I am a treasure hunter. You are familiar with the kind of treasures that I usually find at flea markets and antique stores, but there is another kind of treasure that I enjoy hunting for, morel mushrooms.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked upon these little treasures. My son and I were visiting a cemetery where my great grandparents are buried when we happened upon these morels.

We were so excited! We picked them and had them fried for dinner the next evening with biscuits and gravy. That's how we eat them here in the Ozarks.
Another kind of treasure hunting I did this weekend was for this set of Fire King blue splash bowls. I have been looking for them for awhile, but they are often expensive. I found the two bigger bowls at a flea market Saturday for a price I was willing to pay :)
Then quite happily, Sunday evening, I discovered the third bowl at a flea market in Branson, MO. I was beyond excited. I now have the whole set. You can't tell from this picture what a beautiful robin's egg blue color that they are. The color makes me happy!
Sunday I, along with Lindsey and my son, Jordan went to Silver Dollar City. It is an old-timey theme park located in Branson, MO. It was our first trip of the season. We usually get season passes so we can go often. It was so good to be back. The smells are wonderful as soon as we stepped into the city.

This is what Jordan and I ate for our lunch. It's called Family Feud and has chicken, corn, fried okra, onions and peppers all cooked together in a huge cast iron skillet. There are several varieties of these food medleys around the park and they are all good. There were so many different food choices that we circled the park two times before we decided what we wanted to eat.
We enjoyed the day visiting all the usual sights. The city is filled with big tall trees and beyond those are big beautiful hills. Among the trees was this Dogwood tree.

This is the Wilderness church. They even hold services on Sundays. There is also a small school house beside the church.

My favorite shop is the pottery shop. I love looking at all these beautiful works of art.

Here, you see one of the local artists working on a piece. The shop is decorated in a country style that I find irresistible.

Another favorite of mine is the basket shop. I could have picked out several! They are beautiful and some are signed by the artist.

We had a wonderful time, but came home worn out. We are already anxious to go back though!
I hope you all are having a wonderful week! Take time to enjoy yourself! Twyla