Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Barbie Wednesday

Mattel has been releasing photos of some of their new collections for 2010. One of the new Barbies is Barbara Streisand. I am sure they had to create a special head mold just for her!

Mattel has also created this trio of 8o's rock Barbies. Starting with Joan Jett Barbie!

Debbie Harry Barbie. I think she is the prettiest of the trio!

And Cyndi Lauper Barbie! She is quite lovely too! I think her hair color is awesome!

I happened upon this cool new item from Barbie that I can't wait to add to my collection. A vintage reproduction shoe card! Isn't this cool?! I love how you can see the styles change as you go from top with the Ponytail Barbie, to the bottom with the Superstar Barbie.

This is a Barbie football table, in which two teams of Barbies spin their legs at the ball while somehow keeping their impeccable hairdos in place. Surely an added challenge to those working the handles. It's a limited edition, on sale in Parisian concept store Colette, for an unimaginable 10,000 euros.

I want to thank you all for the early Birthday wishes! I am really super excited, but starting to feel old.
I can't wait for Saturday!


Irma said...

Beautiful, and what looks good on them, I always used to play with Barbie as a child.
I was a Barbie fan and of course Ken.
Beautiful collection.

Irma Greetings from Holland

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I love Barbie shoes so this card with them is fantastic in my eyes!

Victoria xxx

Anonymous said...

Oh I used to love Deborah Harry! Makes me smile just thinking about her.

I used to always loose my Barbie shoes! I think I remember chewing on them, too! ☺ That shoe card is a good idea.

Hey, maybe you'll get that foos ball table for your birthday!! Hee-hee! And you're not allowed to feel old! do you hear me? ☺ Choose to be forever young! ♥

SparkleFarkel said...

Did you say birthday?! I thought I smelled cake! ***huddling with other Barbie Wednesday commentors*** Shhh! It's a secret! I think we should chip in and get the Barbiefoot for Lindsey! ***passes hat*** Hmm. The tough part will be wrapping it...

Sue McPeak said...

'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun'...Did Cyndi Lauper know about Girls and Fun in 1983! And it's still soooo true today...just look at You Two and Barbie Wednesday... soooo much fun! Obviously, I love the upcoming Cyndi Lauper Barbie...Gotta Have Her! BTW...Birthday Girl...Girls Who Just Wanna Have Fun are ageless! Happy Birthday!!!!....Sue

Leave a Legacy said...

I never knew there was so much Barbie stuff out there. And I'm lovin' your new header and the look of your blog. So feminine and sweet.

Lynn said...

You make me want to collect Barbies, I love the posts you do on them :)
Happy upcoming birthday Lyndsey too, what a special one it is :)

Hearts Turned said...

This is the second Barbie Wednesday I've been able to enjoy--so much fun! Thanks for your visit, and for always saying such kind things!

Dogwood said...

Oh, my unbelievable! Rockstars as Barbie! Those shoes are fun! Those dresses! The hair. Amazing.

Fun. Thanks...

My name is Riet said...

How lovely to meet a barbie fan. In my youth there were no barbies and once married we got 4 sons so no barbies here. But we have two granddaughters and thank goodness for that they love barbies but too young to be collecting . I just tell them to hold onto them, never throw or give them away

LiLi M. said...

I love to see those new Barbies. I wonder isn't the Barbra Streisand face mold the same as the grandmother face mold that came out a couple of years ago? I love Joan Jet the most, as I think neither Debbie Harry nor Cindy Lauper look like the real ones as I have seen both life at the that is what I would call an old lady! As we should say: You just have opened your eyes, but you will realize that in about 20 years, enjoy your birthday!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh, I love the shoes! How cool is that! Great post!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

That's really cool ! 80's kids will love those Barbies.

Pearl said...

I had one of the original barbies with the blonde and white & blk. suit. Oh what I wouldn't give....thanks for stopping by my blog I love making new friends. Mother daughter team how wonderful! I really like your site and am currently going through it. I love the little figurines you have and hey I have two miniture black poodles!! Poodles Rock!

Shirl said...

Hello what a beautiful post! Thank you so much for stopping by. Love your Barbies. Also loved your Halloween costumes!
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Anonymous said...

I really like Joan Jett and Blondie. The shoes are great too!
Thank you for keeping us up to date
on all the great Barbie products.
Barbie Wednesdays are the best.


Anne Fannie said...

I like the Barbie Shoe card reproduction!
I have all the old ones.
I also like that pink grame table. How fun is that?
Enjoyed looking at your Barbie Wednesday!

queen-of-nostalgia said...

What will they think of next? :) Very cool - I love Barbie Wednesday!

Jenn Bontrager said...

Where are those shoe cards available at? Can't find them. :(

Elyse said...

i want the shoe card!

i love the 80s barbies and am thrilled with the barbra barbie. hooray for ethnicity!


Unknown said...

I'm too vintage to roll with the Barb and the Joan and the rest...Put Barbie back in her poodle skirt and pony tale and I'm happy as a lark. The shoe card is a keeper for sure!

Heidi Ann said...

Hey there almost-birthday girl!! I want to know, also, where one might find that shoe card?? My Barbies need some shoes. I LOVE your Barbie posts!

SparkleFarkel said...

Birthday greetings be yours: ”Get Ready to Confetti!” at

Happy B-day!

Janean said...

i still can remember my first Barbie! it's a "right of passage" or something, isn't it? lol. sweet blog.

Lori said...

Awesome new dolls! But my oh my the shoes are fabulous!!!! So wish I had room for my Barbies! They are tucked away in storage boxes!!! Lori

Rossnxzn said...

I like the Barbie Shoe card reproduction! I have all the old ones. I also like that pink grame table. How fun is that? Enjoyed looking at your Barbie Wednesday! ~Ann