Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The brand new Where Women Create magazine is such an inspiration. It is as beautiful to look at, as it is inspiring.

I love reading about women who are successful in their field. Whether they own a shop, make quilts from home or create whimsical crafts to sell, they inspire me!

It gives me hope that if I preserver and continue to create items of quality I can be successful, too.

I do not kid myself that I am ready for the pages of this awesome magazine. No, as these pictures will attest, order is not part of our workspace and I’m sure it would not inspire any other woman to want a workspace like ours.

Sorry, ladies, no wide shots here. I am too embarrassed for that. We do have plans and are figuring out what we need to get the most out of our craft room, but right now, we have to share storage space.

I am lucky in that my craft is portable and I can do it anywhere in the house. What I need now is a place to store my yarns, which I have an abundance of.

One of my favorite quotes from the magazine was from Karin Cammel – For an artist, self-confidence is more important than any paintbrush or piece of paper. Define your personal myth and have the courage to live it.

I am excited and thrilled to be a part of Sadie Lou’s Lollishops. I am so looking forward to filling our shop and hopefully provide items that people will appreciate and cherish.

As I think about creating and all of the wonderful inspiration that come from other women like you, I have to say that the most important quote for me is Psalm 51:10 – Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Wishing you much happiness.


Patty said...

The lamb parade is so cute!

Stacey said...

Define your personal myth and have the courage to live it.

That is profound! I think that should be on a shirt!!

I think it's so neat that you all have a craft room of any kind. I'm the kind of person that wants to do crafts - but never do.

Lindsay-ann said...

I enjoyed seeing your craft room Twyla. It's much more interesting to have a space like that than one that is 'too' tidy and organised. I bet you know where everything is. My husband can never find anything if I have tidied up! I can imagine you now working away on your projects. I wish I had a craft room. All my stuff is boxed up in the loft or garage. It must be lovely to leave out what you are working on and not have to keeping putting things away.
Best Wishes

Anonymous said...

Twyla, thank you for visiting my blog today! And for the nice comments. I'm glad you found me through Michelle Palmer's blog. Isn't her work totally from the heart!

Congratulations on having a mother/daughter blog and etsy shop. What a blessing it is to enjoy time with a daughter. I have two! Yes, blessings!

Please stop by again. You're always welcome. I will be happy to add your blog to my list of favorites.

Have a nice crafting day!
Diane from Diane's Musings

Dawn said...

Blessings on your Lollishop endeavor -- it looks positively delightful -- perfect for two beautiful, faith-filled women!

Knot Garden said...

My sewing workspace is a mess - I don't think I would want to photograph any of it! I keep my yarns in stacking plastic containers with lids. Not very pretty but they stay nice and clean.
I liked the quote from the magazine. Here's another one I like about creativity: "To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." So true!

Hilda said...

Sure do wish I had a craft room like you! Then I could leave all my scrapbooking goodies out and not have to unpack them all every time I want to scrapbook! Your planters were so adorable!!

Michele said...

Hi Twyla ~ I love all your lambies! And your house shoes! My craft room is such a mess...but I can find everything!


Unknown said...

Hi Lindsey, Your heart is ready. I just need to get your name and address, and it is in the mail. Thank you again to both of you for reading my stories. Elizabeth

Holly said...

Hi, Twyla!

I'm so excited for you to be a part of Lolishops! Can't wait till it opens.

Thanks for stopping by recently!

~ Hearts ~

KatCollects said...

You are already successful in my book : ) I love seeing your work space. It is more important what you create than where you create it, and you have amazing talent! I love that magazine too, but the new one I am loving the most is the Romantic Homes one, AMAZING!!! I looked in there and want a pink Christmas in the entire house now, lol.


Hi Twyla,
I really like the Bible verse you shared:) You have seen my "craft room" and yours looks great compared to mine...maybe next year it will get done or started I should say. THe magazine looks interesting. I haven't seen that one before. I'll have to check it out. What is the difference between your esty and the lollishop? Take care friend.

Sweet Sage said...

Thanks for sharing this magazine, Twyla. I've not seen it before ~ will definitely have to find one! I love the thoughts on self~confidence and courage. (sorely lacking here)
And your workspace looks just fine to me! I gather that you are a VERY BUSY woman ... no doubt you know EXACTLY where everything is at. At least the important stuff! And, no matter how many times I straighten and de-clutter (and vow never to let things get messy again) ... well, you know the story ~ Creativity can't always be 'neat'!
Mine is all over the place!
Thanks so much for stopping in~
Take Care~

Sherry said...

I love the quote. Self confidence has always been one of those things that I've been short on.


Anonymous said...


Your studio/creative space looks as though you're ready to create at any moment. I like that.

I also love those booties.

Thanks for sharing.

Jill xoo

Unknown said...

Love the bible quote! Those drawers full of fun stuff would inspire anyone. Trust me. The mannequin head you found at the flea market was pretty neat with the vintage sheet music. I read my ME Home Companion while in line for the hour and 20 mins waiting to vote yesterday. I had not heard of this new premier magazine but I will have to look for it. I too am a magazine junkie.

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Everyone is raving about where women create magazine... I must see if i can get a subscription in the UK!

Victoria xx

Castle in the Air said...

I just stumbled on your blog and was so charmed and honored to find myself quoted!! What a surprise.
As for keeping things tidy - I'd say that living creatively is rarely living tidily! It took quite an effort to dig my studio out of the felt scraps before the photographer came.
Thanks for sharing all that you do!
Best wishes,
Karima Cammell
AKA Karin Cammel ;)

Holly said...

Ha-ha! Now I remember your craft spaces! I even commented. I'm determined to have fun while I continue to go senile!

I do so love your little lambies!