted to paint too. Maybe one day I will get round to taking lessons. I have always fancied painting one of those trompe l'oeil where they paint a view through a window or door.
Sorry to hear abour Buffy. He must have been loved so very much by you all. Now I know why you like the poodle planters so much. Will be thinking of you tomorrow.
Your mural is gorgeous - brave of you to try that out, but sometimes you do just know you can do something and you've got to go with that feeling. The Stevenson quote is lovely, and the only thing you can think when you're remembering a dear pet.
Hi Twyla! Your mural is great. You should do it more often. Have you done any in your own home?
I know you miss your sweet puppy dog. Our Molly is 14 and we are enjoying the days. My friend the other day told me that Molly is the oldest dog she's ever known...that put it into even better perspective. By the way, I tell my husband all the time that I know my dogs will be in Heaven when I get there!
Oh, Twyla! I'm so proud of you! What a beautiful tree! ♥ ♥ ♥
Praying that you'll all be comforted as you remember your puppy. ~ HUG ~
The murial is fabulous! Well done you.
Victoria xx
You are indeed an artist! And now you will be inspired to keep going! Can't wait to see what you create next! Very beautiful art!
Hi Twyla ~ that is so awesome that you can paint murals...and I love how the tree turned out!
Your little puppy is tooo precious. It's so difficult to lose the fur babies...that will be a hard day for me when we lose Bear...:(
Have a great day!
I hope doggies go to heaven! I have 2 that should be there waiting for me when its my time.
I ove ur barbie collection! Too cute
Hi Twyla,
I think that could be your "new Job"!! I had a lady paint some words over my bed and in the dining room wall and she charged a good price, Plus $50.00 for her "travel time"... and your work is lovely...
I relate to missing your beloved pet. Our Harley has been gone for 6 years. He died 2 days before Kailee was born...that is bitter sweet for me..
Talk to you soon.
Deb :)
You are an amazing artist Twyla - follow your dream and keep painting. Sorry for the loss of your furry friend, we lost one of cat's last year too! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and your family.
Oh Twyla,
Your tree is just lovely! You certainly are gifted. I'm sure your friend will cherish it for a long time!
I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet dog. We had a dog, Tawny, that we lost almost five years ago. She grew up with my kids as well. She is still dear missed.
Hi Twyla,
What an interesting story about your tree mural. It sounds to me like you are a natural artist. The tree turned out beautiful and it sounds just like you not to charge for your work. You come across through your blog as a genuinely sweet and kind lady.
I can't even imagine how painful it was to lose your sweet little poodle. I really dread that day.
Hope you are feeling all better now and have a wonderful week.
The mural looks lovely!! I wish I had some of your artisic talent.
Buffy is so adorable. I was saddened as I read your post and learned of his death.
Hope all of your medical tests turned-out well. Take care~
Awwww Buffy was adorable. I believe he will be waiting for you in Heaven with big kisses! I hope bunnies get to go too : ) Sending you all a big hug, I know it hurts. And WOW, you did a great job on the mural. A hidden talent I did not know you had. You have every right to be proud of yourself, I am so happy for you!!!
So sorry about your doggie! Pets can become such a huge part of our lives.
I would love to paint to. I imagine myself painting, but the imaginationa and the hands don't know how to work together :( Your tree looks amazing and you should be very proud of yourself!!!
Have a beautiful day!
What an awesome experience and what incredible results with that tree Twyla! You did a fantastic job and kudos for being brave and just putting it out there that you were willing to take a risk. It paid off beautifully.
I know I shouldn't but sometimes I think of what it will feel like when I lose Alfie. Just dreadful as it sounds like what you experience when you think of your little one. They give more to us than words can express, don't they?
Thanks again for sharing your artwork.
Lisa & Alfie
Twyla, Your mural is just wonderful! I have painted on my walls many times because my mother always told me never be afraid to pick up a brush and use it like a pencil. Your brain will do the rest! I hope you will peek at an adoreable planter I got today and posted on my flickr. I blame this new addiction on you! Happily I might add! Have a great week! Elizabeth
OMG! that tree!!
It is spectacular! Will your talents ever cease??? It is so wonderful, you did an amazing job! She must have been absolutely thrilled! I know I would be!
I'm sorry about Buffy too. Our pets never leave our hearts do they?
When my sweet Sadie passed away about 10 years ago. I just pictured her running free again! just like she did before she got sick.
You had the pleasure of having her in your lives, and she was blessed to be with such a loving family!
Enjoy your weekend.
OH WOW! Look at that tree! You have so many hidden talents!
Sorry about your precious doggy's passing one year ago. Things like that are always so hard to get over. I still have dreams on occasion about my kitty who passed away 12 years ago. Poor lil' guy!
Hi Twyla, Your mural looks absolutely great, you are very talented. I would really like to know which colours you mixed or used to do this piece of work?
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