Sunday, January 30, 2011

All Keyed Up!

Hello friends!
We have more valentines to share with you today!
These 2 feature cute kitties!

These valentines would look cute on tags.

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday, Lindsey and Twyla


Nan said...

thanks for sharing girls I adore these especially that top kitty.

Unknown said...

I'm on such a happy little high with all the cute surrounding me I can't stand it! With love, I LOVE coming here!
Cheers to us...three cute girls in a pod.

Theresa said...

TOO cute, thanks a bunch! Have a blessed Sunday! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Kitties AND keys! :) You girls find the cutest valentines! Thanks! ♥

Jane said...

Love these cute kitty valentines! Thanks so much!

Victorian1885 said...

I love Vintage much nicer than the newer ones!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Vintage Valentines bring back so many wonderful memories of my parents.. Thanks so much for sharing

Leah's Art Magic said...

Cute Valentines! Take me back to my childhood. :)

Meredith said...

I just love the Valentines, they are so beautiful so much nicer than what is available these days. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend,

Alexandra MacVean said...

I'm really loving all of the vintage items you share on your blog. :)

Cindy said...

Thanks for the kitty cards. I will use them, for sure.