Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I thought with next week being Christmas I would show you some Holiday Barbie's .
Mattel started the Holiday Barbie line in 1988. It's also one of the most collected themes.

These are not mine! But so that you can see what they all look like I found this photo from an ebay auction listing.

I don't have all of them, maybe not even half. Here a couple of the from my collection.

In 1993 Hallmark started making ornaments to match the line of Holiday Barbie.

Here is one of my favorite Barbie's. It's an Avon exclusive.

Until a couple years ago, Sam's Club would come out with a special edition Barbie at Christmas. I was lucky enough to get one the last year they had one which was our first year as a member.

This Winter Ballerina Barbie was a recent find at a thrift store.
You can tell she's been out of the box, but to still have it was quite something.

I know this sounds like I am getting off the Barbie subject but it comes back into the story.
Do you ever notice how when you're working on a craft project or doing anything really important that somehow whatever you needed just disappears? Personally, I think there are little craft gnomes(Mine's name is Squatsy) that hide in the corner of your room and when you turn your head they run up and grab your glue stick and then sit there and snicker at you while you start going through your mess of paper scraps, and crawling around on the floor looking for it.

Well, I had a small piece of paper on top of an unstable pile of patterns and cards that tumbled over on the floor, so naturally, he ran up and grabbed that little piece of paper knowing I would need it soon and now he won't give it back!
So this little piece of lost paper has a picture of Barbie from a vintage booklet that I was making a set of tags with.

Just as soon as I find that piece of paper I will list my set of 3 Barbie tags in our etsy shop.

I hope the rest of your week is filled with Holiday happiness, Lindsey


Anne Fannie said...

Hi girls, I love the Holiday Barbie Collection. I have every one from 1988 to now. I have some of the ornaments but not all of them. I usually put up a Barbie tree but this year I didn't feel up to it. Your Barbie tags look really cute. I can relate about working on something then losing it and you can't find it. I usually blame the dog......
Thanks for Barbie Wednesday. I really look forward to it each week.
~Love, Ann

Pink Princess said...

OH YEAH!! Those gnomes are the worst to live with, lol. They ALWAYS snatch my things when I am not looking, because I sure don't loose them, lol.

Hugs from Marian and LOVE the Barbies!!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

More fabulous Barbie-ness. I think my favourite is the Avon Barbie in her pink and black gown - stunning.

Victoria xxx

Unknown said...

Perhaps if you have "Squatsy" a more respectable name like "Happy" or "Friendly" maybe he wouldn't steal your glue stick so often!?! Okay, maybe not. Perhaps he has earned his name.

kulli said...

So nice with all barbie´s I need to get a baby girl so I can start to collect them.

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Lindsey
Thanks for showing more of your wonderful collection. The Holiday Barbies are lovely. I hope you find some more and one day have the whole collection.
Best Wishes

Becca said...

I really like your Barbie tags. Very cute.

Anonymous said...

Ha-ha, Lindsey! As soon as you started talking about lost items, my mind said, "Yeah, like the glue stick!" Ha! I agree with Tatting Chic, maybe if you gave Squatty a more respectable name, he'd return your Barbie paper! :>

Your tags are really cute! I think I would like making tags.

Every year, I admire the Holiday Barbies I see in the papers. Soooo pretty. I hope you get them all some day, Lindsey girl!

~ Hearts ~

Jessi Nagy said...

hi girls,,

now you know i love the holiday barbies,
so sweet.

Happy holidays!!


Anonymous said...

The barbie tags are really cool.
Be great addition to the barbie dolls

Eggs In My Pocket said...

They are all so pretty! Just stopped by to wish you a merry Christmas and many blessings for the new year! blessings, Kathleen


Hi Lindsey:)
You and your Mom sure made my day yesterday:) Love them and so appreciate you both:)
Love the dark haih Barbie...and the tags are sweet.
I think I'd give my naughty gnome and about, Trouble !!
Merry Christmas.

KatCollects said...

Hi Lindsey,
Cute post, I have a craft gnome too : ) I think one day I am going to open a drawer and there will be a whole stash of goodies that went missing. The latest was a pearl bead in a vintage earring that I was getting ready to glue back in, turned my head and it was gone. I never did find it. I hope you and your family have a beautiful Christmas!

Jessica Rodarte said...

Very pretty "fancy" barbies. :) When I was younger, I didn't like the fancy barbies because they were so pretty, and I wanted to play with them, but they were not supposed to be played with just looked at. lol. I should go buy myself one and play with it. *giggle* I like your collection. :O)