Hello again, dear friends. This week I wanted to share with you my jadite collection and some Fire King pieces that I have collected.
The platter I got at a garage sale for $3. The little cup was my grandma's and has been around as long as I have. There is supposed to be a little saucer that goes with it, but every time I've seen them at antique shows, they're very expensive.
I would love to have sets, but my collection comes from sales, thrift stores and flea markets so it's a piece at a time. I loved this refrigerator dish.
I have a whole set of this gold rimmed pattern. My grandmother gave it to my mother as a wedding gift.
A close up of one of the jadite bowls. I don't know the name of the pattern.
This is my newest piece.
I ran across this magazine article on a Fire King collector and was amazed not only at the collection but also at their style. Notice the Fire King stenciled along the wall.
The surprising thing about this collector was that it is a man. It said he has at least one piece of every pattern ever created by Fire King.
It is said to be one of the largest,most complete collections of Fire King in the country.
He began it because of childhood memories of visits to his grandparents farm.
I was lucky enough this past week to win a give away from one of my favorite people, Jill of Bittersweet and the Little Soap Co. and Calico Petals. I just love it! She is so talented and makes very soulful items to sell in her two shops. She is also working on a cookbook due out by fall. Go visit her shops where she sells her aprons and the best soap in the world!
I'm standing in my sunroom. My favorite room in the house this time of year. I have so many pictures of my grandma where she cut her head off the picture because she didn't like the way she looked. Well, I wasn't too happy with mine either so that's why I'm headless.
I am still walking. I walked another 12 miles this week so total I have gone 34 miles on my way to see Deb!
Have a happy week! Twyla
You are to pretty to be headless! : ) I am so happy you won the giveaway, your apron is so cute. I am now wondering if the one set of vintage bowls I have is Fire King. They are white with red cherries on them, I never knew anything about them. Collecting things one piece at a time is a great way to get the things you love. I hope you are having a good start to your week.
Wow - I haven't heard of jadite or Fire King before, but love both - especially you rimmed bowl - it is so so pretty - i am definitely keeping a look out for these now! Are they American made?
I love the jadite - that colour is just beautiful. I hadn't heard of Fire King. It's so nice that you know the history of a lot of your pieces and that they came to you through your family.
Well Twyla, I'm glad that even though you're headless- you can still walk! Ha-ha!
Your dishes are very pretty. I'll have to tell my friend Diane. She loves Jadite, too.
Wow, what a collection that guy has! I wonder if he dusts all that? I'm not too big on dusting!
I didn't know you had a sun room!!!! I want to see more of it! ♥
What a lovely collection,
Victoria x
Keep on walking!! It's the best thing for you. :) I had to say that first.
Your jadite and Fire King are gorgeous. I love the soft color of the jadite. Neat.
Have a great day.
Morning T !!
Are you going to have an collection like that guy??!! I love the white with the gold trim. My Grandma had the gold/penny colored dinner ware. You'll have to add on to your house!
You are too funny about the headless shot...very pretty apron you won!!
It's a good day...
Off to varnish and then to HQ to set up!!
Talk to you soon.
Deb :)
Mmm! I love all of that Jadeite. I would love to have a white kitchen with the light green dishes displayed!
Jenni B
Hi Twyla!! wow that collector has an awesome collection. I have a bowl from my grandma that is marked fire king......congrats on the win!!! and the apron is beautiful!! please tell lindsey I'm looking forward to Barbie wednesday!! hugs, Jennifer : )
Hi Twyla
Your collection is great. I love your apron too.
Well done with your walking. Glad you are enjoying summer.
What a lovely post! Your collection is beautiful and your new apron and sunroom are so charming!! Good luck with your walking~
Hi Twyla,
Head or headless, you still look very nice in your pretty new apron :-)
I think you are well on your way to a collection to rival that man's. Your new piece is great.
I really enjoyed seeing the collection in the magazine. That is amazing and displayed so nicely.
Your jadite pieces are so beautiful. I just love that shade of green. Collecting is such fun :) Thanks for sharing
Thank you for sharing your article! At first I gasped at my wrong reading of a headless grandmother! Too funny! Your apron is just perfect! Enjoy the spring in your lovely sun room! Elizabeth
Hi Twyla... This was such a Fun post to read... How nice to see more of the beautiful things you collect... I have an old magazine laying around somewhere with a spread/article about that same guy! I will have to find it and take photos to share... he really does have an amazing collection.
We are big Fire King Lovers in this house... I believe that the pattern of your bowl is called "Jane Ray"... The cup you showed in the first photo is for sure a "Jane Ray" cup. I have several pieces of that pattern that had belonged to my MIL... As we sort through our boxes this Summer, I'll be sure to check to see if I have a "Jane Ray" saucer to go with your cup... if I can find one, it's yours ♥
Hope you're doing well... as you know, I'm way behind... Love the idea of walking to Deb's! Let me know when you get close, and I'll fly out to meet y'all... tee~heeee! Have a Beautiful day...
~hugs 'n prayers~
Twyla, we have a lot of collecting to do to catch up with that guy! I love your Jadite - I bump into spare saucers every now and then, so I'll put your name on the next one I find. Love your collection.
What an incredible collection you found to share here Twyla. I love the jadite. It is the happiest of all their colors. I have the ruby glass charm pattern I inherited from my grandmother. How is the summer shaping up?
Lisa & Alfie
Come on over and check out my new book giveaway blog :)
The old dishes are the best, aren't they? You have quite a nice collection going. And I love your new apron, but wish we could see your head!
Blessings, Sarita
Wow! That is some collection in that magazine! Thanks for sharing! :)
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