I thought I would start off by showing you a couple more pictures from a vintage Barbie book that Elizabeth of Creative Breathing gave to me.
Mom gave me this beautiful Barbie last week. She told me it was an early Easter present! She is called Timeless Silhouette Barbie and she came out in the year 2000. I remember that I thought she was so lovely because of her beautiful dress. The silhouettes along the bottom remind me of a 1959 Ponytail Barbie.
I found this vintage Barbie train case Saturday. It's in wonderful condition! The case is from 1961.
I don't own this Barbie but I wanted to show her dress to you. It is a very desirable dress among collectors. It's called Gay Parisienne #964 from 1959. This bubble dress was only shown in the 1959 catalog.

Now for this year celebrating Barbie's 50th birthday, Mattel is coming out with this Silkstone Dealer's Exclusive Barbie.
The original Gay Parisienne dress was reinvented to commemorate the original dress.

Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers! I still don't know anything but whether I get the job or not I plan to shop there and become very friendly and known in that store and hopefully get a job there someday!
Wishing you a grand day, Lindsey
I'm still in love with that Pink Baby Sitter Apron! Also, fell in love with the sitting Barbie in the Pink 'n White dress on your new case... which is an awesome find for you, Lindsey! It looks as if it was barely used/played with. Your Mom was so sweet to give you that beautiful Barbie for an early Easter gift... I know you were thrilled to get her!
Good idea to let the new shop owners get to know you... I'm holding positive thoughts for you, and am hopeful that you'll get your dream job...
God bless...
~hugs 'n prayers~
~waves to Twyla~
Here's hoping you get the job you want!
You really know your Barbies don't you! That new Barbie Doll your Mom got you is absolutely beautiful! :)
Hi Lindsey,
Always love seeing what you find to add to your collection. I hope you have a good Wednesday.
Good morning, Lindsey! Love that baby sitter! I'd love to see all your cases together! Do you display them or do you have to tuck them away? ♥
What a nice mom you have to give you an early Easter present. And such a pretty one too.
The vintage pages from the Barbie book are so cute.
Keeping my fingers crossed for your job situation.
Hi Lindsey
Thanks for sharing more of your lovely Barbies. I love the case and book too.
Good luck with the job. I sincerely hope you get it. You would be perfect for it.
Best Wishes
What a wonderful post! I love the train case! Now my dream is to find a case! lol Love your blog! Good luck on getting the job! I hope things work out for you, sweet friend!
LOVE all that you and Twyla showed us today and Tuesday!Twyla, I love your country things and Lindsey, I love your Barbie things, especially the doll. I have never seen her before.Wow, that banana bread looks great!Hope and pray you get your job.
Sarita in Texas
What a book to treasure. Love all the Barbie things....m
My best friend is on holiday in the US at the moment buying up all the Anniversary edition dolls! She's brought about 15 so far!!!!
Victoria xx
Oh, wow. I would use that Barbie train case as my purse -- yum!!
You have a wonderful mom, Lindsey--such a thoughtful Easter gift...
and Godspeed on your dream job.
Another lovely Barbie Wednesday post , as always!
In celebration of Barbie's 50th the California History Museum in Sacramento is having a special event! And we are going tomorrow!!!! I couldn't help but think of you. I wish you could come with me and my girls. I was a huge barbie girl when I was little. I played with my barbie's into my teens. I still have the barbie airplane from the 1970's which is vinyl, not the plastic one that came out later. I also have the original barbie bicycle. Most of my barbie's got eaten by mice or rats though because my parents had them in boxes in their garage. Bless their hearts, they tried to save them for me. Some of my barbie clothes made it and I have them in a box somewhere.
Lindsey, I missed something somewhere about a new job. Prayers for you! Please tell your mom that my planter arrived. Sent so beautifully, I just love it. I will be posting picture soon. Have a great week Lindsey. Loved the train case! E
Hello to both Twyla and Lindsey! Thanks so much for entering my giveaway! I was just on my way to invite you to the party so I'm so glad your found your way over to the blog! :)
Thank YOU for all your sweet comments on my blog and for both your fun blog posts!
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