Hello Friends!
I love collecting Barbies! I enjoy sharing them with you and reading your sweet comments, stories of your own and questions about them.
I was three years old when I received my first Barbie. She was a special doll to me. My Mom let me know when I was old enough to understand that she was my first and so I made sure she always was my most well played with doll.
I used to dress my dolls up and try to comb their hair (never cut) pretty. I would then make Mom be the pagent judge and judge which doll was the best looking.
Because of the era that I grew up in, some of my favorite dolls were my Disney Princess dolls.
When I was young we would go to a flea market that had a Barbie room. Although I don't remember it, I am told that I would just love the Disney Cinderella Barbie and all her accessories.
iv>For my fourth birthday I received the entire set! I am lucky enough to remember this occassion. I also have photos and a home video of this Birthday. I will look for them soon to share.
I will always remember that Birthday as one of the best!

I loved spending my days playing on the floor, setting up my little house for Barbie and only worrying about how I could get Skipper's cute outfit on Barbie!
I remember having two or three Beauty and the Beast, Belle Barbies. I also had Snow White, Jasmine and Mulan.
I loved spending my days playing on the floor, setting up my little house for Barbie and only worrying about how I could get Skipper's cute outfit on Barbie!
Although I know that I never ever pulled on my dolls heads, I had when I was little, several Barbies and all of my Kens Heads fall off. I don't know why but I know I didn't pull them off!
I hope you have enjoyed seeing pictures of a Barbie puzzle I put together! I found this cute puzzle at a flea market.
Happy Wednesday, Lindsey