Normally, Lindsey is the one who does the paper crafts, but every now and then I like to make some scrapbooks myself. I love scrapbook paper and have quite a collection. One of my favorite things to make is paper bag albums.
I thought I would show you one I made to look like an old photo album. One day Lindsey and I were in one of our favorite flea markets and I found a box of old photos. I couldn’t pass them up because of their value as ephemera.
I’m not sure how I found the poem, but discovered it on the internet, it’s called Strangers in a Box by Pam Harazim. I made the album by combining the pictures and poem.
Since you can’t read the words on my pages, I’ll share with you this poignant poem.
Come look with me inside this drawer,
In this box I’ve often seen,
At the pictures, black and white,
Faces proud, still serene.
I wish I knew the people,
These strangers in the box,
Their names and all their memories
Are lost among my socks.
I wonder what their lives were like,
How did they spend their days?
What about their special times?
I’ll never know their ways.
If only someone had taken time
To tell who, what, where, or when,
These faces of my heritage
Would come to life again.
Could this become the fate
Of the pictures we take today?
The faces and the memories
Someday to be passed away?
Make time to save your stories,
Seize the opportunity when it knocks,
Or someday you and yours could be
The strangers in the box.
One of the little collections I have been working on is this set of restaurant creamers. I first saw Heidi Ann’s collection on her blog, Gold Country Girls and just loved her many creamers. I’m a long way from your collection, Heidi, but it is fun looking for these little treasures.
The vintage valentine that we are sharing today is one that my mother gave me when I was a little girl. It is a very special one to me.
Mornin', Twyla! Yes, I'm up in the middle of the night. 4 hours sleep is enough- right? ☺ I think it's my soul's way of getting some time alone. It MUST happen in order for sanity to continue.
Your paper bag album is wonderful! You should play with paper more often! My problem is cutting it strait.
I love those chunky creamers! I like their simple beauty.
~ ♥ ♥ ~
Ohhh... looks like I'm up with Holly! Good Morning, Twyla... I bet you're still sleeping... Just loved every bit of your sweet paper bag photo album. I have not heard that poem before, but I think it's terrific, and you used it so well... Beautiful work... I've only made one paper bag book, for a Christmas gift, and I forgot to take photos before I mailed it... Duh!!
Restaurant Creamers are so nice and heavy... with pretty lil designs... You're off to a fantastic start on your collection...
Loved seeing your Orchid Valentine... a priceless treasure for you, indeed! Thanks so much for sharing, and I do hope all's been going well for you...
God bless...
~hugs 'n prayers~
Hi Twyla
Your paper bag albums are wonderful. Thanks for sharing the lovely poem and pages of your album. I love it.
Those creamers are so cute.
The valentine card your Mom gave you is so special and your favorite I am sure. Thanks for sharing, I always enjoy your Tuesdays posts.
wow! THat paperbag album is gorgeous! I love finding old photos like that and with all the fun things people have done with them (like your sweet album) I just might try something like that!
I just bought a journal that has some old photos like that in it. So cool!
Your vintage goodies are just darling! :)
Good Morning. Great post today. I agree with Holly, those little creamers are cute. It's fun to have things like that to collect that are also usable.
I can't believe you have the Valentine your mom gave you. I'm such a failure at saving things.
Your photo album is beautiful. Scrapbook paper is all so pretty and so much fun.
Oh - you have some beautiful creamers, Twyla! I don't have any like the ones you've pictured. They're lovely.
Hi Twyla,
I wonder if my photos will end up in a stranger's hand!! Your album is wonderful. Wish we could play together!!
How neat that you have a Valentine from your Mom.
Love the creamers..too sweet, like you!!
Off to read more blogs.
Amazing! Where you find this vintage things? Im from Poland and I know a bit of English sorry. Your scrapbooks is beatiful! Retro pictures, doll clothes... :) Sorry for my mistakes.
I love vintage and please, tell me how I can find things like this! :) Have a great day!
just how do you go about making a paper bag album? Yours is just beautiful! I too have a soft spot for "returant" creamers. Their sturdy squatness appeals to me.
My husband is always dragging me past the old photos section at flea markets...I love looking at those faces and wondering who were they? what dreams did they have?! Now there is this sweet poem ! I love the restaurant creamers...I have my Grandmothers collection of "travel" creamers! But these are too cute!
Whenever I see old photos for sale at antique stores it seems kinda sad that nobody in the family wanted them. Leave it to a sweet lady like you to take them and turn them into something so beautiful. And the poem is just perfect to go along with the pictures. I'm glad you shared your paper craft talents. Nice job!!
I absolutely love your creamer collection! The album is so charming, thanks for sharing your talent with us!
Oh How I love your "Strangers in a Box" Paper bag book... and the Poem!
did you write it?.. My I make a copy?... it would be great to put in our Ya Ya scrapbook. I'm always reminding everyone to write names on the pictures!...but I'm also guilty of not doing this! I'm afraid of all the digital images that never get printed. This is a good reminder for me to print them!
Thanks for the wonderful "Twyla on Tuesdays".. love it!
Thank you both for sharing. The poem and photos are wonderful. The Valentines light up my day! Thank you also Twyla for your kind comments. My husband talked me into working through this PA instead of "disappearing", I am so glad that I did. Your visits mean so much. E
This is one of the sweetest ideas I have seen with old photographs. I love the poem. I always wanted to learn how to make paper bag albums, yours turned out amazing!!!
Your scrapbook is stunning!! You did a beautiful job!
This is such a sweet scrap book that you made...such a touching poem and it's perfect...with those vintage photos...very pretty....
sweet and pretty creamers too. It's amazing what things can be found out there. Such fun hunting things isn't it?!
big hug,
Just came across your site, I love it. I want these creamers, they are adorable!
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