Friday, April 17, 2009

My New Job!

I now have a part time job at our local Scrapbook store!
YEAH!!!!!! It's called The Scrap Nook and it's in Springfield, MO.

This is where I will stand everyday and check out customers.

I love all of these bowls of buttons and how they used tea cup flower pots to hold individual flowers.

See those doors in the back? That's where we are expanding into the next building!

I can't wait to start! I'm going to have such fun spending time here!

Here is my view from the counter.

This is where I will turn to greet our customers when they walk in.

And this is my Spring Bunnies layout that I showed

I look forward to working there and getting my employee discount!

Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes for me! I am so excited to have this job!



Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo! Congratulations, Lindsey! I'm so happy for you!

Your store is so cute!

So is your lay out displayed at the store? ♥

Unknown said...

Congratulations to you, dear Lindsey! What a perfect job for you! Are you going to take any money home after you get paid or will it all get spent in that store? LOL! I know that's what would happen if I worked at a place like that, LOL!

Your bunny layout looks so pretty! That would be a selling point to get them to hire you, for sure! It's so cute! :)



Hi Lindsey,
CONGRAT'S...I'm betting you'll spend all your $$ at the store. It looks like at fun place to work!!and I know that you will be a great asset there.
Happy Dance for you.
Thanks for the sweet doggie ATC it..
Thanks T for the sweet doggie Tag...also love it..
I'm off to email you..
Deb :)

Unknown said...

Lindsey! You have found your calling! I couldn't be happier for you. I had a thought of you come to me this weekend as I photographed a red shiny Barbie case. You must have been sending out happy vibes! Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

I KNEW you could get a job there- all this and Heaven, too! And an employee discount! Congratulations!

Linda Lou said...

Congratulations on your job Lindsey, sounds like it perfect for you, and you get a discount I hope!

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Lindsey
We only just got back from our trip today. We are so thrilled to hear about your new job. Wonderful news. The shop looks great. We are so excited for you. Looking forward to catching up with the rest of your blog later this week.
Best Wishes
Lindsay & Jessica

Anonymous said...

YOU GOT IT!!!! How fun is that going to be. Now, don't spend ALL your money there...I'm so glad for you lindsey.. Hugs, Jennifer

Protector of Vintage said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!! Are you keeping your other job or did you resign?

Anonymous said...


Congrats! The scrapbook store is lukcy to have you! Perfect job for
you. Great News!
You won't mind going to work at all! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey...


~cheers 'n tosses confetti~I'm delighted that you were blessed with this dream job! It was nice to see photos of where you'll be working, too... I wish you all the best, and look forward to hearing more about your job as time goes by...
God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~

April ~ AUTISM Awareness Month~~Hugs to Twyla~

barbara said...

Yippee! You're going to have a great time going to work - and they're so lucky to get you!

LBP said...

YES!!!!I am so happy for you! You layouts are just stunning. Those scrapbook store owners just made a brilliant decision!

Faye said...


Michele said...

Congrats...that's super! What an adorable store! I had a job at our scrapbook store for a total of about a week...I just couldn't handle standing on my feet all the time. Plus, I probably would have had to hand over my check to them with everything I would buy!


Angela Harris said...

Hooray! THeres no better place to work for you! Congratulations!

Hey Guess what Lindsey you won the Pink Fan in My marie Month giveaway! Can you e-mail me with your address so I can send it to you?

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

What a perfect job for you! Try not to spend more than you earn!!!

Victoria xx

Happy@Home said...

Yippee!! I'm so happy to hear that you got the job. I can tell by your enthusiasm that you will be a real asset to them.

KatCollects said...

Hi Lindsey,
I am so happy for you. We have a store called the Scrapbook Nook in another town that reminds me alot of this store. I love it. I hope you have alot of fun working there.

Anonymous said...

wow what a great job! I would never "earn" any money, it would all get spent on lovely craft things, beautiful papers, shiny new pens... lol


Rose X

Julie Stewart said...

Lindsey, I am so happy to hear about your new job! I own a quilt shop, and I love it when a young enthusiastic quilter wants a job here.I know you will be a real asset to the shop, because you care about people, and you are interested in what they do. You can buy scrapbooking supplies in lots of places, but customer service, and having the people working in the shop interested in what the customer is working on is priceless.

Remember not to buy everything all at once, there will be more goodies the next time you are working! Good luck to you. Julie

Unknown said...

Oooh, I want ot go shopping with you. Looks like a fun place to go.

Lorlore said...

I love scrapbooking!! Just got home from a retreat in Tahoe with 20 of us all in one big house scrapbooking away! My sis Heidi has the Gold Country Girls blog. I love to follow yours also. Have fun working!! Lori

Loretta said...

There; I knew you could get that job, even if I'm reading a year ago in your posts, and not this year's posts. Ha...ha...I bet you love it there. Was it your talent in creating layouts that helped get you the job? How has it been working there for a year?