Maybe it goes back to when I was in school or maybe it’s because I was a summer baby, but I don’t want summer to be over! It is my favorite season of the year because it is so carefree and relaxed. People go on vacation and play outside. You feel like a kid again in the summer and I’m just sad it’s almost over. We did not get to go on vacation this year. All four of us have very different work schedules and having two new babies in the family made it impossible to get away for a ‘real’ vacation. Here are a couple of pictures from past vacations.
I’m digging for diamonds! One of our favorite vacation destinations is Murfreesboro, AR to dig for diamonds. Sometimes when you are under a lot of stress it is good to go sit in the dirt and dig. Like when you were a kid, except here, you might find something valuable.

Here was another memorable vacation. My dream had been to visit Fallingwater. We went there a few years back when we went to Washington D. C. Here I am on the balcony, (in the middle) proof that I was there. It is a gorgeous place. I want to go back so bad.

Here is my picture of that most famous shot of Fallingwater.

We have been tagged by Patty of
Pipstitch to name seven quirks about ourselves. My first reaction was, ‘What quirks, I don’t have any quirks.’ I did manage to come up with a few though. I’ll do mine today and Lindsey can do hers tomorrow on her post.
1. I hate telephones! Don’t like to answer them or call on them. If I don’t know who’s number it is, I won’t answer it. I’m not quite sure where this aversion comes from.
2. I weigh every morning. After I go to the bathroom and without a stitch on, I weight. Yep, quite obsessed!
3. I like to be home and I don’t like going to work so, I wait until ten minutes before I have to leave for work to get ready. I linger over blogs, I comment, I pretend I am a housewife and nothing more until I absolutely have to get ready or I’ll be late.
4. Frank Lloyd Wright once said, ‘Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities.’ I am the same way, I would rather have something I want than have new underwear!
5. I can’t sit and watch tv without doing something else. I have to be working on some craft project because I can’t stand to waste all that time just watching tv.
6. I hate to put away the clean dishes from the dishwasher, especially the silver ware, that is the Worst. I love putting the dirty dishes in though.
7. This one is kind of bad, I don’t like to make plans. One of my favorite
sayings is, “Let’s just play it by ear.” I like being spontaneous, what
can I say?

Patty also gave me an award that I must say, means a lot to me. It is the Super Commenter Award. I enjoy leaving comments as much as anything about blogging. I want you all to know how wonderful you are and how you brighten my days and bring joy to my heart, so I comment quite a bit. When we first discovered blogs and before we had one our selves, I would read a post that would touch me in a certain way and I would try to leave a comment and couldn’t figure out how. I would get so frustrated! It took me a long time and several lessons from Lindsey to figure out how to leave one. I can now type in our URL without even looking!

I would like to pass this award on to all the people who faithfully read and comment on our blog. I am sure we have the most loyal readers and we appreciate and love each and every one of you!

It is now time to announce our 100th post give away! This is it our 100th! When we first started we didn’t know if we’d ever make it this far. Our first post was Dec. 23rd ’07. We didn’t get a comment until Feb. 5th, from Angie at
Quilly Silly. She will always be close to my heart for that reason. We just want to show our appreciation to all of you who make blogging so much fun and who we think of as friends. Just leave a comment between now and next Monday and we’ll announce the winner on my next Tuesday post. We will be adding more and more to the giveaway as the week goes on so this isn't everything that the winner will recieve!

Of course, I have been crafting. Making house shoes for the shop and for Christmas gifts. I always give lots of these as gifts for Christmas and they always seem to be appreciated.

My recommended blog of the week is Cottage Affairs. Go. Now. This is a seriously cute blog. I don’t know why I never ran into her before, but she is my kind of girl. Her name is Anita and she likes pretty vintage things and writes in a fun way. What could be better?

I was in the thrift store the other day and a sign on the wall said: God will not give you more than you can handle. I wish God didn’t trust me so much!

Wishing you much happiness! Twyla