Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This is a special Barbie Wednesday. I received a gift from one of my favorite bloggers, Barbara of Ooodles and oodles. I don't quite know what I did to deserve such a wonderful gift but I will treasure it always. I discovered her blog this Spring and really enjoyed her sense of humour and style. I enjoy reading her blog and although I don't comment as much as I should I enjoy every post.
Okay now I know you are burning with desire to see what she gave me. Right?

She gave me two gorgeous pieces of vintage Barbie fabric! I have never seen or heard of it before. I tried to find any information on the web but with no luck. I've emailed Mattel from the Barbie collector site but we'll see if they ever get back to me.

Barbara told me that her Mother had purchased this fabric and made dresses for her Barbie and Skipper dolls. I still can not believe that she would share something so precious with me.
I think somewhere I have seen a photo of a little girl wearing a dress in this signature print. It didn't occur to me that it had been made with fabric.

Next to the fabric is my vintage Fashion Queen Barbie wearing the signature print.

I found this shirt at Target a couple years back. They only had one left and it was x-small (which is why it was the only one left) but I bought it anyway.

I truly can't even begin to express how lucky I am to have friends like Barbara that both I and my Mom have discovered in this wonderful world of blogs. I would like to say thank you to all of our friends. You guys don't know how much you have enriched our lives!

Speaking of blog friends I've been tagged by Marian of Princess of Pink (My current swap partner) to list 6 things about myself and tag six others.

1. I may be young, twenty, but I don't have near as much in common with other girls my age. While they like to go the mall, I like to go to flea markets. While they go get there nails done, I'm washing dried glue and glitter from my hands. I could go on and on but I think you get my point.

2. I love, love, love to read. I admit I am a big fan of the Harry Potter series. They're the books that got me into reading. Recently I have been very obsessed with the Twilight series.

3. I have seen the new Twilight movie 3 times and still can't wait to see it again.

4. I have a huge fear of needles! I lied and got out of my tetanus shot. A small, very small part feels slightly guilty but not having to hyperventilate and faint in the doctor's office seems to make it more justifiable.

5. Although I would like to say I have a glamorous job I must admit I am a (cringe) fast food worker. I work at Hardee's. I'm a cook. I could never deal with the many cranky customers that come through our door, so I assemble burgers. I have worked there for 4 years now. In this line of work I am considered one of the senior employees. The one thing I think people should know is be careful what you say when you order thru the drive thru. There are speaker's in the ceiling above the kitchen so that everyone in the back can hear what you are saying. Needless to say I have heard some strange conversations, cell phone conversations, and odd music.

6. I am one of the most shy people. If I were to meet any one of you in person I probably would say about two words and that's it. Not that I wouldn't enjoy your company but I am not a girl of many words. Which I think comes out a lot in my posts.

Now to tag 6 people

Barbara of Oodles and oodles

Stacey of Flotsam and Jetsam

Shanda of Front Porches - Sweet Tea and Old Aprons

Holly of Girls at Heart

Kathy of Kat Collects

Julie of Pieceful bits

Thank you for visiting us today,


Pink Princess said...

Nothing wrong with working in the fast food world, sweetie!!

And I adore that fabric, wow what a nice gesture!
I will have to make pics of my (3) vintage Barbies and send them to ya one of these days.

OH I am working still on the swap, duh! But no worries, it will come your way ASAP! Will let you know.

Hugs and have a great week.

Marian from the Netherlands

Anne Fannie said...

Hi, I love this vintage fabric. Mattel made several outfits for Barbie in this fabric. In 1965 they made a dress called Barbie Learns to Cook and Lunchtime in this pink fabric. They also had the same print in a red and blue and they made Fun at the Fair and Barbie Hostess Set. Skipper also had a outfit in this print and they also made a blouse with it. I have most of these outfits if you want to see I could take a picture of them and send them to you. I also posted something today for Barbie Wednesday.
Love, Ann

Holly said...

Oh, Lindsey! how sweet of Barbara! What a special gift! Thanks, Barbara, for being so sweet to Lindsey!

Well, thanks for tagging me and giving me a little "plug" for my new blog! :> This is my first tag!I just learned how to make a "word" link yesterday but something tells me I'm doing it the hard way... There's probably a short cut.

Having 2 separate blogs has proved to be a little bit tricky. I'm learning lots of tech stuff, that's for sure!

I'm glad you told us where you work. I *had* wondered! I'm very nosey. ;> Thanks for the tip about being careful what we say at the drive through window! My mind is now zipping back through time and wondering about this time and that and what we might have said! Ha!

Well, I'm off to think about 6 things about myself! Have a great day- don't burn yourself!

~ Hearts ~

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

What precious gifts you lucky thing and you so deserve them!

Victoria x

Unknown said...

YAY!!! Barbie Wendnesday! I love it! Your Barbie looks so cute in that signature print shirt! How nice of your blogging friend to send that fabric to you! You facts were fun, too!
Thanks for making "hump day" a little brighter with your Barbie Wednesdays! :)

Heidi Ann said...

Oh, you are a lucky girl indeed to have received such a fabulous gift from another wonderful blogger!! I have never seen that fabric before and it is so cool!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey... I really enjoyed this post, and learning more about you! Please try to not "cringe" when you say where you work... hold your head high and be so proud that you have a job, and even more proud that you've held it for so long! My son, 22, got laid off a few months ago... he's a cook, too... and still has not been able to find a job... it's just crazy out there! Ohhhh, I am so totally with you on that fear of needles!! I'm a fainter, too... UGH!

Now, that Awesome gift of Barbie fabric is simply amazing! And, soooo pretty, too! That cute shirt you bought would look really neat in a shadow-box frame... or even sewed 'n stuffed as a decorative pillow for your bed or favorite chair! Also, I did get your email about my old Skipper doll... thanks so much for taking the time to write to me, and I "owe you one" for sure!!

Thanks for sharing so much with us... ~waves to Twyla~ ... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Lindsey
I always enjoy your Barbie Wednesdays. That fabric is so precious and you are just the right person to treasure it by adding it to your lovely collection. I enjoyed learning more about you. I think we have a lot in common. I laughed about the tetanus shot because after my last one I will not be having another. I had a bad reaction to it. Also I am happier at a flea market rather than a shopping mall and I can't stand nail vanish or long nails! I will remember what you said about the drive thru next time we are driving thru! Is Hardees a bit like the McDonalds and KFC's we have over here? If so I would love to try one of your burgers.
Best Wishes

Anonymous said...

Hi, Lindsey - you have no idea how happy it makes me to know how much you love this fabric! Your words of wisdom came back to me when I went to the drive-thru at McDonald's for coffee this AM. And listen - you have to get a tetanus shot. I hate them too. But you like flea markets, and there's lots of rusty junk there, and you need the shot. No excuses. (I have to lie down on the exam table with a cold washcloth on my forehead when I get a shot - I'm a fainter. But I did it and SO CAN YOU!)

Unknown said...

Dear Lindsey, I am so glad I popped over today. I love your Barbie Wednesday's. I have a Barbie Christmas story I might have to share one day, it's a fun one. You sound like the shy young reader I was as a young woman, but look at how well you write because of it. Thank you for Wednesdays! I hope you head over to my blog also on Wednesdays and get in on the giveaways. Not many people read, so you have a great chance! E

Stacey said...

Hi Lindsey- Id love to participate:) Thanks for tagging me. I'll do a post on the 6 things soon... Hope you have a lovely holiday season!

LBP said...

I love and envy that Barbie fabric! I am now on the "hunt"! LOL!

Nothing wrong with earning an honest living no matter what you do! Do you make the biscuits? Because they are my favorite, even better than my Aunt Claras!



KatCollects said...

Hi Lindsey,
What great gifts you received! Thank you for tagging me, I posted my answers : ) I hope you are having a good week.


Hi Lindsey:)
How very wonderful to receive the Barbie fabric and let us know what Mattel said.
I'm shy also, but not in blogland:)
Sounds like you are a great employee and you should be proud of that.
Is it looking like Christmas at your house?
Christmas JOY to You.

Heidi said...

Cute fabric! I never knew there was any "official" Barbie fabric back in the day! When my mom gave me my Barbie for Christmas (in about '66) she gave it to me in a Velvetta cheese box with some fabric scraps to make my own Barbie clothes! (But no Barbie fabric!). Hugs, Heidi

Seawashed said...

My daughter Grace has that Barbie shirt from Target in xs and still wears it. It was one of my favorites. My other daughter Holly has a pink retro Barbie T(from Target too). They grew up loving Barbie because I did and they even got to play with my old Barbie's. I still have a Barbie bike, and vinyl plane from the 1070's. Probably worth a pretty penny!

XoXo, Vicki said...

I came across this fabric and was wondering if Mattel ever responded and provided you with additional information? Thanks so much!