Here is the block that Elizabeth sent Twyla (Mom). It happened to be around the time of Mom's Birthday when she sent her block.
Here is the block that Mom sent to Elizabeth. She used a vintage card image for the background and added a crepe paper rosette to make it pop!

Here is the beautiful block Elizabeth sent me! It's so lovely! I have it hanging above my bed!
The lovely back side. I really love the paper she used. It's called Girl Friday by Cosmo Cricket. After receiving this block I ordered a set of this paper!
And this is the block that I sent Elizabeth. I really had a time deciding whether to send her this block featuring a vintage Barbie or to send her a block with a vintage card image but ultimately Barbie won over!

I also wanted to let you all know that we will be keeping the list of Oz party participants on our side bar permanently right below our favorite blogs list on our side bar. I will be working the next couple of days on getting the links to go directly to the party post!
We hope you have all had a fabulous weekend!
Lindsey and Twyla