This is my dress form. It's not vintage or custom made but I love it. My Brother bought it for me for Christmas a couple years ago.
I didn't have much on it but a few necklaces and belts untill last year when my sweet Brother bought me something extra special to put on it. This vintage Christian Dior pink robe!
Dior is my favorite brand! I will have to share photos of my Dior makeup collection sometime!
While I keep the Dior robe on my form most of the time I wanted to show you this other vintage robe I recently put on my dress form. I found this beauty at a flea market a couple weeks ago. I just love the big pink buttons!
As far as a name goes I guess what pops into my head is Nellie in her nightie. Seems to fit!
I found this cute little wicker form a few weeks ago. Love it! I think I will spray paint it though!
On it is Mom's (Twyla) beautiful fifties bed jacket. I was so jealous when she came home with it a couple weeks ago! It was also a sweet gift from my Brother!
I have yet to come up with a name for it so if you have any ideas I am open to suggestions!
Now go and visit Shabby Scraps and check out the other blogs!
Thanks for visiting. Lindsey and Twyla