Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Twyla on Tuesdays - Barns

Hello friends!
I love a drive in the country.
Sunday afternoon spent driving through
a Missouri countryside is my idea of
a great way to spend the day!

I'm always attracted to the beautiful old
barns that sit along the highways.  Whether
they're still in use or abandoned and
falling apart, I think they all have character
and a story to tell.

I was never lucky enough to live on a farm
although my grandparents did and I
can still remember my grandpa's barn that he
built himself.  No longer standing, it is one of
the places I remember playing as a child.

What is it about these old barns that are so charming?  I love
the pealing paint and the rustic wood.  I think there is a
romance about old barns.  It brings up thoughts of times
gone by and a different way of life. 

Thanks for coming along with me on my drive
down the Missouri byways.  It's been my pleasure
bringing you along!
Have a wonderful day!
Love, Twyla

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Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!! Slávka

Pam said...

I love old barns, too! It's sad that so many of them have fallen to decay and are disappearing. Great pictures!

Theresa said...

Oh how I enjoyed the drive with you! I love barns and silos:) Have a blessed day and thanks for sharing these beautiful pics! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

I can just see you stopping and taking those pics! :)

I'm glad that our landlords plan on restoring the barns that are here on the farm. He was telling us that the oldest one was the kind that had a bridge in the back so they could drive up and unload hay into the top! We have seen the fallen bridge but just thought it was a pile of junk!

We're going with a realtor today to look at a place. I'll e mail you about it later. ♥

Cindy said...

I love the old barns too! We have a big gray barn on our property that needs some work. It's going to be expensive so we're putting it off. But it will get done!

Unknown said...

I so loved our drive with you thru the countryside. We often drive out in the country for me to capture these stately ladies in grandeur. So many thoughts of what, when, why wander thru our minds of the history & events that have occurred with each beauty.

Have a great day ~

★Carol★ said...

I would love to travel the country and do nothing but take pictures of old barns! I always loved the smell of my Grandpa's barn. It's my aunt's barn now, and whenever we visit her I have to go take a whiff of the old barn!


I enjoyed the outting with you! I think old barns are awesome!

Barbara said...

I love the old barns and especially love the "quilt barnes" as I call them...along a quilt trail. I just got back from Tennessee and photographed lots of old barns with quilts and some without. If barns could talk they have a story to tell. Thanks for taking us with you!!

vintage grey said...

Love old barns!! They just make me smile, and I always wonder what treasures are inside them!! xo Heather

Brittany_Va-VoomVintage said...

I'm in Missouri too and since my husband loves to be in the drivers seat, I get the pleasure of checking out the scenery on road trips. Every time I see an old barn or broken farm fence, I want to jump out and take pictures!! x

Brynwood Needleworks said...

The light coming through the boards. The building's memory of lives begun and lived within its walls. Barns speak to me...as thought from a previous life. I know exactly how you feel about them, my friend. Exactly.

Thanks for sharing your ride through the country and bringing back photos for us to see.


Cynthia said...

Great photos, Twyla. I also love the old farm homes in the area. Thanks for sharing!