Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello friends!
I'd like to introduce you to my husband.
This May we will be married 32 years,
1979, a long time ago.
We were so young, a lot to learn.
He took me to McDonald's our first evening of married life.
Yes, I'm still married to him :)

He's a man of simple tastes.  He still prefers hamburgers
and hot dogs to fancy meals.  We've shared a lot of fun
and laughs over the years. 
He puts up with my yarn spilling from baskets all over the house.

I almost didn't marry him because it meant going to
Germany with him in the service and leaving
my family behind. 
Turns out it was the smartest thing I ever did.

(pictures taken on an anniversary at Silver Dollar City)

Thanks for visiting today!
Wishing you much happiness!


Hearts Turned said...

Happy Anniversary, Twyla! Congratulations--32 years is wonderful! We'll be reaching 23 this year in May...hard to believe!

Thanks for sharing your special day and those sweet photos of the two of you!


Diane Mars said...

happy Anniversary, congratulations to the two of you, cute pictures. oxox, Diane

LaVonne said...

Wow, 32 years in May. That is amazing. Kuddos to you guys. Thanks for sharing. You will have to pass along some tips for a healthy and long marriage :)


Nan said...

Big congratulations to you and your hubby for making the marriage work, going over the bumps and enjoying the good times, life is a little bit of both.

Sarita Boyette said...

Oh, I so enjoyed meeting your husband! You two make a beautiful couple. Our anniversary is tomorrow, 37 years. Hooray for long marriages! xoxo

Jenny at Red House said...

Congratulations! it's a celebration day I just became a great aunt six hours ago! jennyx

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Lovely to hear more about your other half!

Victoria x

Anonymous said...

Look at you two cuties! ♥ I'm so glad that someone has been married at least one year longer than me. Then you know how much I've suffered! Ha-ha! Just kiddin'(sort of!) ☺ You know what I mean... The rocky times are soooo rocky but when we have the good times,I'm always glad I stuck in out!

You two look so cute in those stocks! what law did you break? ☺
I'm glad you got to live in Germany. Moving away from home helps you to grow up fast, eh? I only moved to Texas but compared to Washington state, it was a whole different world.

Any plans for your anni this year? We were so exhausted from moving last year that we hardly did a thing so I hope we can do more this time.

Have a great day, Twyla! You make the world a better place, too! ♥

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Twyla ~
Happy Anniversary coming up!!
I smiled when I was reading
about your hubby ~
You are truly blessed :)


GardenOfDaisies said...

I LOVE hearing about people who make their marriage work and are happy doing it!! (The news is always full of those who don't and aren't.) Traveling to Germany for a few years sounds exciting to me! :-) Anyway, sounds like he is a keeper!! :-) You two look cute together!

Happy@Home said...

It was so nice to meet your hubby. Congratulations on your upcoming 32nd anniversary. That is a milestone to be proud of. We will be celebrating 30 yrs. in June.

Tamera's Craft Palace said...

Happy anniversary!!!


Love seeing the photos of you and your hubby! Congrat's on the up coming Anniv! In 1979 I had my first child, yup, he'll be 32 this year! BOY..guess I am getting "old".
Happy Tuesday.
I have Kailee today..spring break!

Simply Shelley said...

What a sweet couple...you both look very happy....blessings to you both

Anonymous said...

Happy upcoming Anniversary!! DH & I will be married 43 years in July!! Yep, where does the time go??
Have a Wonderful Day!

Elyse said...

very sweet. warmest congrats!


★Carol★ said...

Congrats on your upcoming anniversary! You're such a cute couple, and still in love after all these years. That's rare!

ImagiMeri said...

Congratulations Twyla & Hubby!!!!!

May you be blessed with at least 32 more years together and may those years be twice as wonderful as the first 32.

God Bless,

Loretta said...

Oh Twyla! Congratulations on a happy married life; your hubby is a sweetie! I love the pictures of the both of you.

Marie said...

Congratulations! Thats a long time! Thats Awesome!:)

Cindy said...

Happy Anniversary! You guys look so great together, still in love.

Theresa said...

You TWO make such a lovely couple! Congrats on 32 years together! We celebrated 25 last October:) Love lasts!

Have a blessed day, HUGS!

Meredith said...

Twyla, I just love this post. Congrats on your great accomplishment. Many, many happy wishes are being sent your way,

Angela said...

Happy Anniversary! That time away from family was a growing up experience wasn't it? I did the same thing...a little more than a decade before you did. I lived in Ramstein. Where were you?

Protector of Vintage said...

Lovely post! Happy Anniversary!

April C said...

Congratulations on 32 years of wedded bliss. You've been married as long as I have been alive ;) With so many marriages ending in divorce these days, it's so nice to see a couple who are still happy together after all those years. Many more happy years to you two.

Rizzi said...


{oc cottage} said...

How blessed you are!

m ^..^

Julie said...

32 years married is so wonderful! Many congratulations to you and your hubby.

Thank you for being a new follower on my blog!

Julie (twistedstrands)

Melinda said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!


Home and Heart said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hope you had a wonderful Anniversary, and I wish you at least 32 more!! You look great BTW!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Look how cute you both are! Happy Anniversary! Here's to good times and many more years of happiness! Hugs! Diane ♥♥♥